Eternal Melody

Chapter 1067 Tokyo Illusion Part 5

Chapter 1067 Tokyo Illusion Part 5


His jealousy is petty. Despite Hino and the other guys in his group saying it's justified. Yuhi felt like he was being unreasonable. It's not Sumire's fault that she has other guys who like her. It's not her fault that her past relationships have ended with a very bad break up. Especially the relationship she had with Mashima Toh. As time went on, Yuhi understood that was the one she had the most regrets about.

'I feel insecure, and very frightened. What if one day she decides she wants to return to Mashima? The two are already so close now, what if she leaves?'

Yuhi isn't worried about being cheated on. Sumire already has a bad experience with that in this life and her past life. What frightens him is Sumire voluntarily leaving his side.

Hearing the sound of small footsteps downstairs, Sumire leaves his embrace and bolts out the door.

The absence of the girl in his arms left him feeling empty. It was only a few seconds, but Yuhi already felt a hollow sensation in his chest. Yuhi shakes his head. It's okay, he isn't thousands of miles away from her, he isn't on the other side of the world. Yuhi takes out a cigarette from his packet on the bedside table, and lit it.

Since coming back, he has made sure to fall asleep and wake up with Sumire in his arms. Sumire must have realized that too since she adjusted her schedule so they can leave the house at the same time. There was a day during his first week back that he woke up without her and he panicked so much. Thankfully Sumire only left to buy groceries for breakfast, so she returned. But when he saw her, he felt so relieved and collapsed in her arms.

Ever since that incident Sumire has always been there when he wakes up. During the days Sumire woke up before him, Yuhi would find her playing with his hair, or kissing him. The second one without fail leads to them having a make out session before breakfast.

Yuhi shakes his head and exited the room. Yuhi noted that Sumire was still at the end of the hall, almost like she was waiting for- he sees her expression and paused. She really did wait for him. She has definitely picked up on the fact that he dislikes being apart from her. But, she hasn't asked him why. Yuhi nodded and Sumire sighed in relief as she rushed down the stairs.

It didn't take long before they were both downstairs, there waiting in the living room was a boy with maroon coloured hair.

"Mom!" Huan said happily

"Oh my sweet Huan!" Sumire said happily as she hugged the child.

Huan returned the hug equally as happy as he spoke about how his day went. Yuhi sweat fell hearing the young boys stories, Mamoru's life is too adventurous. However, it seems like Huan has inherited that trait too. Sumire too seemed to be conflicted but simply nodded.

"Dad said to give this to mom."

"Oh?" Sumire trailed off seeing the cake box and laughed. "How does he still remember that?"

Yuhi immediately guessed that Mamoru got her a cake that they spoke about before when they were still a couple. 'Of course dear wife, why would anyone forget anything you told them?'

He certainly makes sure to memorize everything word from word.

"Mom smells like father Yuhi." Huan suddenly said.

Yuhi almost choked on his cigarette. How good is this kid's nose? Or is that another hanyou trait he needs to be aware of? He ought to speak with Atsuro regarding the three children's abilities. The twins especially seem to have more than one power. It's not unusual for that to happen, there are plenty of evolved humans with multiple powers.

Sumire giggled. "It's proof of his love for me."

What proof of love, all he did was kiss her. Yuhi sighed deeply. If he knew the kid would be back so soon, he would have done more.

The kid thankfully changed the subject. "Mom, mom. You have to tell Dad to go to the hospital."


"Blood. He coughs out blood."

At that comment Sumire's expression turned tense.

"Is Dad dying?"

Sumire bites her lip and shakes her head. "He just needs to see a doctor. I'll make sure of that."

When Huan leaves to go to his room, Sumire immediately takes her phone out.

From: Sumire

I'm coming over right now.

So you better be home.

Yuhi chuckled. She is so cute even when she is threatening someone.

"I'll stay here with the kids." Yuhi offered.

Although if Mamoru's condition is that bad, he should pay a visit some time soon.

Sumire nodded and hugged him. "Thank you Yuhi."

"You're welcome. Tell me when you're coming home?"


"So, I can make sure to flirt with you on your way back." Yuhi winked.



A few hours go by, in that time he spends it composing songs and playing with the twins. Since returning from abroad, he has been very busy. M5's popularity has certainly reached new heights due to their efforts abroad. Thankfully, Sumire's popularity has increased too, so he has been seeing her more. But with both of them being so busy, it meant they didn't have much time to spend with the children. With Huan it was okay since Mamoru is around, but passing the twins back and forth to different people wasn't right to him.

For now the situation works out, Jae and Atushi don't mind taking care of the twins. But, in the future they will have to make better arrangements. During the little time he gets to spend with the twins, Yuhi has learned their personalities very well.

They are both fairly outgoing. But Satomi seemed like the adventure type, just like Huan and Mamoru. Yuhi noted that he struggled to stay still and was always running around doing something. On the other hand Kyoko? The little girl was active but doing activities she loved. Recently he has discovered what those activities were.

It was only a few minutes after he put the twins to sleep when the doors opened.

Yuhi didn't think she would return. Sumire must have understood that since she bit him harsher. The minute she got home, she started to drink his blood.

Yuhi kissed her forehead, eyelids, nose and Sumire pulled away.

"Need a bath?" Yuhi asked.

"Need you."

His gaze softened at her honest sounding words.

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