Face-Slapping System

Chapter 230 Getting Escorted Out

Roland stared at the father and son duo intently, not intending to miss a single interaction perfectly. His next course of actions will be determined depending on the movement of the two of them.

However, aside from the initial hostility and murderous intent earlier, Councilor Brown seemed to have calmed down a great deal. He was focused on placating Bryan, which had also seemingly calmed down after hearing his father's soothing words.

Roland frowned at the sight of this.

The most terrifying enemy was the enemy that knows how to hide and lay-low.

Due to the murderous intent, Roland knew that he was already being treated as an enemy by Councilor Brown. However, those murderous intent seemed to have vanished out of thin air. Not only was he not showing any signs of hostility towards him right now, it even appeared as if he was a loving father soothing his injured child. Even the gazes of Madison and the other two women softened seeing such a scene, much less Teacher Theodore was already 'bewitched' by Councilor Brown since earlier.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened. The guards from outside stormed in along with the doctor wearing a white coat.

The guard's surrounded Roland and the others as the doctor checked Bryan's situation.

Five burly men surrounded the four visitors. Madison and the other two girls could not help but hug each other due to fright. Teacher Theodore sweated profusely as he tried to explain the situation.

"Wait, this is a misunderstanding. A misunderstanding!" Teacher Theodore's frantic shout echoed inside the room.

The five burly men were surrounding them aggressively. Everyone would be afraid if met with such a tense situation.

At this moment, Councilor Brown's soft and gentle words suddenly reached everyone's ears.

"Everyone, thank you for taking the time to visit my son during such a hard time. However, it seems that an accident has occurred and we would no longer be able to communicate peacefully. I think it's better to let this matter aside from now and just let them cool down for some time."

Roland did not say anything and just allowed the students to go on their way.

After a few minutes, only Roland and Madison were left in the parking area.

Roland looked at Madison curiously, wondering what she thought of the incident earlier. Like Teacher Theodore, she had been silent since earlier too.

At this moment, Madison suddenly looked up and met Roland's gaze.

She let out a sigh and said,"I did not know that you could be that hurtful with your words."

Hearing that Roland immediately scoffed, "Hurtful? Well, I don't regret it."

Madison shook her head after hearing Roland's straightforward and honest answer.

"Even if you don't regret it. You should still be careful with your words."

"Sigh! Especially since Teacher Ted and Councilor Brown were there. You know that they are a very influential family right? Worst case scenario, Councilor Brown might use his connections to deny you some work when you apply for one in the future. Although Councilor Brown is a good man, it was his son that you played after all. We can't rule out the possibility of him taking revenge for his son," she stated.

Roland merely smiled and answered, "Don't worry about it. That's still too far in the future."

Madison shrugged her shoulders hearing Roland's unbothered answer.

"Right, it's very dangerous going home alone, let's just go together."



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