Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 72 - Yang Zi First Surprise Gift To Zhou Yixian

She took a hot bath when she got to her room. While dressing up, there was an evil grin on her face as if she was just reminded of something. She came out of her dressing room glowing more than ever. There was something different about her when she came out, and that thing was the fact that she was genuinely happy. She could not stop smiling. She grabbed her sketchbook and started drawing something. Being out of work, she had a lot of free time for the thing she was passionate about. She could still recall the joy and satisfaction she felt the first day her mum taught her how to design a dress. She felt happy then. She had a lot of butterflies in her stomach. The feeling was like the one any lady feels the first time she falls in love. She once told Shui Shui and Shiyi that she did not need to fall in love since she was already in love with her designs.

Feeling so inspired, within the space of three hours Yang Zi drew over twenty dresses and shoes. She stood up and stretched her body before she called her beloved Yang Mi. Pretty Yang Mi was always her vitamin whenever she needed strength. For over six years, she poured all her love on her. She loved her so deeply. She loved her as though she was her biological sister. Yang Mi who just finished taking her bath smiled happily when she saw the caller. She talked and laughed for twenty minutes, refusing to disconnect the call. She talked about so many trivial things but particularly all her topics of discussion was majorly about her birthday. Her conversation with Yang Zi was cut short when Mrs Yang who came to check up on her saw that she has not yet dressed up even after she finished taking her bath long ago. ​​

Yang Zi talked to her mum for a long time before her mum disconnected the call. After the call, Yang Zi, who knew that she would be bombarded with so many questions about what happened to the Zhou's refused to go outside. She needed some peace. She picked her computer and started working on some official documents someone sent to her. When Yang Zi heard a knock on her door, she knew that her quiet time was over. She saved the documents she was working on and turned off her system before she went to get the door. She did not forget to put on a very depressing expression when she opened the door. The person at the door was so sad to Yang Zi in this condition.

"Miss Yang, are you Ok?" Wen Min who was so worried about Yang Zi when she saw the news of what happened to Zhou Corporation overnight asked genuinely concerned about her. She decided to come check on her when she heard Yang Zi's haters gossiping about her.

"I will only be fine if everything goes back to how it normally was. It's so painful knowing that everything my boyfriend has worked so hard to achieve is going down the drain," Yang Zi said miserably. "It is cold outside so you can come in," Yang Zi offered. Wen Min felt so bad for her. She wished there was something she could do to lighten her mood a bit. Wen Min sat down beside her.

"Miss Yang, I am sure CEO Zhou will overcome this problem so you don't have to feel so disheartened about what happened. News had it they are doing everything possible to know the cause of the malfunctioning of the two games, so I am certain that we will hear positive news before today runs out," Wen Min comforted the demoralised Yang Zi.

"You think so? I really hope your words are true," Yang Zi replied almost at the verge of crying. "This is far from being over my darling because my second gift is on its way," Yang Zi assumed. Wen Min was completely fooled by her acting. In her wildest dream would she guess that Yang Zi was pretending. Wen Min stayed for a long time with her, trying every means to calm her down and also cheer her up.

Yang Zi locked up herself in her room after Wen Min left. She did not go to the hall for breakfast or the morning meeting they normally hold to inform everyone about the day's activities. She fooled everyone to think she was extremely sad by what happened to her boyfriend's Company. When everyone thought she starved, they didn't know that Yang Zi was happily eating the snacks Shui Shui packed for her. During the many fun activities and games for that day, everyone was just bored without Yang Zi. Her teammates really felt her presence. Yang Zi called Yixian in the morning when she woke up, but his line was not going through. She could only guess that maybe he deliberately switched off his phone because of the countless phone calls he got from reporters and shareholders of his company. She was about to step out of her room when her phone rang. She smiled devilishly when she saw the caller's ID.

"Hello honey, I was worried sick when I couldn't get in touch with you since early in the morning. I almost boarded a taxi back to town out of anxiety. I only became relaxed when all my colleagues assured me that everything will be alright," Yang Zi sobbed. Zhou Yixian who was very restless at the other side of the line felt so guilty when he heard Yang Zi sobs because of him. He always saw her as a powerful lady. He knew that his action extremely hurt her, which is why she could not hold back her tears.

"Honey, you don't have to cry. I have been so damn busy trying to calm down all our shareholders who have been on my neck since the moment they saw the news about the malfunctioning of the two games. I have been running around the entire City since 4:00 am trying to solve the problem. I haven't had a minute of rest. I might really lose my mind if I can't proffer a solution to the problem at hand," Yixian said dejectedly. Yixian did not know that the lady he was relaying his plight to was the one responsible for his suffering. Yang Zi grinned from ear to ear when she heard his last sentence.

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