Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 70 - Did You Really Not Know The Answer Or Did You Deliberately....

"If you don't want to die, never try that nonsense with me again. I easily lose my temper so I can't predict what will happen to you if you dare try to take advantage of me ever again," Yang Zi whispered to the MC as she smiled charmingly towards the audience. Nobody saw her whisper those deadly threats to the guy. Even though someone saw her did that it won't be any other person than Yifeng and Su Jin who were monitoring her.

Celebration filled the air after the four participants climbed down from the stage after the MC announced the second and third position. ​​

"Miss Yang, you are so fabulous",

"Now, I know that there is nothing in this world Miss Yang is not good in,"

"Miss Yang, you are the best,"

"I will definitely marry you to my son",

Everyone bursted out laughing when Mrs Ning made the last remarks. They knew what she said was not possible since her son was just three years old. All the participants, especially Team 1, 3 and 6, were praised for their excellent performances. They threw party afterwards to celebrate the winners. Su Jin who pushed his friend into joining the competition went to where he was sitting down all alone to congratulate him for his victory.

"Feng, you should really thank Chen for your victory when you get back because you would have lost woefully had Chen not always forced you to watch movies with him," Su Jin said playfully as he wrapped his left hand around absentminded Yifeng. Su Jin who did not hear Yifeng's reply turned around to see what was the problem with his friend, it was then he realised that the absentminded Yifeng was staring at Yang Zi so he did not hear him. Su Jin tapped him gently to get his attention.

"You will bore a hole all over her body if you keep on staring at her in this manner," Su Jin said. His voice held a hint of sarcasm.

"Look at her, she is so delighted that she won," Yifeng remarked, still staring at her. He acted as though he did not hear Su Jin's sarcastic remarks.

"Feng, there is something I am curious about. Is it really true that you did not know the second screenplay's name, or you deliberately did not write the second screenplay's name because of Yang Zi?" Su Jin questioned as he gave Yifeng a suspicious gaze.

"Why would I deliberately fail because of her? I didn't write the second screenplay's name because I couldn't recall the name so stop spewing nonsense," Yifeng fired back sharply. Su Jin chuckled when he saw how uneasy he became because of his question.

"Really? Are you sure?" Su Jin probed further in a teasing manner. He could not resist teasing his best friend about seeing him so love-struck. Yifeng who knew very well how annoying his best friend could be when curious stood up and walked away, leaving him alone.

Su Jin just watched him walk away without following him. He brought back his attention to Yang Zi, who was now sitting alone. All her smiles had disappeared. It was as if the happy Yang Zi he saw earlier never existed. From the first day he met, he has been trying to guess what really attracted his best friend to this woman sitting down a few distances from him but could not. It was undeniably true that Yang Zi was extraordinarily beautiful, a rare species of beauty to be precise but Yifeng he knew did not lack any woman so he no matter how hard he tried he could not bring himself to understand his friend's feelings for her.

Yang Zi, who was trying so hard to look happy, quietly sneaked out of the hall when others were not looking. All that was on her mind was the mission she gave Shiyi. She knew very well that Shiyi rarely made mistakes in the missions he assigned to him, but she could not help being nervous knowing very well that she was not there to supervise them. She has been living a life she doesn't like for the past eight years because of her quest for revenge. She has made five out of the six people who murdered her sister pay. It is only the remaining Zhou Yixian who was the mastermind behind everything. She has waited so long for the day she finally makes him pay for the injustice he committed towards her and her sister. She wanted to get over with it soon.

Stepping out of the hall, the night breeze was freezing. Yang Zi who easily got cold was so happy that she was with her fur long coat. She took a lengthy walk around the bright field and let her mind wander around. She didn't walk far before she bumped into Yifeng, who was coming in the opposite direction. They were so engrossed in their thoughts they did not notice each other's presence, that is why they unintentionally bumped into each other.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you," Yang Zi apologised when they both bumped into one another. Yifeng was surprised to see her outside, but his facade said otherwise. Her sad expression could not be successfully masked in front of Yifeng. He saw the sadness through her eyes. He could not help but wonder why she was always sad whenever he saw her.

"You are out already. Why is your expression so different from the one inside? Did something happen while I was away? Did someone bully you? Tell me and I will definitely avenge you," Yifeng uttered firmly trying to grab hold of her hand but Yang Zi moved back out of reflex avoiding his touch. The disappointment was visible on his handsome face as Yang Zi avoided having body contact with him.

"I am totally fine so you don't have to worry Boss," Yang Zi replied coldly attempting to leave but Yifeng held her back from leaving. There was tiny voice inside her head which always wanted her to avoid her boss whenever she saw him. It was as if this tiny voice was telling her to be careful of him, and she always subconsciously listened to this tiny voice inside her head.

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