
In the resort, the game master summoned everyone to the basketball court for the basketball competition. When they got there, the audience's job was just to sit down and watch the event unfold, while the first two teams out of the eight teams stepped out onto the basketball court. Yang Zi and Mrs Wang's team were the first team to play. Yang Zi was not nervous as she stood in the court with other players. Their team comprises five players, two ladies, three guys likewise her rival team. The rest of her teammates who were not participating were the ones to cheer them up. Just before the game began, Yang Zi winked at the lady who said that she resembled a god wearing her sports clothes. ​​

The game began in full force. A few minutes into the game Mrs Wang's team scored. They were so excited as they shook each other's hands. The audience did not stop cheering and chanting their names. While the air of excitement filled the air, Yifeng and Su Jin entered the arena. They sat at the far right corner of the hall, far away from other audiences. Yang Zi encouraged her team not to lose hope because the game was just starting. Since the other team scored, the ball automatically belongs to Yang Zi's group and unfortunately for the other team Yang Zi was the one in possession of the ball. Yang Zi dribbled everyone until she got to the post. She just jumped and threw the ball into the hoop (basket) with ease. All the audience went wild when she scored. From their loud cheers, one could easily guess that they all adored the beautiful lady.

At the end of the third half, Yang Zi's team went wild with excitement when they scored their fifth goal while the other team were just in their second.

"Look at her so happy, I wish she was also this way whenever she was with me but too bad she doesn't even care about me," Yifeng exclaimed looking at excited Yang Zi running around the court with her teammates.

"This is the first time I have seen her genuinely happy since we arrived here. Any time I see her, she is either putting on her an icy expression or a fake smile. Seeing how good she is in basketball, I guessed she must have really loved sports when she was in school. I wish she was always happy like she is now," Su Jin said, turning around to look at his friend.

"Sometimes I often notice that she was unhappy but she wouldn't tell me what is bothering her no matter how many times I ask her. Why is it that she gets along well with every other person except me? She has only met you for the first time yesterday and you guys are already friends. She also became friends with Yuan Quan on the first day she started working in our company, and now she is friends with everyone. What about me, I have been treating her so well for the past days, but even her tone of speech towards me has not changed? Jin, why do you think she hates me so much?" Yifeng asked Jin.

"Feng, maybe Miss Yang does not dislike you like you have assumed, I think you misunderstood her. With no doubt she is trying all her best to keep a safe distance from you, but from my perspective I don't think she hates you. She knows how you feel towards her, but she is always keeping an obvious distinction between your relationship as an employee and employer. I think she is afraid of falling for you which is why she is treating you like that. How about you make her see and feel that you don't mean any harm? Give her a reason she should keep staying by your side. Tame her to fall for you if you have to but Feng, just know that I won't let you off the hook if you dare hurt that poor lady," Su Jin threatened as he showed him his tight fist.

"Tame her to fall for me? That doesn't sound easy to me but I will never give up on trying to make her like me and be rest assured, I won't hurt her because she is different from every other lady I have met," Yifeng answered as he tapped Jin's shoulders.

"Yeah, it's harder than it sounds but this is what you have to do if you truly want her to treat you better.To be able to achieve that you will have to reduce yourself to her standards and I will really love to see you do this. Let her feel your sincerity," Su Jin advised with all seriousness. "My assistant tipped me off that tomorrow's competition will be about swimming and I know that there is no sport you are not good at so how about you seize this opportunity to compete with her?" Su Jin suggested smiling mischievously. His expression showed that his suggestion was not a good idea at all.

"You are right about the fact that I am good at everything. I will try out your suggestion and see how it will play out," Yifeng said, his mood lighting up a bit.

"You are good at every other thing but the one thing you are not good at, is winning your sweet little Secretary's heart. I think Yang Zi treating you this way is your karma for having treated all those ladies badly. Instead of taming her, I won't be surprised if you become tamed more than you have already been," Su Jin said as he walked a few distances and then stopped. He turned around to look at the court. By then the game was almost over and Yang Zi's team score was six while the one of their opponent was three.

"Kindly tell Yang Zi that I said congratulations, that is, if she doesn't poke out your eyes before you even get to relay my message," Su Jin mumbled smiling before he walked away. Yifeng also left immediately after Yang Zi's team was declared as the winner for that round. He didn't even wait to congratulate her or relay Su Jin's message.

Everyone cheered the winning team, especially Yang Zi in particular, since she was the one who scored most of the goals. Yang Zi left the arena when the second team finished their match. After the eight teams played, only four teams were victorious, so they scheduled the next match for the finals for the next day.

Yang Zi took a hot shower when she got to her room. She lied down on her princess bed with her phone in her hands. She wasn't surprised to see fifteen missed calls from Shui Shui when she unlocked her phone since she was expecting her call. She instantly called her back.

"Girl, what happened to you? It is so unlike you not to instantly reply to my message when you see it. I hope you are alright? What about Shiyi, is he with you?" Yang Zi asked worriedly immediately Shui Shui answered the call.

"Nothing is wrong, it's just that your Shui Shui contacted a terrible disease earlier this afternoon and guessed what the name of this terrible disease is?" Shiyi, who was listening to their conversation, asked in the background. Shui Shui nudged Shiyi with her elbow when she heard him makes fun of her.

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