Evolving Silver Dragon

Chapter 83 - Chapter 83: 082 Very Good, Very Good!_l

Chapter 83: 082 Very Good, Very Good!_l

Translator: 549690339

From today onwards, I shall be the joint ruler of Nolan Forest and the Sulfur


This sentence echoed in Saru’s mind, wondering what it truly meant.

Could he really take it at face value?

After all, Otto was still a young Silver Dragon in terms of size.

Could he really defeat two well-known adult dragons?

Or maybe…

The two foolish adult dragons had destroyed each other, benefiting the great Silver Dragon Lord?

Unconsciously, he had been standing in front of Giant Bear Cave all afternoon.


Scar came over, successfully pulling Saru back to reality.

A cold wind blew, and the old Lizardman looked up at the sky in confusion, realizing that it had already turned dark.

“Chieftain, a scout team that just returned says they have important news to report to you!”

As he said this, Scar added: “It’s related to the front-line battlefield!”

Upon hearing this, Saru’s eyes lit up, and he immediately asked Scar to lead the way.

Soon, in his usual office space, Saru met three slender Lizardmen.

They all looked extremely excited and agitated, indicating that the information they wanted to share was of utmost importance.

The three Lizardman scouts glanced at each other.

Then the one who seemed to be the team leader nervously stepped forward, rubbing his hands together.

He looked at Saru, calming himself down.

Then he said, “Chieftain, I am Bark, the captain of the Third Scout Team.

We discovered Princess Sofia and the returning Ogres nearby, along with about

500 other monster followers.”

Saru nodded, but it was clear that Bark, the team leader in front of him, had more to say.

Bark quickly continued, “Princess Sofia personally confirmed that we are the ultimate victors in this war.

The Green Dragon and Red Dragon, as well as their affiliated legions, have already become a thing of the past.

From today onwards, the great Silver Dragon Lord is the sole ruler of both

Nolan Forest and the Sulfur Mountains!”

Finally, he added, “Victory belongs to the Soaring Dragon Legion!”

Upon hearing this, Saru’s expression didn’t change much.

But he kept shouting in his heart that his initial choice was indeed correct.

For hundreds, even thousands of years, the Dragon Eye Clan’s predecessor, the nameless Lizardman Clan, had been struggling to survive in Nolan Forest.

Finally, under his decision and the guidance of the great Silver Dragon Lord, they were now on the path to glory and endless honor.

He had always believed in Otto, believing in his own choice.

But now that the day had come, he felt somewhat dazed.

Everything had come too quickly, so fast that he hadn’t had time to prepare mentally.

“When will Princess Sofia return!”

The old Lizardman’s heart was beating at an unprecedented speed.

He couldn’t wait to personally confirm this wonderful news with Sofia.

Bark estimated for a moment and then replied: “Based on their current speed, they should be back by early morning.”

“Very good! Very good! “It was already approaching midnight, but Saru did not feel a little bit sleepy.

He excitedly strode towards the gate of the Land of the Soaring Dragon, the old Lizardman seeming to grow younger in an instant.

“Hurry! Prepare a feast to welcome Princess Sofia, I want to restart the Harvest Festival!”

Upon the command of the elderly Lizardman Saru, the peaceful Land of the Soaring Dragon, due to the late hour, became lively again.

Having always been frugal, Saru became very generous this time. At his direction, a variety of foods were dragged out from the cellars and warehouses by the Lizardmen.

Wild boars and other captured animals nearby were slaughtered and cleaned. The captive Kobolds, whose flesh stinks, narrowly escaped their fate.

The ancestors of the Lizardmen had also experienced times of prosperity, with a population reaching up to thousands or even tens of thousands during their peak.

The traditional Harvest Festival was a tradition passed down from that time.

The main purpose of the celebration was to worship and express gratitude for the Lizardman god, Sai Meu An-Ya.

For this purpose, they would offer up various precious items or even perform live sacrifices with other races.

But this time, the situation was different; they did not set up the statue of the Lizardman god Sai Meu An-Ya as was recorded in the past, instead directing their offerings to Otto.

No one questioned this because it was due to Otto that they had the confidence to restart this carnival.

Even the Quilboar and Werewolves were no exception. They were also informed to prepare for the Harvest Festival.

Longfang and Link followed Gaz with puzzled expressions, looking somewhat out of place among the bustling Lizardmen.

The members of their tribes shared the same baffled look as they watched the excited Lizardmen.

Soon, Gaz pulled aside Scar, who was leading a group of Lizardmen in preparing for the festival, and asked curiously, “What happened? Why is it suddenly so lively… ‘

Scar signaled the other Lizardmen not to worry about him and to continue preparing for the festival before explaining the cause to them.

“You’re saying that the great Silver Dragon Lord defeated two adult dragons and became the ruler of both Nolan Forest and the Sulfur Mountains?”

Gaz looked in disbelief at Scar, while Longfang and Link’s expressions were almost no different from his.

Once Scar left, the three creatures still had a hard time believing the story.

With some hesitation, the Wild Boar Chief Longfang said, “It’s hard to believe, those were two adult dragons…”

Among the three, Werewolf Link was the most conflicted, because he had high expectations for the Red Dragon before this.

Link gave a wry smile, “We were all too full of ourselves…”

Longfang patted his shoulder, and Gaz laughed heartily, “What are you two brooding about? Victory belongs to the Soaring Dragon Legion, and thus to us as well. Get your spirits up!

We are latecomers in the first place; do you want to shamelessly enjoy delicious food without doing anything?”

Gaz personally led the confidantes he had brought from Black Gold City into the busy Lizardmen preparations, doing their best to participate in the preparation of the festival.

Longfang looked at Link, waiting for his decision.

“Have some confidence, old friend! The facts prove that your choice was the right one…”

Link hooked Longfang’s shoulder, speaking earnestly, “I’ve given up on unrealistic ideas; regardless of the final outcome, let’s journey down this road together to the end!”

Under the leadership of the two chiefs, the Quilboar and Werewolves also contributed their efforts to preparing for the festival.

During the cheerful festival preparations, various races of different appearances and thoughts seemed to finally let go of their prejudices and peacefully blend together.

Eventually, with the efforts of everyone in the Land of the Soaring Dragon, the preparation for the Harvest Festival was completed perfectly.

Now they just need to wait patiently for the distinguished Princess Sofia to return.

Besides the slumbering Otto, Sofia had the highest status in the Land of the Soaring Dragon.

Without the presence of the little girl, no one dared to touch the sumptuous food that had been prepared.

Saru led the people in the Land of the Soaring Dragon to wait for Sofia’s return at the gate, even preparing a grand welcoming ceremony for her.

But in the end, they only welcomed the arrival of Little Fatty and Wuga’s monster army, without finding any trace of Sofia from beginning to end.

Little Fatty laughed idiotically and said to the petrified crowd, “Master said she was going to empty the Green Dragon’s Treasure Vault in the Thorn Nest!”

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