Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 27 27: Maria [4-5/5]

2 chapter in 1 long one,



Some changes have been made in chapter 13-14 and 15,


Durin was caught off guard but quickly got it together. He tried to figure out what Renji was up to by staring him down, but couldn't make heads or tails of it.

It was as if the guy genuinely just wanted a test.

Durin gave a quick nod to Tamic, the young knight behind him. Tamic got the hint and ran off to get things ready. Soon enough, the other knights gathered around, their hands close to their gun holsters.

Their guns, all imported from the "Mechanical Alliance," were loaded with specialized "silver bullets" designed to suppress Miasma. So, they were effective against not only monsters but also Eclipses.

The tension was palpable. The twists and turns had left everyone, including Eileen and the staff of the Sea Sand Bar, completely bewildered. The big question on everyone's mind was:

'What the heck is Renji trying to do?'

As for Renji, he felt wronged.


He genuinely just wanted a test.

"Mr. Renji, all you have to do is place your hand on the device. In a moment, the screen will display your Miasma pollution levels. Normally, a reading under 10 is considered safe. Between 10 and 20 indicates various levels of Miasma pollution. If the number exceeds 20…"

Tamic didn't continue. Taking a deep breath, he finally asked,

"Are you sure you want to proceed with the test?"

Without hesitation, Renji placed his hand on the device.


Contrary to Durin's expectations, no alarm bells rang out from the device. Instead, the screen displayed:

<<Test Complete>>

<<Current User Miasma Fluctuation: Average Value 0, Peak Value 0>>

<<Congratulations! Your health beats 99.9% of other users nationwide. Keep it up!>>This content belongs to novelhulk.com, if the content is missing please go to novelhulk.com website to read the full content


Annoyed, Durin shoved Tamic aside and took a closer look at the machine. He even grabbed a new device from another knight.

Renji went along with a second test. But, even with a new device, the result was the same.

Tamic stared at Renji, his face a mask of disbelief.

Because that reading... Forget about being a suspected 'Common' or even 'Dangerous' Eclipse. It was as if he lived in a completely isolated, Miasma-free world, like some high-ranking elite in a big city.

Next, the knights tested the remaining people from the Sea Sand Bar and Eileen.

Among them, there was actually one person whose Miasma levels exceeded the limit. Unfortunately, it wasn't Eileen but a waiter from the Sea Sand Bar who was too close to Grey Wolf and inhaled too much tainted red mist.

A nun from the knights' group stepped up and performed a purification ritual on him. After a shower of light from the silver cross she wore, his levels dropped to a safe 3.

"Thanks for your hard work, Captain Durin. It's a good thing we did these tests, or who knows what could have happened," Renji said, seeming a bit relieved.

Durin didn't respond. He looked like he couldn't wait to get out of there.

"Mr. Renji, we're done here. If there's nothing else, we'll be on our way," Durin said, turning to leave. But Renji stopped him.

When he walked in, the feeling of strangeness intensified.

The Father was sitting at his desk, with an open file in front of him. Durin glanced at it as he approached; it was a report that had been dealt with two weeks ago.

"The Sea Sand Bar in Belon district had an Eclipse run amok. It's been dealt with, and all the details are in the report."

"Thank you, Captain Durin. It's getting late. You should go get some rest," the Father said, smiling and placing his folded hands on the file on the desk.

Durin nodded and left without saying much more. From entering to leaving, he'd spent less than a minute in the room.

After exiting the church, Durin lit a cigarette he'd taken from the car. As he watched it burn down to ash, a feeling deep inside him grew stronger.

Something big was coming to the Blackhole Plains.




-Back in the Father's office...

The Father, who was just sitting at his desk, now stands up, looking kinda freaked out. He barely even dares to look at the other person in the room, who happens to be a nun.

Normally, a nun would rank below a Father, but the way he was acting now, it's clear that the Father is under a lot of pressure. He's hardly even breathing.

Here's why:

First, this nun is not your everyday nun. She's a combat nun, part of a secret third armed force in the church, apart from the knights and crusaders.

They're called "Light Bearers" and they're all powerful Eclipses trained by the church. Usually, they stay in isolation to counteract the effects of Tainted Miasma and keep their minds clear. They only get called into action for really big stuff.

So if Father Gralon had a clear conscience, he'd be okay. But he doesn't; he's hiding something big.

That's why he's so jittery right now, like he's walking on thin ice.


"Lady Maria, you said you came to the Blackhole Plains to... find someone?" Father Gralon tries to probe the nun across from him.


Gralon breathes a sigh of relief. As long as she's not here to investigate him, he's good.

"Great, Lady Maria, we'll do everything we can to help you. But can you give us any information on this person? Like their name, identity, or what they look like?"

Nun Maria didn't answer. Instead, she looks at the report Durin just brought in.

And just like that, the Father's heart jumps back into his throat.

He had heard about the Eclipse incident through other channels, which is why he's cursing the gangs, specifically Callewa, right now.

'Of all times to mess up, why now?'

"The person I'm looking for," Maria finally says, "likes to cause trouble."

'Wait, what?'

Gralon was totally shocked. He never thought Maria would describe someone like that. It didn't sound like something a cold 'Light Bearer' would say. And for a second, he even thinks he sees a sort of affectionate look on her face.

Before he could make sense of it, Maria was suddenly right in front of him.

The sudden pressure made it hard for him to breathe. It was like she was overwhelming him on a whole other level.

Maria's face was back to its original emotionless state.

She looks at him coldly and says, word by word:

"Give. Me. That. Report."

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