Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 558: Clash of Millions

*Squeak, Squeak, Squeak…* Amidst the hair-raising squeaks, countless Mutant Rats poured out of the pit like a torrent.



Or 500,000…

At this moment, no one knew how many Mutant Rats there were.

However, as they looked at those Mutant Rats surrounded by black mist, their long exposed fangs shining with cold and sharp gleam, each Wolf’s pupils contracted.

Apart from them, there was one particular group that was even more terrifying, the Yellow Rats that looked like golden lightning.

*Crackle, crackle…* Amidst sudden crackling sounds, golden arcs of electricity streaked across the air. 

At this moment, golden streaks of lightning were shooting out from within the black Rat Tide in succession.

This was the Lightning Rat Clan.

They were also a new branch of the Rat Clan of Misty Mountains.

Their speed was so terrifying that their movement looked like streaking golden lightning. More often than not, they would have already pierced through their enemies before they could even react.

Yet now, these fearsome Lightning Rats were shooting  towards the Wolves one after another.

In just mere moments later…

The ground fiercely shook and deafening rumbles drowned the world as the tide of Rats surging out from the depths of the pit collided head-on with the tide of Wolves.

The rest of the world seemed to have fallen silent. Blood and flesh flew around, mixed with blood-soaked fur…

For a moment, the strong, nauseating smell of blood filled the air.

However, this was just the beginning.

*Squeak, Squeak…* 

Amidst the increasingly rapid squeaks, a Mutant Black Rat leaped into the air, pouncing towards a Black Storm Wolf.

Its small body and terrifying speed, along with the black mist that could block some damage, all became its advantage.

In just a moment, it had already leaped onto the neck of a Black Storm Wolf, at which point, it opened its mouth wide, revealing its sharp teeth.

The next moment, amidst a bone crunching sound, the Black Storm Wolf violently convulsed before a shrill and piercing cry resounded.

Immediately afterward, followed by swooshing sounds, countless Black Rats swarmed over it. By the time the Black Storm Wolves in the vicinity reacted, all that was left of the Black Storm Wolf was some blood-stained bones on the ground.

*Aooo~* As if experiencing the same pain, a Black Storm Wolf let out a mournful cry before raising its right claw and fiercely slamming it down, shaking the ground..

At this moment, if one were to look down, they would find a Mutant Rat slammed deep into the ground, its body twitching uncontrollably.

However, before this Black Storm Wolf could feel triumphant, countless Mutant Black Rats had already drowned it.

Even worse, there was a streak of golden lightning rapidly closing on it.

And this was just a corner of the battlefield, just a corner.

In the face of the largest beast tide in history, individual strength seemed somewhat insignificant.

Even the mighty Tier-3 dared not be able to come out unscathed.

After all, neither of these Beast Tides was ordinary.

One was the infamous Wolf Tide…and Wolves need no introduction.

They were ruthless and united.

Even without training, tens of thousands of Wolves could stand united. They were a natural born army.

The other was a Rat Tide…

Just by looking at them, one could tell how terrifying they were.

Their eyes lacked any focus, all they did was relentlessly move forward.

It was as if they didn’t know ‘death’ or ‘fear.’

Among the most strictly ordered Rat Clan, the King’s command was everything.

In ancient times, there were even stories of ‘countless Rats collectively committing suicide’.

Yu Zi Yu could affirm it was not just a story, but a solid fact.

In times of scarce food and living space, these Rats, without even the intelligence to understand, would collectively throw themselves into the sea for the sake of their own kind’s reproduction.

Fearless in the face of death was ingrained in their bones.

This was also why the Rat Tide was referred to as the ‘most terrifying Beast Tide’.

What use was individual combat prowess?

These ferocious Rats, who didn’t even know what ‘death’ was, could unleash 150% of their strength, while their enemies, in the face of the Beast Tide, could barely maintain 70-80% of their strength, which was already commendable.

*Squeak, Squeak, Squeak…Squeak, Squeak, Squeak..*

*Aooo~, Aooo~, Aooo~…*

Piercing squeaks and roars echoed throughout the vast grassland, as innumerable Rats and Wolves collided with each other.

It was not in the numbers of 10,000, or 20,000… it was a true clash of millions.

The entire Rat Clan in Misty Mountains under the shield of Qing Gang had rushed over, totaling a full million.

Not one more or one less.

To cope with the war, the reproductive capacity of the Rat Clan was no longer suppressed.

Under the leadership of the two Rat Kings, Lightning Rat and Shadie, the Rat Clan began their pre-war mobilization, and their numbers multiplied geometrically.

The price for all of this was ample food.

Prey captured near Misty Mountains in recent days, as well as various kinds of food, were continuously transported to the Rat Clan.

In addition, Yu Zi Yu accelerated their evolution with his Rain of Vitality.

In this seamless cooperation, the combat power of the Rat Clan continued increasing, reaching the current scale of a million.

As for the Wolf Clan, there was no need to say more.

Occupying the entire vast grassland, a million was just a number; tens of millions, or even a hundred million was possible.

As such, this was the true clash of millions that could shake the entire continent.

Not to mention the Gorewolf King and the Silvermoon Heavenly Wolf, whose faces had changed drastically, even Nine Tails and Bull Demon nearby couldn’t help but have their pupils contract.

In this vast battlefield, a sense of ‘insignificance’ couldn’t help but well up within them.

However, compared to them, it was even more shocking to the various countries.

One after another, Spiritual Energy Monitoring Satellites flashed incessantly, taking photos.

The terrifying Spiritual Energy from the aftermath of the clash had converged into a storm, affecting the sky for tens of thousands of kilometers. It would be hard for the Spiritual Energy Monitoring Satellites to not notice.

When the Humans looked at the screen, all of them turned pale. Some even slumped on the ground with a loud thump.

“Is this real?”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Oh my god…”

Crying out in incredulity, the Humans couldn’t help but cover their mouths in disbelief.

The sight of innumerable Mutant Wolves and Rats fighting to the death on the vast grassland was simply appalling.

The grassland was dyed red with blood, and even the air was filled with a bloody mist, casting a shadow over the sky.



Or a million…

No one knew… but they all knew that this might be the largest Beast Tide battle in history.

Yet this wasn’t the most terrifying part!

The most terrifying part was streaks of light shooting into the sky one after another.

“Attack.” Vaguely, these Humans seemed to hear the roar of powerful Mutant Beasts.

Moments later, fearsome Tier-3 Mutant Beasts had started clashing in the sky, one after another.

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