Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 2179: Difference in Power vs. Authority

Chapter 2179: Difference in Power vs. Authority

Though she ultimately agreed to Vahn's offer, Wu didn't want to abandon Mount Huaguo. She also felt a sense of filial responsibility towards Xiwangmu, so, instead of forcing her hand, Vahn created a teleportation array linking Mount Huaguo to the Sage Dragon's Hearth.

Simply put, Wu would continue to reside on Mount Huaguo, but, whenever she was bored, she, and anyone she was in direct contact with, could drop by the Sage Dragon's Hearth. Since she was able to create hundreds of clones, she could always leave at least one of them to keep an eye on things, so, even if she spent weeks, months, or even years just playing around, the odds of the Jade Palace being threatened without her notice were slim.

Fortunately, despite Wu's concerns, the Jade Emperor didn't oppose the arrangement. Rather, when Vahn met with him to explain the situation, both he and Lady Xiwangmu gave their blessing after he swore an oath to protect and cherish the troublesome yet lovable monkey girl. This came as quite a shock to Wu, who, after a private discussion with Lady Xiwangmu, emerged from her chambers with an ornate jade comb, neatly arranged hair, and slightly puffy eyes.

The evening that followed was among the most intense and passionate that Vahn had experienced since his early days in the Record of Danmachi…


"You know, this isn't exactly what I had in mind when I agreed to come with you…"

Standing above a beaten and bloodied Caulifla, Wu had to fight the urge to step triumphantly atop the half-conscious Saiyaness's head. Caulifla had challenged her the moment they were introduced, as, despite suffering quite a number of beatings, she was determined to ascertain where she stood in comparison to Vahn's other women.

Smiling wryly in response to Wu's remark, Vahn decided against pointing out she had a massive grin on her face. Instead, he said, "You should prepare yourself. This is where the real fight begins."

Without responding to Vahn's words, Wu shifted her attention to the opposite end of the massive wasteland created by her's and Caulifla's battle. There, Kale could be seen releasing a thunderous roar as an emerald green aura erupted from her body. At the same time, a layer of reddish-pink fur slowly spread across much of her body, the only exception being her face, hands, neck, and breasts.

Though a more sensible person may have tried to interrupt Kale's transformation, Wu occupied herself with a booger in her left nostril. The energy exuding from Kale's body was enough to bristle the fur on her tail, but, confident in her limitless strength and inviolable durability, she waited until the Legendary Saiyaness was giving her a death starer before asking, "You sure you don't need a bit more time? Who knows, I might die of old age if you stall things out long-"

With Kale appearing behind her in an instant, Wu didn't even have time to widen her eyes before a meteoric punch slammed into her lower back. Unfortunately, just as Kale was about to send her flying away from the downed Caulifla, Wu's body promptly dispersed into a cloud of pale golden smoke as a peal of impish laughter sounded from behind her.

"Bzzt! Wrong one~!"

Rewarding Kale's efforts, Wu grabbed the befuddled Saiyaness's tail before spinning her around like a world-class hammer thrower. Then, the moment she generated enough momentum, she released the much larger woman from her grasp as another version of herself appeared high in the sky.

To her credit, Kale was able to right herself almost instantaneously, but, even after unleashing a Ki blast capable of destroying a planet a hundred times over, Wu passed through it unscathed before sending her crashing towards the ground like a spiked volleyball.

Emerging from the massive crater caused by her impact with the earth, a thunderous roar escaped from Kale's throat as she charged towards Wu with even greater speed and intensity. Unfortunately, no matter how much she powered up, she would never be able to harm so much as a hair on Wu's head. This was the insurmountable wall most people faced when transitioning from a Lower Realm to the Divine Realm. She had absolutely nothing guaranteeing her power, so, against an opponent with multiple Fragments of Origin, she may as well be an insect crawling about in the dirt.

Demonstrating this, Wu was able to ignore Kale's attacks even when the latter was punching her with enough force to fracture the surrounding space. At the same time, even her casual punches and kicks were enough to send Kale flying, as, without a legend attesting to her sturdiness, there was simply 'no way' she could withstand blows from the legendary Sun Wu Kong.

Adding insult to injury, Wu side-stepped one of Kale's telegraphed punches before spinning around and smacking her in the back of the head with her tail. This sent the slowly expanding Saiyaness on another crash course towards the ground as she said, "We should hurry and wrap this up. Any more than this and I'm going to start feeling like a bully."

Undeterred by Wu's words, Kale liberated herself from a city-sized crater before thumbing her nose and snorting out a fair amount of blood. Then, startling even Wu, the fur on her body began to shift from a reddish pink to a dark purple as she said, "Eat a dick and choke on it…"

As these were the first words she was hearing from the taciturn Saiyaness, Wu was genuinely taken aback by Kale's caustic remark. Her right eye immediately started to twitch, but, before she could even think to retort, a tremendous amount of heat and pressure erupted from Kale's body as she brought her hands together to produce a massive, eerie purple beam tinted with an abyssal black shroud.

