Eternal Melody

Chapter 1033 This is me Part 9

Chapter 1033 This is me Part 9


When she finds out the truth, there is no doubt she will be furious with him. Because he took away her choice and decided for him before they truly got to know each other.

'I will try every means to return to your side, so I can give you the happiness you deserve. So, would you wait for me? Phoenix God, Yi.'

She knew. When she was dying in his arms, she called him by his title. Whether she only knew his title or actually knew the extent of their bond, he didn't know. But, there is no doubt she will eventually recall that part of her memories.

"I love you Sumire."

Sumire's cheeks coloured red and she coughs. "Ahem, now isn't the time for you to confess."

"It's not?"

"It's not." Sumire exclaimed. Her cheeks turned redder by the minute.

"When I get back, I'd like to confess to you at least twice everyday."

"W-why do you have to-"

Yuhi grabs hold of her hands and kisses her fingertips. "I regretted it when I was in the US. I felt like even though I showed you my love with words. I could have done more."

"Perhaps you could have."

Sensing her changed tone, he looked up and saw her livid expression. "Yuhi-san, what you said a few minutes ago about coming to me. Even though I figured it out when I regained my memories. I still have to ask, you knew where I was right?"

"From the start." Yuhi agreed.

"How could you just--"

"It was for your safety. I figured that Lucifer could keep you safe."

He wasn't wrong about that. Although Renna mentioned some attempts of others challenging Sumire, none of them were after her life.

Sumire scoffed. "and the real reason?"

"I wanted to give you a choice." Yuhi said vaguely. But, he knew Sumire understood. Since a disappointed look flashed through her pretty features.

"We spoke about this before. I thought you understood."

"I know but-"

"I remember everything Yi, or maybe you prefer Sora."

Yuhi's eyes widened at her words. He knew that they eventually had to discuss this. But, he didn't think she would bring it up today. How naive of him. Sumire has never been the type of person to dance around sensitive issues. She isn't the type to dwell on things, and prefers to directly confront the person. Even if it hurts her.


Sumire raised her hand and slapped him. Even though this was a dream. Her slap still stung. Yuhi ignored the pain and extended his hands out. Sumire ran to his arms and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You! You idiot! Why did you come after me? You should have evacuated with the others. Why the hell would you go back?"

"Like I could have just left without you." Yuhi snapped. "Do you have any idea how I felt when I woke up, and couldn't sense our bond properly? I thought you were dead, and if you were. If you were, I would have destroyed what was left of the world."

Sumire shakes her head. "You could have lived, you should have. You idiot." Sumire continued to sob.

It pained him seeing her cry like this. But, since they are on this subject.

"Did you really think so little of my love, that I would have just abandoned you?" Yuhi questioned.

"Isn't that my line? I woke up, you know, when you were working on that spell. Why did you think I never wanted to marry you?" Sumire exclaimed.

"Because you were pale and sick-"

"I looked ill because I was being poisoned before the wedding." Sumire argued.

Yuhi blinked after hearing her words. She was poisoned? Yuhi thinks back to her appearance properly. Her slow movements, her reaction to the food, her unsteady breathing.


"Oh you idiot! Didnt you see? I even stopped wearing the pendant. I was going to choose you." Sumire exclaimed.

"I misunderstood?" Yuhi mumbled.

"Yes, you did." Sumire sighed. "I knew you were slow my dear, even back then. But, you really didn't notice the signs?"

It's true they were getting closer and he noticed that she was getting clingier. But, he simply thought she was being protective just in case anybody attacked him. After all, there were those who didn't think he deserved her, those who were against the marriage.

"Lucifer was there too."

"I know."

"But still you would have picked me?" Yuhi asked.


"I'm sorry." Yuhi apologized, "I know that's not enough. But--

"I do understand. I just wish you would discuss it with me." Sumire trails off. "It's okay, I guess this is just something to add on our list of how to improve this relationship."

"So regarding him-"

"It's complicated." Sumire interjected. "Even without my memories, I was getting nightmares. Because my subconscious feels like I betrayed you."

Yuhi shakes his head. "I'm not going to blame you. Besides I knew you two were-" Yuhi swallowed his words back.

"How did you even stand to listen to that news?" Sumire said.

"It wasn't easy."

"I need to see him again, I can't just leave it like this."

"Yeah." Yuhi understood.

Two months isn't long but two months is enough for Sumire to determine what type of person Lucifer is. Memories or not, she is still her.

Sumire kissed his cheek and squeezed his hands. "You're sweet, thank you Yuhi."

"So, did he leave that mark too?" Yuhi pointed to the one on her neck.

Sumire placed her hand on her neck and laughed nervously. "Actually this.."

"Nag--Mashima?" Yuhi corrected himself.

Sumire nodded. "Uh, he said something about healing the mark Lucifer made."

Yuhi grunted. "Mashima is too sly."

"Can I get close to you Yuhi-san?" Sumire suddenly asked.

"Of course."

Sumire scooted over and then hugged him tightly. "I've missed you, more than you think. Even though Lucifer was good to me, it always felt like something was missing."

Yuhi froze.

"You're looking at me like you don't believe me." Sumire sighed. "I suppose it can't be helped. I'll just have to show you."

Show him?

He is suddenly pinned to the ground. The action was familiar, and yet foreign at the same time.

His cheeks burned red when he saw her slowly remove her clothing. "Wh-what are you doing?"


"Sumire--" Yuhi started. He wanted to protest and tell her it probably isn't a good idea. She only just returned. She needs to rest.

"I've missed you husband."

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