Empire of the Ring

Chapter 570 - Tension in the Pamir Plateau (3)

Chapter 570: Tension in the Pamir Plateau (3)

The construction to move the Russian air defense artillery battery was now in process at about 50 kilometers rearward from the frontline of the Pamir Plateau. It had been deployed along the border between Afghanistan and Tajikistan until recently.

Russia, which invaded Afghanistan during the Soviet era but retreated after years of heavy damage due to fighting, was no longer able to set foot in Afghanistan after the U.S. intervened after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Russia intended to keep U.S. troops in check by keeping Russian troops in Tajikistan on a permanent basis, but it was also daunting due to its national economic difficulties.

That was why Russia handed it over when Kazakhstan said it would replace the role.

Russia was not the only one to do so quickly.

The U.S. also promised to provide two air defense artillery batteries in response to Youngho’s request.

The reason that the two superpowers were not directly operating their air defense batteries battalions but providing them to Tajikistan was that they felt uncomfortable dealing with China directly.

This was proof that China’s power had become stronger.

Youngho, who knew what was behind the two countries’ decisions, felt rather relaxed.

There was little to lose in exchange of fire in a desolate place where there was not a grain of grass. He was confident that the air defense network was enough to neutralize China’s air force.

That self-confidence was based on the very existence of the mountain troops.

The reason for the deployment of mountain units along the Chinese border in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan was not to prevent ground troops from invading the country, but to deter fighter jets or attack helicopters.

The mountain unit had the latest Stinger portable surface-to-air missiles.

The Stinger missiles earned fame for their great work in Afghanistan.

The attack helicopter ‘Hind,’ deployed in 1979 by the Soviet Union with the invasion of Afghanistan, was notorious as it was known as a ‘butcher’ in Afghanistan. It was seen as a symbol of fear to the local Mujahideen guerrillas, but with Stinger which the guerrillas were provided with by the U.S. Intelligence Service, they could shoot down not only the ‘Hind’ but even fighters.

Stinger was a missile capable of aiming at an altitude of 3,500 meters with a maximum effective range of 5.5 kilometers, which could be carried by an infantryman. It could also track the target on its own after the launch, boasting a high hit rate regardless of the shooter’s ability. It was an excellent weapon operated by 20 countries including the U.S. as a major defense official even after 25 years of deployment.

This was why Youngho was full of confidence because the mountain unit was equipped with a lot of Stinger missiles.

“Your Highness. Please leave one battalion of mountaineering troops behind when the Russian troops leave and pull back all of the other troops to the rear.”

“Wouldn’t the Chinese forces notice it soon?”

“That’s why I’m asking you to pull back. We need them to believe that we didn’t leave much of a force here. That’ll get us to the target area more easily.”

“Can you stop the Chinese army with only mobile missiles and rocket launchers?”

“It is possible because the place where the militia is located is on a highland. Our soldiers can easily hide from the enemy’s eyes. A little support from the air defense and artillery units in the rear will give them a high chance of success. If the camp is found, we can retreat to a secret cave, so we don’t have to worry about the soldiers getting hurt.”

“That’s the tactic that the Mujahideen fighters in Afghanistan used to deal with the Soviet army.”

“That’s right. We’re going to fight guerrilla warfare because we’re outnumbered.”

The militia commander, who explained the general operation plan to Youngho, looked confident. He showed a strong will to directly deal with the Chinese military.

“I’m worried about the few that will be left behind at the front. They’ll be seriously outnumbered.”

“For us, it’ll be more effective to move with a few best soldiers. And as you know, the Pamir Plateau is so far from mainland China that the supply route is long, and winter is just around the corner, which is advantageous for us. I don’t know how great China’s equipment is, but there aren’t many of them to survive the winter here. Likewise, this is a place that can’t be tolerated by any man unless you’re familiar with the plateau. In the winter, you get only about 30 minutes of activity time outside.”

“Do you mean no high-tech equipment is going to work in the Pamir Plateau?”

