Chapter 307

When Su Yunan answered "chignon", apart from Shen Yue, the eyes of everyone else present instantly changed.

Shen Hui had an approving look in her eyes, like seeing a youngster who could be taught.

The reason why she was helping Su Yunan was first because she felt Su Yunan had helped her a lot when she was doing experiments, and deserved her help.

Secondly, she also wanted to make things difficult for Si Chengyou.

After hearing everything from Su Yunan's mouth, Shen Hui felt that Si Chengyou had had it too easy at Flightless Bird, which she didn't agree with.

Tang Yi also had a look of surprise in his eyes.

He still remembered that every time he went to see Shen Yue at Flightless Bird, Number 14 would always follow behind Shen Yue, but wouldn't overstep his bounds.

That was the kind of person Number 14 was. No matter how dissatisfied he was with other people getting close to Shen Yue, as long as Shen Yue didn't speak up, Number 14 would always just quietly follow behind.

Never making a fuss.

But now, the implication behind Su Yunan's answer to the question was all too obvious - he was preparing to do Shen Yue's hair in front of Si Chengyou.

Just picturing that scene in his mind, Tang Yi already found it very entertaining.

Su Yunan had changed too, even if he wasn't yet aware of it himself.

Tang Yi looked again at Si Chengyou, rarely seeing what could be described as a helpless expression on Si Chengyou's face. He was annoyed by the people opposite him but had no way to deal with them at the same time, which gave Tang Yi a fleeting feeling of schadenfreude.

But after taking in his fill of Si Chengyou's resigned expression, Tang Yi still felt very imbalanced.

Why was it that Si Chengyou had reacted so strongly just because he had gotten a little closer to Shen Yue, yet now Su Yunan was about to do her hair and Si Chengyou didn't make a peep. That wasn't fair!

Acting on the principle that if he was caught in the rain then everyone else's umbrella should be torn up too, after teasing Si Chengyou, Tang Yi next planned to stir up trouble for Su Yunan.

He opened his phone again and sent a message to his boss.

Seeing Shen Yichen's reply -【I'll be back soon】, he still didn't feel satisfied enough, so he opened Shen Wu's green speech bubble icon.

Luckily, earlier when dealing with the two perverts at home, he had gotten Shen Wu's contact details. Now everything had fallen neatly into place.

After Tang Yi had done some high EQ provocation and sowing of discord, Shen Wu also sent back a【Coming soon】.

Although Tang Yi had only contacted two people, when it came to the Shen family, pulling one hair set the whole body in motion.

This was specifically demonstrated by Shen Wu telling Shen Jize after finding out, Shen Jize telling Shen Shuangyi after finding out to ask for help, and Shen Shuangyi asking Shen Shuangchen for protection after coming up with an idea.

Shen Wu said to Shen Jize: "Su Yunan wants to compete with Si Chengyou for Shen Yue. Which side will you stand on?"

Shen Jize said to Shen Shuangyi: "Second brother, little Anan wants to compete with Si Chengyou for little Yueyue. Should we help him?"

Shen Shuangyi said to Shen Shuangchen: "I'm suspending work for now, there's a love triangle explosion at home. I'm going to try persuading them, hurry back and protect me."

As for Shen Yichen...on the way home he happened to pass the supermarket and bought some strawberries, mangoes and cherries. This was Shen Yichen's habit - have some fruit around for serious talks to make them seem less severe.

And so, when Shen Yue was pulled by Shen Hui to sit on the dressing room stool, a group of people also rushed home from work without hesitation.

The things in the Shen house's dressing room were extremely comprehensive. Although they weren't used very often usually, in order to avoid any problems when they were needed, the housekeeper would regularly replenish possible required makeup and tools.

Before coming over, Shen Hui had asked the housekeeper where to find what she needed. Under several shocked gazes, she quickly gathered what she required from all over.

A pointed tail comb, hair accessory, hair spray, hair clips etc - everything needed was there.

With all the preparations done, Shen Hui reached out and pulled off Shen Yue's simple high ponytail. She started brushing Shen Yue's hair neat with a comb while asking Su Yunan: "How do you do that chignon you mentioned?"

