Chapter 1566 Back Home



I swam out of the cold waters, feeling both born anew, and just the same as before. Seeing my dragon appearance again made me feel slightly relieved. I've grown so used to look like a giant scaled monster that seeing myself in a giant humanoid and muscular form was a bit weird and wrong. Even my humanoid form has many scales, wings, tail, horns, and many other draconic features, even my eyes.

So having absolutely none of them and only a clear blue skin… Just felt wrong. I was just doing my best to not be weirded out, but man, it does feels nice to be back to my good ol' body! Even my human appearance before reincarnation felt weird and strange. I don't want to look like a weak ass human ever again! Dragon bodies are the best.


I stretched my wings and arms and legs. I sighed in relief, looking at the blue sky. I found myself surrounded by an endless and beautiful divine frost land. This was part of my own Divine Realm, where the Ice Queen's Divine Realm, or well, a piece of it, merged with mine.

"Done already? Well, that was faster than I thought."

Suddenly, the Ice Queen herself materialized to my left as a ghostly apparition. She wasn't there a second ago. I suppose she didn't wait for me here and was busy dealing with everyone else to not waste time.

"You… You tricked me!" I roared back, slamming the ice with my tail.

"You're being way too cautious." I said. "But I guess it cannot be helped, seeing how you're his complete opposite. And perhaps the most righteous Venerable out there…" I laughed. "I wonder, can you tell me more about them while we go back home? I am curious about those I haven't interacted with yet."

"How many have you interacted with already?" She asked. "Four?"

"I think so. The "Ice Queen Immortal Venerable", you, the "Dream-Seeking Fox Demon Venerable", Belle, the "Crimson Blood Lord Demon Venerable" Alucard, who's dead, and lastly, the "Savage Sun Flare Demon Venerable", whose name I don't really know." I answered.

"Four out of many. I guess you're not counting Oberon… Well, I will skip him for obvious reasons, but my interactions with him have been similar to yours." The Ice Queen said. "Well, there's another Venerable that came after his death, someone that was born at the end of his own Era, the Remote Antiquity Era. Have you heard about her? She's well known across Vanaheim and Alfheim."

"No, not really?" I wondered. "I don't remember that rascal of Alma ever mentioning a Venerable."

"Alma?" The Ice Queen wondered. "Oh, you mean that Elf Girl you meet back in Heaven Port! I see. She's a member of a group that is going against Oberon's influence and freeing the people he captures. I see. Yes, I've heard about her."

"You have?!" I wondered.

"Anyways, that's not important right now. The Venerable I was referring to is called the "Moon Princess of Starlight Immortal Venerable". And this woman is known for being a "traitor" that betrayed Oberon. A former apprentice of him that went against the rules placed by him in the world and decided to revolutionize it." She answered.

"So she was good then?" I asked.

"Quite the opposite, in fact…" The Ice Queen sighed.


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