“It’ll still work, but it won’t perform to its best capability. Of course, we’re in the same position, but this is our home. In Pamir, which is almost the polar region, the battle has to be fought in the Pamir way.”

Youngho had to agree with the militia commander since the militia was the backbone of Tajikistan.

Over 3,500-5,000 meters above sea level was where nature denied human access in the first place. In a place like this, the answer to survival was to follow the words of the people who had been living there.

Youngho could physically feel it because his toes were frozen despite the mystical ring’s power and winter gears even though it was only the end of October. He wondered how many Chinese soldiers would be able to withstand the biting cold and high altitude.

“We have enough battle food, so don’t spare it when you distribute it to the soldiers.”

“Your Highness, can we possibly get more combat food?”

“I thought a sufficient amount was being supplied. Are you’re saying that’s not enough?”

“I’m embarrassed but I’d like to send some to the families of our militiamen.”

“They’ll be paid for their work soon, but is that not enough?”

“It’s just we can’t buy these nutritious foods even if we had money. The soldiers are saving their supplies and sending them home. They feel bad for their family members.”

“What? I can’t let the soldiers starve because they’re worried about their families in the back. It’s something to be governed by military law, but after hearing the story, I can’t help it. Tell them to send some home because I’ll supply enough combat food.”

Youngho knew Tajikistan was a poor country, but he did not imagine that the degree would be this bad. It made no sense to reduce the amount of combat rations given to individual soldiers to send them home.

It was also a shock to hear that even with money, it was not easy to buy food in the area.

It was surprising that people were suffering from a food shortage despite the grain sent to Tajikistan as an aid. This meant that the grain received in aid was not being properly distributed to residents. It was evident that the Tajikistan government was corrupt or that public officials were not doing their jobs properly.

If that was true, local people would not feel sorry even if the government was overruled.

There was now another reason to absorb Tajikistan.


“Mr. Commissioner, please get as much combat food as you can and send it to the Pamir Plateau.”

“That’s a big deal. The Kurdish settlers have been asking for combat food, so we have not met the demand for the royal territory in time. We need to expand the combat food factory again. The Siberian market is also asking for more supply.”

“Keep what’s being sent to the city of Krasnoyarsk and hold off on supplying it to the Kurds for a while. We have to turn to Tajikistan first. It’s more urgent.”

“I’ll contact Eti the Turkish food company to check if we can import finished products.”

“Yes, and I’d like you to discuss the extension of the factory with Eti, too.”

Combat food was literally a snack for soldiers operating in the field, but Central Asian people thought of it as a delicacy.

They lived in a place where there was so little to eat that the nutritious and high-calorie combat food was in the limelight as a great meal. This meant that their lives had been difficult.

The combat food was not the only concern.

The lightweight, heat-resistance winter clothes were popular among not only soldiers but also common people, so they ran out of stock as soon as they were produced.

Although there was a uniform made of animal skins, it was rugged and heavy, which had significantly reduced people’s activity.

“We need to prepare more winter clothes. How’s the situation at the factory?”

“We’re operating very slowly because we don’t have enough skilled workers. It won’t be able to produce until after a few more months.”

The royal territory was operating a clothing manufacturing plant to provide jobs for the Kurds, but because they were not as skilled as expected, the royal territory could not supply clothes to spend for the Kurdish settlers’ demand.

“We need to build some more clothing factories in Kazakhstan. We can’t even handle domestic demand.”

“The reason is that most factories have been shut down due to Chinese products. There’s no price competition. We have to reduce our imports, even by imposing tariffs on Chinese products.”

“It’s still too early to do that with our current economy. We have no choice but to use Chinese products until the domestic industry is revitalized.”

“I’m not saying we’re going to impose tariffs on all items, but let’s test out some competitive products.”

Kazakhstan would have a population of 20 million if all Kurds moved.

If the population of Kyrgyz and Tajik people were added, it would be 33 million, so domestic consumption alone could turn the economy around.

However, domestic companies, which had lost a competitive edge due to cheap Chinese products, were not able to hold out.

In order to foster the domestic industry, imports of Chinese products should be prevented, but artificial blockages could cause side effects of rising prices.

