Chapter 113 - He Should Be Writer.

Chapter 113 - He Should Be Writer.

When Xie Ming looked at the Liwei who is still in the same position looking awkward, she felt slightly guilty.

She knew that it was her fault as she was looking at him with her thirsty gaze but it was not her fault. ' It's his fault to be so handsome. What she did was only natural for her to do so.' she nodded at this thought of hers.

Liwei looked at the women who got out of his grasp after seducing him. He glared at her pretending to be angry.

Seeing his cold gaze, she sheepishly backed away a little. It was her fault indeed.

At that time, Yu mei entered the living room to inform them that the dishes have been placed on the table and they could have their dinner.

" Miss, the dinner has been served, you can eat it now." Yu mei informed Xie Ming. Then her eyes fell on the Liwei, who was sitting on the sofa but bending towards the other sofa, hands hanging on the sides and her face was titled slightly.

Anyone could guess from his position that what was happening before she came.

She blushed and smiled awkwardly looking at the two.

Jin Liwei very ' casually' straightened himself and said to Yu Mei, " Okay. We're coming in a while. You go and do your work." he said like nothing happened.

But this only he thinks. Yu mei was having a wild imagination in her so-called pure mind. She turned to look at Ming and smiled slyly before leaving.

Xie Ming understood the meaning of her smile and she felt embarrassed. She facepalmed herself, to hide the embarrassment.

She thought, ' We haven't even done anything but why people are misunderstanding.' she removed her hands and glared at Liwei.

Liwei looked at her expressions and smiled devilishly.

He stood up and walked past her giving her a mocking look, which was saying 'See, if you had complied with me, then at least you wouldn't be at loss. You would have gained something. But now you're being embarrassed without any reason.'

He walked towards the dining table.

Seeing his gleeful smile, Xie Ming was dumbfounded.

' This man has no shame. HAH. What can I even expect from such a person. ' she stomped her feet on the ground as if she was wronged, then followed him unwillingly.


When they settled in the chairs on the dinner table, the maid served the dishes to them.

Liwei looked at the sumptuous meal and smiled. Though he wasn't much fond of these dishes but Xie Ming's cooking is amazing. So he can eat anything that she cooks.

He looked at the tri color dumplings which are green, yellow and purple. He never seen colored dumplings this beautiful.

Not only she cooked well but she also plated the dishes well. He looked at the meal and could say that she had prepared a lot.

There was Hotpot in the middle, which looks very appetizing. There were other side dishes with it. She has also prepared a clean soup after hotpot which will help in them indigestion.

He picked up his chopsticks and tried the dumpling and it was delicious.

He looked at her and nodded at her in appreciation.

She smiled seeing him eating happily. The feeling to see someone eating the food made by you is the most pleasurable feeling that one can feel.

Then he picked up a spoon to try the soup of hotpot. He took a spoonful of soup from the hotpot.

Hotpot was today's main dish. He was anticipating for it.

As it put the spoon in his mouth, his smiling face froze on the spot. He blinked his eyes in confusion.

'It... Was different from the taste that he was expecting. It was... Salty. Very. Salty. '

He looked at her and blinked. Seeing his frozen expression, Xie Ming realized that something was not right.

She took her spoon and tasted the soup. As soon as she tasted the soup, she coughed violently.

Seeing her pitiful state, Jin Liwei went to pat at her back. He sighed.

Xie Ming felt guilty. She had prepared this dinner with such hard work, but it all went in the drain. She was disappointed.

Liwei sensed that she is upset and said, " It's okay. We can still eat it, it's not that bad. And we also have other dishes too. You did a great job". He said while patting her head adoringly.

She looked at him and sighed. Why this man is so good to her. In her past life, she was scolded very badly when the amount of salt was slightly up and down.

She looked down guiltily. Liwei looked at her expressions and he knows that she was disappointed with herself.

He said seen her preparing for the dinner happily, so she must be upset that the salt in the hotpot was too much to eat.

This cannot be fixed even by adding more water as it will ruin the essence of the dish.

But he still suggested to add more water and try to fix it, but she didn't respond.

Suddenly, she looked up at him with an annoyed expression and said, " It was all your fault. You're the reason that I made this mistake. If you hadn't kissed me at that time, then I wouldn't be nervous while adding the salt afterward."

"In the nervousness, I put much more salt than the required amount. If it wasn't for you, then this dish would be the best," she said angrily.

She has done so much for this dinner but a pinch of salt has ruined everything. And she hates to accept that it was her fault.

Liwei saw her, how smoothly she shifted all the blame on him. At this moment, his lips twitched a little.

He felt wronged, after being wrongly accused.

He retorted by saying, " Waah. So you're blaming me for being so handsome? Or being a good kisser? Because as I remembered you didn't deny my kiss but accepted it actively. Or was it my dream or is it your look alike?"

He said in a sarcastic tone. His words were clearly showing his narcissist character.

Xie Ming looked at him and she was at loss for words. She doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She didn't mean all this. But the imagination of this man is amazing.

'How could he think, whatever he wants to think?' she looked at him in disbelief.

'This man should be a writer instead of the CEO. Hmph.' she snorted inwardly.

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