Hearing Shen Hui address him, Su Yunan naturally walked over and stood behind Shen Yue, saying: "First you have to separate the hair into a few sections..."

Shen Hui cut him off before he could finish stating the obvious. She asked directly: "Where do you separate it?"

"Here." Su Yunan pointed at a spot.

Shen Hui picked up a section of hair where Su Yunan had indicated, but Su Yunan said again: "That's too much."

"Then how much do you need?"

"A little less than that."

"What about now?"

"Now it's too little again."

After getting it wrong a few times, Shen Yue took out her phone, intending to search for a tutorial for Shen Hui so she wouldn't be so confused.

While Shen Yue was searching, Shen Hui took the opportunity to directly pass the hair in her hand to Su Yunan, naturally saying: "You divide it."

Su Yunan was suddenly touching a part of Shen Yue, even if it was only her hair. He froze for an instant.

But it was only for a moment before he regained his composure.

He didn't do anything that would put Shen Yue in an awkward situation. He merely divided Shen Hui's hair into the right amount for her before giving it back to Shen Hui.

But Shen Hui didn't take it. She only asked from the side: "What's next?"

Her intention was clearly for Su Yunan to continue.

Not daring to look at Shen Yue's expression, Su Yunan glanced at Si Chengyou. The knowledge Si Chengyou had imparted to him oddly floated up in his mind. At that moment, only he himself knew how he felt.

He was a little uncomfortable, but he felt that the way things were now was already the best arrangement.

He gave Si Chengyou a look, not bothering if Si Chengyou could understand it or not. Then he brought his gaze back to the hair in his hand.

He didn't speak to Shen Yue, only telling Shen Hui: "Then you twist the hair up like this and clip it to keep it in place. Put on the hairpiece and secure it."

Just like that, Shen Hui successfully changed from being the main hairstylist to the sidekick passing things.

Whenever Su Yunan said he needed something, she would pass it over, while passing commentary too: "Hmm, that looks good, sister see."

Calling Shen Yue "sister" slipped out so naturally, but Shen Yue felt something was off.

It was because it slipped out too naturally that made it feel off.

In that instant, Shen Yue understood why Shen Hui and Su Yunan had come over together.

Just as Su Yunan understood Shen Yue, Shen Yue also understood Su Yunan. Although Su Yunan had undergone physical modifications, the fact that he could be so easily brainwashed by Shen Hui showed that his brain was not up to supporting memory transferral.

But Su Yunan now showed no abnormalities at all. The only one who could have achieved this was Shen Hui.

If the hypothesis was that Shen Hui could detect Su Yunan's abnormalities and treat them, then Shen Hui reacting this way now wouldn't be surprising either.

She knew about it.

No wonder she spoke about Si Chengyou like that earlier.

At that moment Shen Yue suddenly felt that Si Chengyou was so pitiful.

She wanted to turn her head to look at Si Chengyou but her hair was being handled by Su Yunan, so she couldn't move. She could only look in the mirror and ask: "Ah You, do you think it looks good?"

Hearing Shen Yue call him like this, the slight aggrievement in Si Chengyou's heart instantly dissipated.

It wasn't that he wanted things to be like this, but Yueyue was calling him Ah You.

This form of address had only been used a couple times in the past when Shen Yue lost to him while gaming. Other times Shen Yue had always called him by his full name or Old Si.

"You look good no matter what."

The sticky sweetness made Tang Yi unhappy again.

Looking at the hairdo that was starting to become elaborate, he deliberately said: "Su Yunan is so skilled with his hands. Teacher Si, do you also put such pretty hair arrangements on Shen Yue usually?"

Si Chengyou was unfazed: "Although the chignon is pretty, it's too complex. The decorations on it are also very heavy. When Yueyue's at home I prefer her to be more comfortable."

Si Chengyou was making implications, but before Tang Yi could retort, Shen Hui already spoke up: "You mean to say we're just foolishly tormenting Yueyue now and making her uncomfortable?"

When facing Shen Hui's aggression, Si Chengyou didn't get angry at all. He merely smiled and said: "It's fun for you all to occasionally mess around with Yueyue like this, but if I were to pester her like this everyday she ought to get annoyed at me."

