Chapter 2148: Concessions

With most forms of flight being limited within the Heavenly Domain, Vahn and co were asked to board a silvery gondola whose base was surrounded by billowy, golden clouds.

Using an ornate piece of white wood that only vaguely resembled an oar, the gondolier waved it through the clouds as if they were a liquid medium. This allowed the rather ornate-looking boat to move through the sky at a surprisingly swift speed, a comet-like trail following in its wake.

Gazing out over the gondola's side, Vahn had to admit that the Heavenly Domain was a remarkably beautiful place. There were a number of ancient-looking ruins dotting the scenery, massive spheres that resembled miniature planets drifting through the sky, and, in the distance, a palace of jade so massive that it appeared to divide the world in two.

"Quite the view, isn't it?"

Nodding his head in response, Vahn shifted his attention from the scenery to the man, or, more specifically, the God seated across from him. Erlang Shen was one of the more prominent Gods in Chinese Mythology. He had originally made a name for himself as a God of Infrastructure, but, after Sun Wukong ran rampant through the Heavens, he eventually rose up to become one of the most powerful warrior deities affiliated with the Jade Palace. His companion, the Howling Celestial Dog, had also been elevated to the status of Venerable Elder of all canines, and, according to legends, its howl could weaken demons while drastically strengthening allies.

Noticing the husky-like beast staring at Fenrir, Vahn's brows furrowed as he said, "You're playing with fire, little pup."

Turning to meet Vahn's gaze, the Howling Celestial Dog, in a deep and manly voice, answered, "You misunderstand my intentions. I am merely admiring the quality of her fur. It is obvious you've taken very good care of her. To be perfectly honest, I'm a little jealous."

Hearing the ivory white dog's statement, most of the enmity that had been building within Fenrir's heart and mind immediately faded away. She didn't approve of the way he was looking at her but she could forgive him if he kept complimenting her Master.

"Besides, I already have seventy-three wives and more pups than I can count. As tantalizing as your companion's haunches are, I'm not exactly wanting for mates."

Changing her mind in an instant, Fenrir bared her teeth, a low growl emanating from her throat as she stated, "Choose your words carefully. The only person who can talk about my haunches is my Master."

Not expecting Fenrir to speak, a curious light flashed across the Howling Celestial Dog's amber eyes as it adopted a remarkably human smile. Then, with audible amusement in its tone, it stated, "Worry not, young one. I have no intention of stealing you from your Master."

Unamused by the implication that he had any hope of stealing her away, a bluish-black aura began to rise from Fenrir's body until Vahn plopped his hand atop her head and said, "Calm down. He isn't trying to antagonize you. Even if he was, you have no reason to get upset. There isn't a force in this world that could take you from me."

Though the Howling Celestial Dog frowned in response to Vahn's words, Fenrir practically beamed as she rubbed her head against his palm.

Interrupting the strange atmosphere, Erlang Shen had a slightly incredulous look on his face as he remarked, "Your words make it sound as though you lay with beasts. Take it from me, friend. Even if she can transform into a human, you should not engage in such deviant-"

Furrowing his brows, Vahn met Erlang Shen's gaze, stating, "You would do well to mind your own business. I have little tolerance for self-righteous fools and bigots..."

Adopting a remarkably similar expression, Erlang Shen's friendly facade began to melt away as he said, "Calm yourself, brother. Just as my companion meant no offense, my words were not intended to generate enmity between us. You should not be so quick to place labels and insult others. A less magnanimous God might have taken offense to such a gross disregard for propriety..."

Though he wasn't particularly fond of Erlang Shen's words and tone, Vahn couldn't deny the logic contained within. It wasn't like the man was trying to offend him, so, after several tense moments, he gradually relaxed, saying, "I may have overstepped my bounds by calling you a fool and a bigot. For that, I apologize. However, the first half of my statement remains. You shouldn't speak on such matters unless you are intimately familiar with both the person and their circumstances. Arguments made from ignorance are bound to cause offense."

Caressing his chin with a gauntleted hand, Erlang Shen seemed to seriously consider Vahn's words before nodding his head in approval, stating, "Now that I have reflected upon them, I can see the wisdom contained in your words. It appears I was in the wrong this time around. Once we reach the Jade Palace, I will be sure to make it up to you. Tell me, Vahn Aldrnari Mason, do you like alcohol...?"

Recalling that the Communities formed by Immortals placed a heavy emphasis on compensatory words and actions, a wry smile developed across Vahn's face as he replied, "Indeed. When the time comes, we can exchange drinks with one another. After all, while your words may have prompted my ire, they were not compelled by hatred or animosity. In that regard, the fault lies with me..."

With his shimmering third eye, the Golden Eye of Truth, allowing him to see through illusions and falsehoods, Erlang Shen could tell Vahn was being sincere. His friendly smile immediately returned, as, with the exception of a few venerable Sages, it was pretty hard to find people who were willing to take a step back and admit they were wrong. This drastically increased Vahn's status in his eyes, so much so that he made a silent vow to support the man if anyone tried to bully him during the impending banquet...