Feeling a marginal amount of danger exuding from the eerie beam of energy, Wu used 'Monkey Bounds Across the Heavens' to effectively teleport out of the way. This ended up being the correct decision, as, even if her mastery was limited, Kale had been learning how to manipulate the Law of Destruction from Vados. She had agreed to become the next God of Destruction for Universe 6, as, despite being a Saiyan, Caulifla had been nominated for the position of Daikaioh after beating up their Supreme Kai and mastering God Ki in a remarkably short period of time.

"It seems you've got a bit of bite to your bark…"

Hearing Wu's voice from behind her, Kale, still releasing an ear-piercing roar, attempted to sweep her energy beam around. Unfortunately, Wu's words were punctuated by the Ruyi Jingu Bang. She had sensed the destructive energy contained within the blast, and, while it may not have been able to injure her, Wu knew it would have hurt like hell. This wasn't an exaggeration either as the flames of hell were, quite literally, powered by the Laws of Purgatory, Purification, and Destruction…

With an indentation forming at her crown, Kale was smashed into the ground with enough force to create a fissure that extended far beyond the horizon. If not for the fact Wu had held back, a similar fissure would have formed in her skull as the weight of the Ruyi Jingu Bang could compete with a white dwarf star when fully unleashed.

Seeing Kale lying motionless at the bottom of the abyssal crevasse, a subdued yet disdainful snort emanated from Wu's nose as Vahn manifested beside her with a completely healed Caulifla and an uncharacteristically serious-looking Vados. With the exception of Vahn, she was the most aware of how truly powerful Kale was, so, despite hearing that the power scaling of the Divine Realm utterly eclipsed that of her world, it was difficult to accept how one-sided the fight had been.

Noticing the look on Vados's face, Wu's brows perked up as she asked, "You got a problem, blue?"

Before Vados could answer, Vahn plopped his hand atop Wu's head, saying, "This isn't the Heavenly Domain. I don't mind if you spar against people who are willing but you shouldn't go around trying to pick fights with everyone who gives you a funny look. Vados and her sisters are still getting used to the differences between their world and the Divine Realm. She wasn't trying to look down on you or question your strength…"

Interpreting Vahn's words to mean she would suffer defeat at the hands of Wu, Vados bowed her head in a respectful but dignified manner as she said, "Forgive me if my actions have offended you in any way. I was merely taken aback and in awe of your power. Vahn wasn't exaggerating when he said you were among the most powerful beings in all of creation…"

Though she wasn't particularly fond of Vados's overly polite response, Wu's mood improved quite a bit when the blue-skinned beauty mentioned Vahn's praise. She wouldn't really care if others called her powerful, but, as one of the few people to have defeated her in a direct exchange, Wu assigned an inordinately high value to Vahn's words.

Reducing the size of her Ruyi Jingu Bang, Wu placed it behind her ear before answering, "Very well then. Out of consideration for Vahn, I'll be magnanimous this time around and let you off the hook. Just keep in mind I'm very sensitive to gazes. The next time you gawk at me like I'm some kind of strange animal, don't blame me for poking you in the eye."

On that note, Wu bat aside Vahn's hand before leaping into the chasm to retrieve Kale. She knew Vahn would have handled it even without her, but, feeling a little apologetic after basically bashing the girl's head in, she felt obligated to lend a hand. Kale might resent her for defeating Caulifla, but, at the end of the day, they were all sisters. If she didn't at least try to get along, her status as one of the most preeminent members of Vahn's harem would be threatened. After all, nobody liked a vain consort…


Sensing the disappearance of Vahn from the Heavenly Domain, a faint yet distinguishable frown developed across Vor's face. She had been waiting outside the walls of the Heavenly City for days, and, while this wasn't a particularly long period of time, it was enough to make her feel pressured after receiving orders to infiltrate the Sage Dragon's Hearth.

"At least I was able to confirm the establishment of a relationship between the Jade Palace and the Sage Dragon's Hearth…"

As teleportation within the Jade Palace was impossible without the Jade Emperor's consent, Vahn's sudden disappearance pointed to one of two options. He either didn't care about the Jade Emperor in the slightest or the two had reached some kind of agreement. Considering Vahn had received his invitation from the Jade Emperor himself, Vor doubted the two were on bad terms with each other.

Confident in her assessment, Vor's battle skirt promptly transformed into a shape resembling wings as she bolted towards the horizon at a cruising speed of Mach 600,000. If she wanted, she could go even faster, but, so long as she was in the Heavenly Domain, she needed to respect their rules. Most Communities had strict regulations against outsiders traveling faster than this speed of light within their territory, so, while she was more than a little tempted to tear a hole through the foundation of the Heavenly Domain itself, Vor held back to avoid instigating a war…


(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Lady Xiwangmu be like, "If you break my daughter's heart, I'll make you suffer ten trillion deaths…!','Caulifla and Kale just got the unnamed mob treatment from Grandpa Wu o_o…','Vor is very eager to reunite with our boy…')

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