Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 5: Chapter 10-2: The Forbidden Five

Book 5: Chapter 10-2: The Forbidden Five

About a month and a half had passed since I spoke with “Me” in a dream. Since then, ”Me” hadn’t spoken to me even once. In the meantime, the defense wall around Erucy was nearing completion. Although it was only 4 meters high, once completed, it would be fitted with barbed wire, and in case of emergency, it could be electrified with a high voltage current, making it tough to overcome by conventional means.

On the other hand, it was about 10 meters thick, so it was impossible to penetrate it, whether with a battering ram, a ballista, or even a cannon. And today, I went outside Erucy to gaze upon these nearly finished walls.

Almost everyone in Erucy took the day off from work to look at the walls from their favorite spots.

「All the fire foxes, begin preparations to finish this up! The elves have worked hard to get it this far. We can't let their efforts go to waste. Let's give it our all!」

「We'll do our best! Kuu-neesama!」

「Understood. Kuu-neesama!」

「Yukino will do her best!」

When Kuu raised her voice, the fire foxes positioned evenly around the barrier responded in turn. They were about to give the final touch to the walls.

Kuu's belly had grown considerably. She was about five months pregnant. Compared to elves or humans, fire foxes had a shorter gestation period of about two months, so at the earliest, the children would be born in another two months. If it was the standard duration, the children would be born in about three months.

Lately, the fire foxes taking care of Kuu had been clinging to her so much that even I couldn't spend much time with her. Not only conjugal activities were out of the question, but even just talking for extended periods of time got me sent away, because according to them, “It makes Kuu-sama tired”.

As it was the first birth of a new fire fox after their village was destroyed, everyone was very nervous, and Kuu seemed to be stressed out because of their excessive care.

There was strong opposition from the others about Kuu participating in today's work, but she insisted. She adamantly stated that as the wife of the chief, it was her duty to complete the defensive wall protecting Erucy.

「Everyone is in position, right? Then, let's activate the magic. Everyone, ?【Fox Fire】!」

With Kuu's command, nearly fifty fire foxes activated their flame magic. A vast magical power was released, drawing the Mana of fire from all around, enveloping the walls in flames. The large-scale magic performed by the fifty of them was both beautiful and awe-inspiring.

「Lucy, it's a magnificent view, isn't it?」

「Yeah, it's really beautiful.」

The red flames burned fiercely. This was the final stage of the walls' construction. The walls were made by stacking a mixture of clay and gravel on a framework of wood and stone. By baking it, its strength was increased.

Rather than baking it piece by piece, baking it all at once reduced warping and increased strength. Hence, all of Erucy's fire foxes performed this grand magic.

I silently sent my admiration. Though it might seem like a brute force approach, this magic required both synchronization and delicate control. It was only possible because of these women who had always worked hard together, even during the toughest of times.

The elven spectators were also captivated by the flames. Sweat dripped from the brows of the fire foxes, and they grimaced from the effort. Even for them, maintaining 【Fox Fire】 for a long time was tough.

「Just a little more. Keep it up.」

I sent my voice on the wind to all the fire foxes. It was my role to signal the completion of the barrier. Various responses came back from everyone. Among the younger fox group, the silver fire fox Yukino wagged her tail in joy, the yellow fire fox Kemin tried to act tough, and the black fire fox Kurone looked at me with a tearful face as if saying, "Not yet?"

I carefully assessed the state of the barrier. If the timing was wrong, everything would be for naught. Finally, the moment came.

「Great job, everyone! It's done. Release your power slowly.」

Relief washed over the fire foxes as they slowly weakened their flames, and then, when the flames finally died down, most of the fire foxes sat down, panting heavily.

As expected, it was a massive-scale spell. Even the fire foxes, beloved by the flames, had to give their all. In the midst of this, Kuu and Yukino, the high-ranking gold and silver fire foxes, seemed relatively fine, while looking out for their comrades.

I raised my voice after waiting for the fire foxes to recover.

「Everyone of Erucy, you've done well! With this, the walls protecting Erucy are complete. The elves built it, and the fire foxes finished them. These are the walls that will protect us!」

Both elves and fire foxes looked up at the majestic walls, which were a culmination of months of effort. It was the first time any of them had worked over such a long period to create something of this magnitude, and a sense of accomplishment swelled in each of their hearts.

「These walls won’t be easily breached by the Empire, nor by anyone else. It's remarkable that you were able to finish such an impressive structure. As your chief, I thank you all!」

The people of Erucy burst into smiles, sharing their joy with those next to them. Some even embraced each other. It had been a series of simple, but grueling tasks… there should have been moments when their spirits almost broke, yet, everyone persevered, and in the end, they completed their tasks magnificently. This collaborative effort had undoubtedly deepened the bonds among all of Erucy's people.

「I think it's not enough to just express gratitude verbally, so I've prepared a feast for today. As soon as the sun sets, gather in the square. There will be plenty of food and drink! Now, you're all dismissed!」

Cheers erupted. Luxuries were not encouraged before a war, but today was an exception. It might be the last feast before the battle, so I wanted them to enjoy it to the fullest.

Watching everyone head back to Erucy, I sensed a disturbance in the wind Mana. Wondering what it was, I turned around to see a carriage racing towards us.

As I watched, a specially modified carriage, which I had enhanced so it could move and sustain twice the usual speed, was approaching us. Only three cities possess such carriages. It came to an abrupt halt in front of me.


The man who stepped down from the carriage was Johann, the leader of the Kobold tribe and one of the five leaders who govern Bell Erucy. His face lit up with a broad smile as he spoke.

「We've done it! I rushed here because I wanted Cyril-sama to see it as soon as possible!」

「Explain it so I can understand.」

「It's finished!」

「What's finished?」

「We have finished harvesting the cannabis you asked us for, Cyril-sama!」

For a moment, I was stunned, then a sinister grin spread across my face. Lucy glanced at me with a startled expression from beside me.

At last, the cannabis that would serve as a raw material for the counterfeit bonds and drugs had arrived. With only a month and a half left until the war, it seemed like we might just make it in time.

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