After a relatively short, twenty-minute journey, the gondola carrying Vahn, Fenrir, Mikoto, Erlang Shen, and the Howling Celestial Dog finally reached its destination. From far away, it resembled a spiraling staircase that extended thousands of meters into the air despite being fragmented and broken at several parts. Up close, or, more specifically, at the very top of the spiraling staircase was an ornate archway covered in vines that, against logic and reason, produced softball-sized peaches.

Upon closer inspection, Vahn also noticed a stream that formed a helix around the structure. There were several breaks in its flow, but, if you were to look closely, it was possible to make out a variety of different fish swimming around the inside as if they were attempting to scale the gravity-defying stream and ascend to heaven. This reminded him of the legend concerning the Dragon's Gate so he was moderately amused when Erlang Shen dutifully explained, "This is one of the gates we use to travel great distances in the Heavenly Domain. In the Mortal World, they refer to these archways as Dragon's Gates. It's said that a carp that manages to swim up the stream and pass through the gate is able to become a dragon, but, as you can see here, the stream doesn't actually intersect with the gate. I once tried carrying a carp through but it ended up slipping from my grasp and falling to the ground without transforming."

Seemingly amused by his words, a low chuckle emanated from Erlang Shen's throat as he placed his palm against the glossy, jade-white stone comprising the archway. Immediately thereafter, a portal showing an ancient yet surprisingly bustling cityscape opened at the opposite end. The architecture was reminiscent of a fantasy illustration, but, what truly stood out was the diverse variety of people and races walking about. There were people with animalistic traits, people with bird-like wings, and even a number of demonic-looking individuals present. It was a veritable smorgasbord of races...

Noticing Vahn's surprise, a wry smile developed across Erlang Shen's face as he explained, "Though it used to be pretty empty, the Heavenly City surrounding the Jade Palace has come to house more than three-hundred million lesser deities over the past seven thousand years. Most of the residents are pretty weak but you should still be careful about who you offend. Even someone as simple as a beggar might have familial ties to someone in the Imperial Court. Unless you have the ability to see through illusions and deceit, you should be careful who you trust."

As if to demonstrate his point, Erlang Shen's form was blurred before coalescing into an aged man with a war-weary expression and a tattered black robe. At the same time, the Howling Celestia Dog shook his body as if he were trying to dry off. When he was finished, his ivory white fur had become a mangy grey, and, though there was still a glimmer of intelligence in its cloudy-brown eyes, it now resembled a stray on its last legs.

"This is a technique known as the 72 Earthly Transformations. I don't mean to sound braggadocious, but I'm a little too famous. If I were to appear in my normal form, the people wandering the streets would form together as if watching a parade. I'm not particularly shy, but, unless I'm returning from a conquest, I would rather avoid gathering a crowd."

Pulling out a tattered bamboo hat, Erlang Shen covered his head in an attempt to conceal his third eye. Then, without waiting to see if Vahn was following behind, he stepped through the portal at a pace that better matched his present appearance. The Howling Celestial Dog immediately followed suit, head lowered and shoulders slumped as if it was just a few steps away from collapsing...

Exchanging glances with his two animal companions, Vahn was unsurprised to hear Mikoto say, "I'm already in my Pikachu form. I don't want to look old and ugly."

While Mikoto wasn't exactly vain, she still had standards regarding her appearance. She might not like attention but she didn't want people to think she was ugly. Thus, instead of changing her form to appear incognito, she just climbed into the front of Vahn's tunic before settling where Xysteria usually napped. As for Fenrir, she had always taken pride in the beauty of her coat, so, unless she was ordered to transform, she would remain in her current form.

Extending his hand, Vahn gave Fenrir's head a pat before adopting a slight smile and following in the direction of Erlang Shen's departure. He wasn't particularly fond of crowds, but, at the same, he didn't really care about concealing his presence or identity. If push came to shove, he was confident he could shove back a lot harder. Thus, even if someone recognized him and tried to make trouble, he didn't, truly, mind. In fact, he quite enjoyed teaching people a lesson...




While most of the Heavenly City's residents remained completely oblivious to Vahn's visit, a few of the more influential Gods had been keeping an eye on him the moment he began his ascent up the Silver Bridge. It was no accident that Erlang Shen had been nearby. Rather, in the days leading up to the Jade Emperor's invitation, the Imperial Court had discussed everything from who would go out to meet him to where he would stay during the banquet.

Though many argued that Vahn was receiving far too much consideration for someone that wasn't even part of the Jade Palace, there wasn't much they could say when the Jade Emperor was the one making the concessions. The inordinately handsome God had been keeping a close eye on Vahn's escapades ever since his debut against Leviathan's Tail. He was also one of the few people who had recognized Ziros as a former Deva, so, while others still doubted Vahn's ability, he knew, better than most, how powerful the Sage Dragon had to be in order to secure even a pyrrhic victory. Thus, the moment Vahn sent his message, he immediately convened the Imperial Court before spending the better part of seven days discussing how they would handle him during his stay...

He really wanted Vahn to join the Jade Palace...




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'How dare you mention Fenrir's fluffy haunches...!','It turns out that Erlang Shen is a pretty chill guy o_o...','Looks like Vahn found himself a fan xD...')

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