Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 67 - Game! Name That Movie!

"Attention everyone, the game we will play today is very fun. It will be Christmas in a few days, so this game is specifically about Christmas. I assure you you will have a lot of fun tonight," The MC listened to the people's reaction. From their reactions, he guessed no one had expected this type of game.

"Yeah, yeah, I know all of you are curious to know what this game is about, right? It is called NAME THAT MOVIE. I have about forty collections of Christmas movies with me, and your various representatives will have to tell everyone the name of the movie. It will be even more thrilling if they can also guess the name of the writer too. Any team who can guess both the name of the movie along with the writer will get thirty points while those who can only guess the name of the movie will get fifteen points," The MC announced, excitedly. Everyone started talking at the same time after the MC announced the name of the game. They started asking their teammates questions on who was familiar with Christmas movies. At the end of the three minutes' discussion, no one in Yang Zi's team was found as a suitable participant for the game. Everyone went silent in Yang Zi's group after the conclusion that their group did not have a participant for the game. ​​

"I will go," Yang Zi broke off the silence after two minutes with her sweet voice. All eyes were on her after she said those words. The atmosphere became lively again after Yang Zi volunteered to stand in for her team. Su Jin started texting someone after it was concluded that Yang Zi will represent team 6 for the contest.

"Attention everyone, I will give you guys another two minutes to choose your two representatives for your team because the game will start in five minutes. Heed my advice, everyone. Choose wisely because your chance of winning or losing solely rests on those two representatives you choose," The MC advised as he dropped his mic. He went over to his seat, sat down and watched the scene before him. All the teams immediately got to work, some teams even forced their members to partake in the game since they didn't want to lose.

"Okay, Okay everyone time's up. Please let me have two participants for each team. Teams who don't have any participants are automatically disqualified for this game. I want my sixteen participants to come up here quick," The MC ordered as he clapped his hands to show that he meant business.

Everyone's mouth dropped open in shock when they saw their almighty CEO come out as a participant. No one could believe their eyes until he finally climbed on the stage like other participants.

"Now that all our contestants are out let's arrange them in the proper format they will sit down when the game starts," The MC stated as he signalled about five guys from his crew to start the arrangement. Since the stage was huge, all the team members sat down a few distances from each other. They arranged the chairs in a manner that they were neither directly facing nor backing the audience. They also gave notepads and pens to them to write their answers on.

"I will ask every participant present here to scribble down the name of the movie played on the screen, don't forget you have extra fifteen marks if you can mention the name of the movie writer too. The rule is both participants must write their answers on the notepad after having deliberated about the answer before the allocated time is up. Likewise, other teams. You have just one minute to write your answers, understood?" The MC paused to see if any of the participants had a question. He continued when no one asked a question.

"The movie will only be played for a few seconds so pay attention. Are you ready, everyone....?" The MC shouted excitedly.

"Let's start," The MC said, smiling mischievously as he signalled someone to play the first movie. They played a Christmas movie following his signal. The audience started mumbling to one another when the movie was paused after a few seconds. Those who did not know the answer asked others who knew. Yang Zi, who knew the answer, instantly scribbled it down in her notepad. She and Jiu both crossed-check their answers before the time was up.

"Time's up. Drop your pen, everyone," the MC commanded sternly. All the participants did as he instructed.

"Reveal your answers, everyone," The MC stated. He smiled when he saw some teams' answers.

"Interesting," The MC remarked as he moved around to check their answers.

"I can see most of our participants are familiar with this movie but I will say don't be overly excited because the game has just begun. The name of the movie is 'Black Christmas by Roy Moore', So... 1, 3, 4, 6 and 8 got the answers correct," The MC shouted elatedly. The correct answers immediately got displayed on the screen for everyone to see. The teams whose participants got the answers correct jubilated.

"Next movie," The MC commanded once again, and they immediately displayed another movie on the gigantic screen.

"Excellent! Home alone by John Hughes. All the groups have just gotten the answers right," The MC screamed in enthusiasm as he announced the answer of the second question. For the first round of the game, the MC asked eight questions before it was time for elimination.

"After the second round, Team 1 and team 6 got 240 points. A round of applause for these amazing teams," The MC announced, grinning from ears to ears.

"Team 3 and 7 got 135 and 105 points respectively while team 2 and 8 got 90 points, 4 and 5 got 75 points so unfortunately these four teams are eliminated," He paused for the audience to assimilate the information. Everywhere turned noisy when he announced the results. They momentarily forgot that their almighty CEO and director were also in their midst, but they immediately went silent when Yifeng turned around and glanced at them with killing intent visible in those deadly glares.

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