Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 579: A World of Trees

“White Emperor City is shrouded in mist…” A simple sentence, yet it echoed like thunder in the Supreme Conference Room in China.

*Haaa…* Everyone’s breathing became heavy and solemn, sinking into silence.

Everyone was unable to accept the fact that White Emperor City, one of the ten emerging cities of China, ranked only second to the four major cities, had fallen. This number included the President, the man sitting on the highest seat. His eyes narrowed with a cold gleam flickering within them.

However, after a moment, as if having thought of something, the President sitting on the highest seat heaved a helpless sigh. “Let it be.”

“What!? Let it be?!” Suddenly, a shocked shout filled the room as an older-looking general rose from his seat, slamming his hand on the table.

However, before he could utter another word, a thunderous Dragon Roar shook the room as a golden phantom of a Dragon rose from the President, to the shock of many.

At the same time, an immensely powerful aura, carrying an indescribable majesty, suddenly came bearing down on everyone. Within the majesty, there was also a hint of dominance.


Hearing this reminder, the President seemed to have noticed what he did. He slowly suppressed his aura, explaining, “Recently, I’ve had some breakthroughs, which has caused some of my energy to leak. I hope you’ll understand.”

Despite his explanation, his towering presence still made everyone involuntarily shiver.

At this moment, perhaps to accommodate the President, another person promptly added, “Not long ago, a pillar of light pierced the sea, dying the vast ocean in blood. According to our investigations, it seems that the Sea Clan that resided in the depths of the sea had somehow offended the Tree Monster, which had made him unleashed that thunderous retaliation as a form of punishment.”

After calmly listening to this, the eyelids of many influential figures trembled.

[That Tree Monster, again. And at such a critical junction! No wonder the President is actually the first one advocating for us to let it go. In the end, it’s because the Tiger Clan is backed by Misty Mountains, and they are not to be trifled with.]

Shaking their heads helplessly, the crowd fell into silence.

However, not long afterward, a voice, seemingly reassuring and promising, suddenly echoed in the conference room, “Just wait a bit longer. That Tree Monster won’t have the upper hand for too long.”

At the drop of these words, the President sitting at the highest seat glanced deeply at his arm, where a Golden Dragon Scale had appeared at some point.

While the Supreme Conference was convened in China, White Tiger returned to Misty Mountains.

*Roooaaar…* Amidst a thunderous roar, White Tiger, still covered in blood, flew over, his face filled with anxiety.

“Sorry for being late,” White Tiger apologized, a hint of guilt in his soft voice.

At this moment, White Tiger stood quietly in front of Bull Demon, like a child who had made a mistake.

“It’s alright, you’re back, that’s what matters,” Bull Demon reassured with a nod, not blaming White Tiger for his tardiness.

He knew White Tiger must have been delayed by something. Especially after noticing the gaping wounds on White Tiger, Bull Demon couldn’t help but sigh helplessly.

[It seems White Tiger has been having a hard time these past few days.]

However, Bull Demon didn’t inquire any further. After all, White Tiger’s priority now was to greet Yu Zi Yu.

With that thought in mind, Bull Demon stomped on the ground. 

Immediately after, the earth quaked with a thunderous boom, and the dense mist parted like a waterfall, revealing a path for White Tiger.

A short while later, in the heart of Misty Mountains…

“So, have you subdued White Emperor City?” Conforming once again, Yu Zi Yu asked softly.

“Yes, Master. As of now, all four Tier-3 Superhumans in White Emperor City have been eradicated…” As he nodded his confirmation, White Tiger’s face flashed with a fierce look. He hadn’t planned on doing it, but they had pushed him too far.

[Fortunately, Little Fifth, Golden Ant, returned timely; otherwise, the consequences would have been dire.] With that thought in mind, White Tiger ferociously stated, “I regret not killing them earlier… I almost missed the big event.”

“It’s alright.” Waving his hand, Yu Zi Yu signaled for White Tiger not to blame himself.

Then, he briefly explained what he had been concerned about all along.

While he couldn’t guarantee that every core force would be safe, the safety of the majority could still be ensured.

Especially in battles like the one on the grasslands, which involved many core combatants of Misty Mountains, Yu Zi Yu’s primary concern was their safety, and he would naturally ensure it.

After a while, with the conversation over, Yu Zi Yu gestured for White Tiger to leave.

[I’ve met with everyone I needed to meet. The rest is up to them. Whether they want to settle things peacefully or go to war, it’s entirely up to them to discuss. For now, I’ll focus on my cultivation as usual.] Yu Zi Yu’s lips curled up.

His half a month of cultivation had indeed yielded fruitful results. Now, his Spiritual Energy accumulation had reached 40 million.

What did having 40 million Spiritual Energy signified?

In an era where even the Emperors of the World were rare, 40 million Spiritual Energy was enough to dominate everything. As a matter of fact, Yu Zi Yu could crush most powerhouses with just his Spiritual Energy alone.

Even if some individuals with strange and unusual Innate Talents managed to survive somehow, Yu Zi Yu could instantly strike them down using his abilities.

This was a testament of how formidable Yu Zi Yu was now.

Nonetheless, such strength was only temporary.

The third Spiritual Energy Tide would eventually arrive, and by then, powerhouses would emerge one after another like mushrooms after rain.

Perhaps, it might be as Golden Monkey had said, ‘The Third Spiritual Energy Tide will completely break the shackles.’

If so, Naturally Disaster-Class, Tier-4 Transcendents would likely emerge one after another.

Of course, even if many Tier-4 Transcendents were born, it wouldn’t be to the point where they were everywhere. After all, Tier-4 Transcendents, Natural Disaster-Class powerhouses were formidable even in the previous era, strong enough to influence a vast expanse of land alone.

The deeper the accumulation, the more terrifying the influence they could enforce.

Some peak Tier-4 Transcendents could even create an ecosystem with themselves as the apex. What did this imply?

Still, Yu Zi Yu had already reached this step.

*Haaa…* Heaving a long, deep breath, Yu Zi Yu slowly raised his gaze.

The next moment, one Willow-like plant after another rose from the ground at a pace visible to the naked eyes, each one seemingly reaching the sky.

These Willow Trees were inconspicuous in the misty forest of ancient trees, but each one was like a King, causing every ancient tree to retreat.

No tree dared to cover them with their branches, and no tree dared to vie for a piece of land with them.

All of this was because they were all born because of Yu Zi Yu.

It could be said that they were Yu Zi Yu’s kin, or one could say they were Yu Zi Yu’s subjects.

Compared to other plants, thanks to Yu Zi Yu’s influence, they had a greater chance of gaining sentience and had an easier time cultivating.

The entire planet would slowly transform, becoming more suitable for their growth.

And after thousands, even tens of thousands of years, a world belonging solely to Yu Zi Yu would be born. It would be the world of Trees, a true forest of ancient trees, obscuring the entire world.

Unfortunately, that was not the world Yu Zi Yu wanted. Even if he could do so, he would not. Besides, building such a world would take far too long, and the other experts wouldn’t give Yu Zi Yu such an opportunity.

After all, a world belonging to him meant that it would never belong to anyone else.

Cultivation wasn’t just about fighting against Heaven and Earth. It was also fighting against others, which was even more crucial.

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