It was evident that the impact of Chinese products on the economy of the working class was so great.

Other Central Asian countries were no exception. If there were no daily necessities from China, problems would arise immediately.

Since there was not even enough number of domestic factories to meet the domestic need, there was no way of beating Chinese products. When thinking about how to drive out the Chinese products, Youngho could not help but sigh.

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Chapter 571: A New Ally (1)

“According to satellite reading, they have 26 tanks and 52 armored vehicles. I think they’re doing a proper show of force, so why don’t we do the same in response?”

“Let’s make them suffer in the cold for a while. As soon as they approach the plateau, half of their equipment will stop working because of the severe cold. By the way, what is the result of the Tajik government’s protest against the Chinese government?”

“The Chinese government played innocent by saying that it’s only a normal military training.”

“I knew it. China wouldn’t have even sniffed.”

It was spotted by military satellites provided by the United States and Britain that Chinese troops in Xinjiang Uyghur that were stationed along the border had been moving along since several days ago.

Since there were too many tanks and armored vehicles for a routine training, Park Jong-il suspected if the Chinese force was planning to immediately push in.

“What if they push in without notice?”

“Of course, we launch an attack if they crossed the border.”

“Are you really going to fight against China?”

China may be judging that the Tajikistan coalition would not respond immediately by its intimidating armed protest.

“I’m so ready for it.”

“There is no guarantee that it will end in a local battle. Why are you so relaxed?”

“Oh, don`t worry, even China will not do anything thoughtlessly. It’ll be foolish of it to make a border dispute of a full-scale war. It’ll be an international problem for China to have provoked a weak country. And what about its One Belt One Road business?”

“I’m concerned that the border conflict in the Pamir area is not just going to be today’s problem.”

“You’re afraid it’s going to be a prolonged conflict?”

“Yes. If the boring battle continues in the middle of nowhere, it only adds to our fatigue. China is not going to get damaged by a lot because of its size, but not us.”

“You’re not thinking to give up some of the borders, do you?”

“Wouldn’t it be better to make a compromise than to take a pristine wasteland and waste our time and resources?”

“I don’t intend to continue the tedious battle there. When we make a compromise, we have to act strong. That will make our negotiation easy.”

It was easier to find a compromise when both parties confronted each other strongly.

A boring war of attrition only deepened the emotional bonds of each other.

Rather, it was necessary to take an aggressive action to surprise the world. Then someone would come forward and mediate, and the best scenario was to pretend that you could not help but comply and come up with an appropriate agreement.

The reason why Youngho insisted on even fighting against China was to take Tajikistan.

The royal family would stand out only when battles, big or small, took place in the Pamir Plateau.

It was important to be seen that Kazakhstan had tried its best to protect Tajikistan even at a time when Russia, which was a blood ally of Tajikistan, was withdrawing. It was a good promotion of Kazakhstan when it was known to have poured huge amounts of money into protecting Tajikistan, as it would appeal to the people of Tajikistan that Kazakhstan protected it at the expense of an economic loss.

The issue of incorporation into a federal state would naturally arise only when the situation was led to a turmoil in which Tajikistan could not support the country with its own ability.

If the public accepted the reality that there was no choice but to rely on Kazakhstan economically and militarily, the Tajikistan government’s raison d’etre would disappear.

Relying on foreign powers for national defense would be the government itself admitting to being incompetent. It would be sorry for the Tajik people, but it was the reality.


“Eriksson, are gold coins that valuable?”

“If it’s well-preserved, it’ll cost higher.”

“Wouldn’t it be worth less if it were to be released in bulk?”

“There is a scarcity value, so no matter how many are released in the market, that won’t happen.”

The gold coins found on the Arirang Island in the Aegean Sea of Greece had been common in Europe since the 15th century.

The gold coins, which have been minted and circulated many times, were not as clear as new, but collectors were turning their eyes over to possess them.

It was the power of time that raised the coins’ value.

Since limited supplies and fictitious demands were added, it was natural for prices to go up.

