Eternal Melody

Chapter 1109 Tokyo Illusion Part 47

Chapter 1109 Tokyo Illusion Part 47


Jun understood it from the very beginning.

That's precisely why he was the first one to confess and got the rejection done and over with. Although admitting that he never stood a chance does quite the damage on his pride. Watching the two of them like this, makes him relieved that he confessed and got turned down. Indeed the brunette hair girl whom he even now harbours strong attachments for was composing on the couch, the keyboard on her lap and a piece of paper. While Yuhi was slouching on the coach also with a pen in his hands, his other hand wrapped around the brunette hair girl's waist.

The two are currently discussing the details of the new song.

"It seems like they're progressing well."

Jun glanced over to spot Tetsuo." Tetsuo, yes, though I am slightly worried about her condition." 

Tetsuo shakes his head, "It's alright. You don't have to worry. I heard she actually received some treatment during the shooting. She's been recovering quite a bit." He explained.

Recover huh? Jun certainly hopes that's the case. Sumire didn't exactly get much time to rest in-between being stabbed and then getting her heart ripped out.

"But still watching that are you not envious?"

Jun glanced over to see Yuhi bend over to whisper something in the girl's ear. This led to a faint tint of red to appear on her cheeks. 

"I can't say it doesn't bother me. " Because indeed even now he still harbours deep affections. But, "Even more than that I'm glad they are so close with each other. It puts you guys at quite a disadvantage."

That's right, it's only when two people are in love and completely in harmony with each other that they are able to create the most beautiful sound. For his career, for M5. It's better if these two get along.

'I heard they fought during their journey to see Sumire's brother, but there are no signs of that now. I am curious though, since I have never seen them fight before.'

Sumire nodded and walked over to the bar counter with her composition notebook. Since she placed it on the counter, Jun had a good view of the lyrics too. 

His eyes widened seeing the lyrics written on the sheet of paper in front of him. This is amazing, how on earth did she write something like this? She thinks there is something wrong with this? No, the reason Sumire-san is saying this has nothing to do with her skills.

Tetsuo must have figured it out since he smiles. "Sumire-chan, are you sure you're insecure about these lyrics? Or are you just feeling embarrassed?"

At Tetsuo's words Sumire turned bright red. "It's true that when I called up Yuhi a few days ago I told him I wanted to bring everyone's emotions together, but I didn't think he would do this."

Everyone's emotions huh? Does she mean all their feelings for her! And all the feelings of those who have become her fans, indeed it is a beautiful love. 

'Yuhi, you really have gone ahead and done it. No wonder he's been looking so confident recently.'

This song will certainly take their group to new heights. This doesn't even compare to nanairo feathers debut single from four years ago anymore. 

"Then, if we got involved in the composing process would that get rid of your nerves?" Jun found himself saying.

To his surprise Sumire's eyes lit up. "Yes! I'd like that a lot."


In the end he ended up having to help with the washing up. The second Shohei entered the bar, the amount of food also seemed to increase thus so did the washing up. There were customers who also came so Hamano can't wash up. Well he supposed it was alright, since his gaze fell on Sumire. It's rare for him to have some time with her.

Ever since he was rejected, they have maintained their friendship which he is thankful for. It would put the entire group in jeopardy if she started acting oddly towards him just because of the confession. 'I knew she would react this way, and that's why I wanted to get it out of the way.'

After being rejected, Jun quickly realized that being friends with her is definitely better than being a couple. They wouldn't have been a good match, they are very different from each other.

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