With that one statement, Si Chengyou was constantly hinting at his fiance identity without saying it outright. But at every turn he was suggesting his status.

Faced with this, even the five star pervert Tang Yi had to admit, Si Chengyou knew how to go on the attack.

Over here Shen Hui and Si Chengyou were exchanging verbal blows, yet Su Yunan was acting as if he couldn't hear any of it at all. His eyes only saw Shen Yue.

When gathering up another section of hair, Su Yunan noticed a slight change in Shen Yue's movements. Finally, he said his first sentence to Shen Yue today: "Does it hurt?"

Shen Yue smiled. "It doesn't hurt."

Su Yunan nodded: "It'll be ready in a minute."

As he turned to get a hairpin, Su Yunan saw Tang Yi sitting nearby watching the show very comfortably. He remembered that Tang Yi had come to the Shen family alone to find Shen Yue some time ago, and must have chatted with Shen Yue a lot, unlike him who finally got to see Shen Yue but there were so many people around.

Su Yunan felt it was very unfair.

Sure enough, whether in the past or now, Tang Yi was equally annoying.

But Tang Yi was a pervert, ordinary attacks would only make him insensitive...

To say the only thing left that could shake Tang Yi now would probably be just one thing.

"When Ma Sha was still around, she would often give you different hairstyles. I really wanted to try it myself at that time."

After Su Yunan finished speaking,

Shen Yue was stunned.

So were Si Chengyou and Tang Yi.

Only Shen Hui gave Su Yunan a like.

She approved of the attack power of these words.

At this moment, Tang Yi directly felt for the first time what it meant when a biting dog doesn't bark.

Si Chengyou barked fiercely, but didn't hurt him and even taught him how to get along with his family.

Su Yunan didn't say a single word to him since he appeared, but now suddenly stabbed him hard.

He had underestimated Su Yunan.

Shen Yue looked at Su Yunan, who was combing her hair behind her, through the mirror at this moment. At this moment, Su Yunan was also looking at her, as if to get some answer from her mouth.

Shen Yue knew what Su Yunan wanted to hear, but she could not say it.

"You remember too."

Su Yunan nodded: "Well."

"How did you die?"

Shen Yue and Shen Hui asked the same question. This was not surprising, because she and Shen Hui were the only two people who knew the complete usage of the time-space medium.

If Su Yunan was still alive when she died, there would definitely not be a situation where the memory energy was captured by the time-space medium.

Su Yunan took another hair bun for Shen Yue to put on, while fixing it, he said, "You know."

Shen Yue did know, but she didn't say it. She just meant it: "You shouldn't have done that."

After being briefly stunned by the joint attack, Tang Yi immediately returned to normal. When the flames of war burned to himself, he could no longer watch the show. Instead, he chose to temporarily join forces with Si Chengyou.

Hearing Su Yunan muttering over there with Shen Yue, he smiled politely on purpose and asked, "You two are so taciturn. I don't understand a word of what you said. Si Chengyou, can you understand it?"

Si Chengyou also smiled politely on purpose and said, "It doesn't matter if I don't understand. Yueyue will tell me."

The two sides joined forces. Shen Hui was not vegetarian either. If Si Chengyou and Tang Yi liked to imply things in their words, then Shen Hui and Su Yunan mainly pointed their guns at your face.

After Su Yunan took the initiative to expose that he had regained his memory and released the Ma Sha bomb to attack Tang Yi, Shen Hui also began to skinned him: "Of course you don't understand. When I heard that you actually took Yueyue to gamble, I couldn't figure it out either."

Si Chengyou: !

"No..." Shen Yue wanted to help Si Chengyou quibble, but Shen Hui gently caressed her face immediately.

Shen Hui's hand stroked Shen Yue's face to her lips, making Shen Yue physically muted, then continued: "One who doesn't hesitate to make Yueyue fall, and one who knows everything but watches coldly. In the end, it's Yueyue who suffers, and some people even become saviors and can take beauty home. What kind of reason is this?"

Si Chengyou: !!