Youngho could not help but be pleased that the auction price was set at 20 times more than the current value of pure gold. The high price was caused by the collectors’ competition.

“But we will not be releasing more coins in the open market. Since it’s already known that we possess gold coins of the Age of Exploration, collectors who want to buy them themselves will come to us.”

“You said that the prices will go up through competition, but you want to do direct sales now?”

“Among the collectors, there are bankers and entrepreneurs. Arab royal families are also there, too. They want to keep the artifacts regardless of price since it also makes a very useful business gift.”

“I see. So, they’ll pay whatever the price is.”

“They’ll come to buy so as to show off their high social position.”

Royal families in oil-producing countries in the Middle East were big hands with enormous purchasing power.

They would purchase yachts that cost hundreds of millions of dollars if they wanted and even professional sports clubs that would easily cost them billions of dollars to make money.

Likewise, vanity to show-off their purchasing power of the billionaires of India and other developing countries could not be ignored.

Any wealthy people who had acquired global corporations after starting from nothing would want to show off their economic power.


Prince Al-Sarki of the United Arab Emirates visited the royal territory, as Eriksson predicted.

Prince Al-Sarki was the man who controlled the intelligence department due to the influence of his father, one of the seven UAE rulers.

Royal family members of the United Arab Emirates usually had a luxurious home and several wives around the world, but Crown Prince Al-Sarki was living as if he had built a wall with such things. To put it simply, he was the most sensible Arab monarchy among others.

Such a figure made a surprise visit through the Kazakh Intelligence Service to inform his intent to visit and made a move in less than two days.

No matter how greedy for the gold coins he was, Youngho was curious why he moved such urgently.

Youngho would be facing the prince and his family, who entered the royal palace in the morning, at the dinner table this evening.

“Your Highness, Crown Prince Al-Sarki wants to have intelligence exchange with us.”

“To buy a gold coin was only to show to the outside world.”

“That is most likely. Of course, he won’t hide his desire for gold coins, but the purpose is to have an exchange with our royal family. For your information, Crown Prince is also a major customer of the Swedish Information Agency.”

“It looks like he has a wide circle of acquaintance.”

“He’s also personally quite close to Mr. Basten.”

“But I don’t understand why they’re trying to share information with us because we don’t have much contact with the United Arab Emirates.”

“They already know that we’ll be making a foray into the Persian Gulf through Iran. He probably has military exchanges in mind.”

The Southern railroad construction which started in Baku was nearing its end and would be in operation next year.

Then, Kazakhstan would be able to advance directly to the Indian Ocean without having to use the Suez Canal through the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

So far, Kazakhstan could only deal with the European and North American markets but the Indian and Southeast Asian markets would also be pioneered, allowing the market to be diversified.

“Great. We’ve been looking for a safe harbor for our ships in the Persian Gulf. Iran’s port alone is not enough to cover the volume.”

“Director Park said he would discuss the port issue with the prince. He’s looking around at the helicopter assembly plant with the Crown Prince and his company, so we should have some good news by evening.”

“But is there an oceanic navy in the United Arab Emirates?”

“There are about ten coast guard ships, two corvettes, and two minelayers. That’s why they’re paying attention to our navy.”

“They’re interested in our naval power, which consists of only three frigates and two Aegis destroyers?”

“Will you be satisfied with that amount of power?”

“Of course, we need to increase it further, but it’s a childlike force compared to other powerful nations.”

“He must be expecting our naval power to be stronger in the future. He wants to join hands with us to influence the Persian Gulf.”

“I know they’re in a territorial dispute with Iran. Wouldn’t it be getting into trouble if we joined hands?”

“It won’t happen unless we turn Iran into an enemy ourselves. There are no countries in the Middle East that don’t have conflicts on their borders or territories, and they are eager to attract each other as allies.”

“At any rate, it’s a matter of careful attention.”

“But his interest in us is a good opportunity for us because Abu Dhabi and Dubai are Middle East financial hubs. And because it’s a pro-Western country, it’s going to be a strong ally.”

“I guess I’ll have an answer when I meet him for dinner in person tonight.”

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