Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 291: United As One! Overwhelming Battle Spirit!

*Roar, Roar, Roar…*

With each roar and growl, the beast tide drew closer and closer.

On a closer look, one would be able to make out the outlines of terrifying Mutant Beasts gradually appearing within the rising dust clouds.

However, to the astonishment of the Black Armor Soldiers stationed atop the high wall, the fearsome beast tide slowed its pace as it neared the city wall.

It was only when it was about 3-4 kilometers away from the mighty city wall that it came to a halt, as though waiting for something.

Soon, the dust clouds began to disperse, revealing one gigantic Mutant Beast after another.

These Mutant Beasts emerging from the dust were not like the ordinary ones faced by Sunset City.

These Mutant Beasts looked far more scary than they had faced until now.

On one end of the tide stood a beast that resembled a Mammoth, towering dozens of meters high, appearing like a small mountain. On the other end stood a creature whose size rivaled the Mammoth, but it was a monstrous Dinosaur.

A living and breathing Dinosaur!

Its whip-like tail swayed in the air, kicking up a cloud of dust with its every move.

Its entire body seemed to be covered in a thick suit of armor, giving it a fearsome appearance.

Every once in a while, its gaping maws would open, and blood would drip from it

It was a Tyrannotitan, an overlord from the Cretaceous period—a terrifying Atavistic Beast.

There was no need for anyone to remind them of how fearsome these creatures were.

Just by looking at the creatures that were almost as tall as the city wall, many well-trained Black Armor Soldiers could not help but have the corners of their eyes twitch uncontrollably. Some even went completely pale. 

*Rooaar…* Suddenly, a deafening resonant roar reverberated across the sky, shaking the entire world. The ear-piercing roar sent shivers down the spines of the residents of Sunset City.

The city’s inhabitants felt as if they were witnessing the emergence of a ferocious beast that could bring an end to the world!

However, this was not the most terrifying part.

The most frightening aspect was that such colossal beasts were standing shoulder to shoulder like soldiers. And in the midst of these giants, even more terrifying Mutant Beasts slowly emerged one after another.

For instance, a beast, not particularly as tall as Mammoth and Tyrannotitan, but similar in size walked out slowly from the horde.

It was another most fearsome existence, Sarcosuchus, ranked fourth among the nine Great Beasts.

Another such beast was a massive White Tiger, about 4-5 meters tall.

Except, this White Tiger had a pair of terrifying wings like Dragon wings on its back.

“Sarcosuchus and a White Tiger with wings…” murmuring, many of the Black Armor Soldiers could not help but shudder. 

And right at that very moment…

*Thump, thump, thump…” Accompanied by thunderous footsteps, continuous tremors passed through the ground.

“Hand over Slytherin and Lupin… Otherwise, we shall bathe this city in blood today…” Every word was uttered with a tremendous force, resonating throughout the entire sky.

Never mind the Black Armor Soldiers standing atop the city wall, even the residents of the city heard it clearly.

And as these words shook their eardrums, a Humanoid figure emerged from the beast tide.

The calm expressions on everyone’s faces could not be maintained any longer. Even the three enigmatic figures standing at the peak of the city wall had their faces change drastically.

“A Humanoid Mutant Beast?”

“How is this possible!?”

Amidst the astonished exclamations, Mayor Nie Yuan and the two Deputy Mayors, Deputy Mayor Ge and Deputy Mayor Ling, stared at the creature emerging from the distance. This colossal being, standing at a towering 3-4 meters, possessed the body similar to a Human and the head of a Bull, wielding a massive ax. The sight of it left them utterly dumbfounded.

[Is this even possible? Mutant Beasts evolving to have a Humanoid form? This can’t be true. Are my eyes deceiving me? Is it possible that the rumors about mythical creatures coming to life are not just rumors?]

Nonetheless, now was not the time for astonishment, as a cold and fearsome killing intent spread through the sky.

“I don’t want to say it again,” speaking in a grim voice, the Bull-headed Humanoid raised its massive ax high.

After a moment, with a deafening roar, the ax struck the ground.

Following that, much to the shock of numerous Black Armor Soldiers, a crack several dozen meters long appeared, spreading toward the towering city wall.

What was even more terrifying was that this abyss-like fissure grew wider and wider as it approached the city wall. By the time it was close to the wall, it had expanded to over ten meters in width.

The sight of it was completely horrifying. Even the imposing city wall started trembling.

Obviously, in front of this terrifying power that cracked the earth, the towering city walls were just like a papier mache.

Just at that moment, as if sensing this, a figure promptly jumped down the city wall.

The next moment, a burst of Spiritual Energy surged from the figure as it drove the saber in its hand into the ground with force.

With a swoosh, a waterfall of Spiritual Energy, several dozen meters tall, rose from the ground.

The next moment, a deafening roar reverberated through the sky as the crack came to an abrupt halt.

However, when everyone’s attention turned toward the base of the city wall, Mayor Nie, the one they regarded as the strongest in the city, left a 20-meter-long trench in the ground as he slid.

Except, what others failed to notice was the wound that had appeared on the enigmatic Mayor Nie’s hand.

Had he not promptly inserted his hand into his sleeve and sealed the wound with Spiritual Energy, his disheveled state would have been revealed before everyone’s eyes.

*Uuurghhh…* An imperceptible gasp escaped Mayor Nie Yuan’s lips as he looked at the nearby monstrous figure, his pupils shrinking to the size of pinpricks.

[What terrifying power! What’s more, this seemed to have been just a casual swing… If it used its full strength…] At this thought, Nie Yuan’s heart sank slightly. Nonetheless, he had no choice but to step up.

Taking a step forward, he used his Spiritual Energy and called out loudly, “Sir, since you already possess intelligence, why don’t we talk about this?”

“Talk?” A cold smile appeared on Bull Demon’s lips as he tightened his grip on the enormous ax, and stated in a grim voice once more, “Hand over Lupin and the Slytherin, and we will naturally withdraw.”

“Lupin… Slytherin…” Nie Yuan was lost in thoughts, confused.

[Judging by their names, these two Mutant Beasts, one could possibly be a Wolf, and the other a Snake? But hand over? Could it be that someone had ventured into Misty Mountains and captured these two Mutant Beasts without my consent?] Thinking of this, Nie Yuan turned around slowly and asked in a cold voice, “Do any of you know anything about this?”

“No, we don’t.” Everyone shook their heads in unison, a puzzled look on everyone’s face, including the Commanders and both Deputy Mayor.

However, at that moment, a cold voice suddenly reverberated on top of the high wall, “Sir, why are you negotiating with these Mutant Beasts?”

Saying so, one of the Commanders raised his sword and spoke in a voice filled with hatred, “We have an irreconcilable blood feud with these beasts. We and the Mutant Beasts will have to fight one day.”

And just as he finished speaking, war cries echoed on the city wall, one after another.



Everyone shouted in unison, showing their unity and determination.

The entire crowd was outraged.

However, there was no denying that these Black Armor Soldiers had the strength to back up their confidence. Furthermore, they had already resisted the beast tide several times. They were not afraid of the Mutant Beasts.

Every time they saw one, all that came into their mind was to fight. After all, many of them had lost family members and loved ones to Mutant Beasts.

This deep-seated grudge had already filled these Black Armor Soldiers and a large portion of Humanity with hatred toward Mutant Beasts.

In the past, they were powerless, living in fear and dread. But now, they have grown stronger. They did fear anything anymore.

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