On these things, Si Chengyou really couldn't refute. But in Shen Yue's eyes, these things were also her own choices. She wanted to remove Shen Hui's hand covering her mouth, but Shen Hui suddenly looked at her again: "Si Chengyou killed me many times, but now I still have to hand you over to him."

Shen Yue: !!!

Shen Hui, equally knowing everyone's weaknesses.

Tang Yi tried to fight back: "But wasn't it you who sent her to the flightless bird?"

When she heard this question, Shen Hui smiled disdainfully: "Yes, my Yueyue could have seen the final fireworks in Tower No. 1 without worrying about food and clothing, but you ruined it, Tang Yi. Elder brother's company, will not be able to guess the second layer of meaning in words. How can this be?"

Tang Yi: ?!

Shen Hui had already gone mad with murder, and Su Yunan took this opportunity to quietly complete the whole hairstyle.

Taking advantage of the gap in Shen Hui's output, Su Yunan looked at Shen Yue in the mirror and asked, "Does it look good?"

Shen Hui finally removed her hand from Shen Yue's mouth. Shen Yue looked at her exquisite self in the mirror, and Su Yunan's position. For a moment, it was as if she had returned to Tower No. 1.

"It looks good, but the clothes don't match."

Su Yunan also knew. He said, "You can match the white Hanfu that Si Chengyou bought for you last time."

Hearing Su Yunan take the initiative to mention Si Chengyou, Shen Yue took the opportunity to explain to Shen Hui: "You can't blame Si Chengyou for everything. It was my choice."

Just as her voice fell, a voice suddenly came from outside: "Ah? What's going on here?" 𝚏ree𝚠𝚎𝐛nove𝚕.com

The elongated ah contained surprise, worry, and puzzlement, but most of all, gossip.

The person was Shen Jize. Behind him was Shen Wu.

Shen Wu didn't speak, but after walking in and seeing the position of the people on the scene, he made an affirmative judgment.

Si Chengyou's family was stolen.

How miserable. Feels like laughing.

Before Shen Wu laughed out loud, Shen Jize pinched him. Si Chengyou was already miserable enough, and they couldn't pour oil on the fire. The primary task now was to figure out what the situation was with Su Yunan.

Shen Jize looked at Si Chengyou standing so far away from Shen Yue and was surprised: “Brother-in-law, do you have something on your mind standing so far away from Yueyue?”

Shen Wu chimed in: “If you have something on your mind, tell us and make us happy.”

Si Chengyou was already used to Shen family people like this, but through these years of getting along, he also knew that these two wanted to help him now.

His current problem with Shen Yue was Shen Hui, not Shen Yue herself. So Si Chengyou sighed and said, "Little Hui... doesn't really want me and Yueyue to be together."

When he heard that this was the reason, Shen Wu was not surprised at all. He asked Shen Hui directly: "You can't sleep again? I told you long ago to find a substitute. Should."

Shen Hui immediately shifted her attention: "If you say one more sentence, I'll say what dangerous experiments you did last time."

Everyone: ...... Is there any possibility that you have already said it?

It had been a long time since Shen Wu saw Shen Hui. Seeing that Shen Hui was still so aggressive at first sight, he was not to be outdone: “Oh? Why did I do dangerous experiments? Wasn't it because you couldn't smell Shen Yue and couldn't sleep, do you think the soothing perfume you're using now was made by whom!”

When his voice fell, the scene fell silent.

Shen Wu realized it was not good and slowly turned to meet Shen Yichen's loving gaze.

Shen Wu: ......Why is it him again?

Shen Yichen smiled lightly, walked leisurely to the sofa, put the fruit on the coffee table, and then said, "Oh? What dangerous experiment could produce the scent of Yueyue? Come, tell me in detail."

The Shen family and Si Chengyou were all pulled over. Tang Yi wanted to pretend he didn't hear it, but Shen Yichen found him and asked him to come over: "Tang Yi, you just come over and listen, you'll definitely encounter this situation later too."

So, due to Shen Yichen's participation, the melee turned into a juvenile education session.

This education continued until Shen Shuangyi brought Shen Shuangchen to join.

