Eternal Melody

Chapter 1024 My Beautiful Monster Part 125

Chapter 1024 My Beautiful Monster Part 125


One of the other females caught his eye, and her cheeks turned red causing him to exhale deeply. He needs to speak with Lyra and ask her where she found these people. But, that can wait.

He picked up a clean looking cloth and started to wipe her face. Even with her pale complexion and dishevelled hair, soaked with sweat. To Lucifer she looked like a goddess. She has always looked good to him. From the moment they met, he was drawn to her.

Sumire turned to him with a weak smile. "Have you-seen the child?"

Lucifer shakes his head. "I think they went to clean her. Norah, how do you feel?"

Is she feeling uncomfortable anywhere? How does he make her pain go away?

She giggled. "You should see your face right now. I'm fine Lex. Actually, this delivery was a lot smoother than my first one."

Lucifer didn't believe her. How is it possible? He stood outside the door for hours, and heard her.

"This will be the last one."

Sumire blinked and laughed again. "Oh, don't be silly."

Lucifer shakes his head. He doesn't want her to go through this again. "Tell me wife, did it really not hurt?"

"It did." Sumire admitted causing his expression to darken. "Lex, this is normal. All women go through this."

"I don't like you being in pain."

She laughed again as she weakly extended her hand out and caressed his cheek. "I know love, but aren't you happy?"

"I am." Lucifer nodded. Although his main focus right now is making sure she recovers her strength as much as possible. He leans down and plants a kiss on her forehead and eyelids.

Before he could say anymore, the doors opened revealing lyra.

Lyra enters the room carrying a bundle, in her arms was a beautiful baby girl with white hair with silver streaks and violet coloured eyes. Lucifer's eyes widened when he took in the appearance of their daughter.



Seeing Lucifer frozen on the spot, she turned her attention to what he was looking at. Her eyes widened shocked when she saw the bundle in Lyra's arms. Lyra's gaze is gentle as she passed her the child.

"The soul is the same." Lyra confirmed before exiting the room.



"She looks like Slyvia." Sumire said, breaking the silence.

Lucifer smiled softly and she sobbed.

"Do you think--"

Sumire didn't even have to confirm that. Didn't Lyra just say that the soul is the same? Is this really her daughter reincarnated? It's not easy to be reincarnated to the same parents. It seldom ever happens.

Lucifer was so overcome with joy and seeing him that way made her heart hurt. She wants to stay, she wants to be here with him. But, it's not possible. All she can do is hope that the current her learns to love Lucifer.

"Rest Norah."

Sumire shakes her head and continues to hold the child. "What should we do about her name?"

She still couldn't believe that she successfully gave birth.

"Would you mind if I named her? I actually have a name already."

Sumire blinked surprised at his words. "You do? But, it hasn't been long since you knew about me being pregnant."

Lucifer chuckled as he kissed her eyelids again. "I've been wanting to have another child with you for a very long time."

Despite his vague words, Sumire immediately understood what he was saying. Flashes of her miscarriages after their first life flashed through her mind. He always told her that it was okay if they didn't have a child, as long as he had her. But, what man wouldn't want a child with the woman they love?

Sumire wrapped her arms around his neck and mumbled. "I love you, I will always love you."

Even if her current self loves somebody else more. There will always be love for Lucifer in their hearts.

Lucifer chuckled. "Words aren't enough."

Sumire giggled. "You're very needy." She trails off and lifts her face from his neck as she leaned forward and kissed him.

She loves him so much, and even if she wants to be selfish. She can't stay. Their story is already over. 'This is why I never tried making contact with my body's current soul. I could have done

Suddenly the doors flung open.

"Lucifer!" Jacks exclaimed. "There's a problem, the east wing has been attacked."

Lucifer pulls away from her reluctantly. There were still traces of salvia on his mouth causing her cheeks to heat up. She reached over to wipe his mouth causing him to smirk.


"The leader of the holy knights."

The leader...

'He's coming for us.' A familiar voice spoke in her mind. 'That reckless fool.'

Lucifer clicked his tongue.

"Are you sure it's Aki and not Lennon?"

Jacks nodded. "Rui is keeping him occupied for now, but it's definitely Aki. Only he can wield those flames."

"Tsk." Lucifer turned to her. "Norah, stay here. Whatever you do, don't leave."

"But maybe I should talk to him. I'll explain."

Lucifer shakes his head. "He will grab you, and not let you talk."

But, if Lennon is truly in that body. She ought to come, she has to find out what has happened to make him this way. Lucifer shakes his head. Seeing this determined expression, it reminded her of something.

"Last time- Last time you did this you...the darkness.." Sumire struggled not to cry.

"Don't cry Norah." Lucifer wiped her tears but she frantically pushed him away.

"No, I'm not listening--" Sumire's sentence fell short when he pried her mouth open and their tongues intertwined. Even though she was upset, she could never deny him anything. She has always been weak against this man.

After kissing passionately for a few minutes, Lucifer eventually let's her go and she slumped in his chest.

"Lex." Sumire managed to say.

"I'll return soon. Alright? You have to trust me, like you used to."

Sumire felt like crying again hearing him say that. It brought back the emotions she felt the last time she saw him in their fifth life. She stopped trusting him after he lost control and harmed her.

"I trust you, I love you. Come back to me." Sumire whispered against his lips.


Lucifer insisted that Jacks stay with her, but Sumire sent him away. If Lennon is truly in that body, then Lucifer will need all the help he can get. She spent the next two hours with her child. She truly looks like Slyvia and if what Lyra said is correct, then this girl is truly their child. Her thoughts break off when the doors burst open revealing a man with short dark hair wearing a dark cloak.

She searched her memories and immediately recognized the guy.

"Wait. I'm not--I--Im-" Sumire struggled to explain.

"Your highness Norah." Eli said. "Please return Sumire's body."

Sumire frowned. "That's me. This girl, she's still me."

At those words Eli laughed. "So, she really agreed to let you borrow her body? She really is a reckless person."

Sumire flinched. There was something sinister about his laughter. Isn't he someone important to the current her? If so, he shouldn't hurt her and yet, seeing him now. She felt goosebumps all over her body.

Eli suddenly appeared directly in front of her and scoffed. "You reek of darkness. How many times has he drank from you?"

Sumire didn't reply.

"What a reckless Queen, I've warned her so many times in the past. Well, it doesn't matter now. I'll lecture her again when you return her."

She ought to have backed away, but her feet felt like it was rooted to the ground. Sumire tried to muster her power but she realized Is he, using some sort of compulsion on her?

Just as she was thinking that, Eli suddenly yanked his hand towards her chest and she coughed out blood. It was similar to what the beast did, when he attacked the current her. But, instead of taking her heart? Eli was taking her soul, her soul as 'Norah.'

Her eyes widened alarmed but she collapsed in Eli's arms. Eli was looking at her with a gentle gaze. "Relax Queen, you'll return to normal soon.'

'L-Lex- Lex, I'm so sorry.' Sumire weakly turned to look at her child one last time. But, Eli was covering her with his cloak.

'Slyvia, if it's you. Take care of him for me.'

She sent that single thought to the newborn before her consciousness faded.

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