As soon as Shen Shuangyi entered the dressing room, he saw Shen Yue's exquisite hairstyle and the casual home clothes that didn't match her hairstyle at all.

Seeing that the elder brother's side couldn't be finished for a while, Shen Shuangyi took Shen Yue directly to the wardrobe to pick out a change of clothes.

After changing her clothes, Shen Yue was like she had crossed into another dynasty. Every frown and smile was full of charm.

Only then did Shen Shuangyi ask, "What happened? Su Yunan..."

Shen Yue interrupted Shen Shuangyi and said, "It was a misunderstanding."

Shen Shuangyi didn't ask any more, only said: “Misunderstandings can be cleared up. We have seen Si Chengyou for so many years. Although we always talk about him, he does love you and is most suitable for you.”

Shen Yue nodded. She knew.

The efforts and sincerity Si Chengyou had paid over the years were known not only to her, but to all the Shen family.

Shen Shuangyi went on to say, "Also, Si Chengyou's family is very interesting. On the first trip you and Si Chengyou went out together, they helped check out places for you in advance.”

“Second brother, how do you know about it?”

Shen Shuangyi's actions paused for a moment. How did he know? Of course it was because their whole family had gone too, and the two families had bumped right into each other.

"I just happened to be filming there," Shen Yue smiled and said, not exposing the truth: "Oh."

At this time, Shen Shuangchen sent news from the front: "Eldest brother said it's about time, we can go out now."

So Shen Yue went from the cloakroom back to the makeup room.

Shen Yichen was lecturing Shen Hui, telling her that she couldn't always rely on her sister, that her sister had grown up and had her own family, and couldn't accompany her for a lifetime.

Meanwhile, Si Chengyou kept nodding in agreement.

At this moment, Shen Yue finally realized the true worth of Si Chengyou always taking care of Shen Hui in place of Shen Yichen.

Just now, second brother had also spoken up for him.

And fourth brother had called Si Chengyou brother-in-law first.

After weaving his web for so many years, Si Chengyou had finally succeeded.

Shen Yue saw that Shen Yichen's little girl who can't leave her sister persona had left Shen Hui dumbfounded. She tentatively made an invitation: "Do you want to take a group photo?"

And so, the great Shen family battle ended with a family portrait.


Su Yunan and Shen Hui returned to the lab.

Shen Hui asked Su Yunan that question again: "Do you want your memories?"

Shen Hui knew of Su Yunan's feelings for Shen Yue. But now that Si Chengyou had gained recognition from the Shen family, Su Yunan no longer had a chance.

If he kept these memories now, it would only increase his worries.

"I do."

Shen Hui was not surprised by this answer. After all...

"You really are stupid."

Su Yunan was frank: "Many people like to live in blissful ignorance, but I also have the right to choose another path."

Shen Hui neither agreed nor disagreed: "Then what was the significance of you coming today? Not being able to obtain something means obtaining nothing."

"I've already obtained it."

"What have you obtained? A haircut?"

"Memories. Having the memories is enough."

Shen Hui didn't try to persuade Su Yunan anymore. After all, they were his own memories. If he wanted to keep them, he could.

"Shen Hui, I want to travel."

"Then go."

"Do you want to come with me?"

"Why would I go with you? Are you sick? Has your brain gone bad?"

"In the previous world line, the last scenery Shen Yue saw, don't you want to see it?"

Shen Hui: "...Fine."

Later on during their travels, Shen Hui asked Su Yunan what his feelings were towards Shen Yue.

He said: "It was the first stirrings of love, throbbing excitement, love that could not be fulfilled."

Su Yunan also asked Shen Hui what her feelings towards Shen Yue were. Shen Hui said: "Guilt, heartache, and love."

That day the two of them came to the beach, walking aimlessly.

"This is good enough."


There are always regrets in life. But it is the existence of regrets that lead to beautiful, complete happiness.

"The sea really is beautiful."


"Traveling is actually quite fun."

"We should head back, don't you need to call Shen Yue?"

"Yes, but Si Chengyou is always there when I do, how annoying."

"Hmm, let's think of a way to get rid of him when we get back."

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