Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 5: Chapter 1-2: [Peaceful Blessing]

Book 5: Chapter 1-2: [Peaceful Blessing]

Felina was born in a world slightly more advanced in civilization and magic than the world where I existed.

In Felinas world, no demi-humans existed, and humans fought amongst themselves. A great war had been raging for over a hundred years.

Just like with Suzina, as soon as Me awakened, he took control of Felinas body and sought a high position that was convenient for his ambition of mastering magic

She was entrusted with the nation's most vital project, the Artificial Genius Project, designed to put an end to the enduring war. Its objective was to bolster the country's strength by crafting exceptional individuals from the ground up, with the ultimate goal of bringing about the resolution of the war in the next generation.

The Me that was Felina was overjoyed. At that time, Me had been on the verge of finalizing research on the transference of one's soul to a chosen destination. If Me could transfer his soul into the body of the genius he created, Me magic research would progress even further.

To complete the research on the transference of one's soul to a chosen destination, human experimentation was inevitably required. Me had hoped to obtain experimental subjects for this from the Artificial Genius project.

Using this cursed magic on my own children It's unforgivable.

The research was extremely difficult. First, what defined a genius needed to be clarified. Fortunately, since children with high magical power excelled in all aspectsphysical abilities, appearance, and brain processing capabilitiesit was assumed that obtaining the desired talent would be possible by increasing magical power.

So, what were the conditions for producing children with high magical power? Was it genetics? Environment? Effort made after birth?

Years of research followed, with genetics and environment being identified as the most important factors. It was discovered that children who were exposed to magic from a very young age had slightly higher magical power levels than the average.

Based on this assumption, babies who had just been born were continuously exposed to large amounts of magical power in a special facility.

The research achieved some results. The children from that facility had slightly higher magical power levels than the average. And indeed, children with higher magical power were exceptionally talented, but in hindsight, the effects were only moderate.

To further advance the research, Felina began to examine the type of magical power to be infused next. It was then discovered that enhancing a specific wavelength dramatically increased its effectiveness. Furthermore, the younger the subject, the more effective it became. Housing them in a facility from the prenatal stage further boosted the effects.

Still, it wasn't enough.

Felina had managed to create exceptional individuals, but they were far from being geniuses.

That's when Felina came to the conclusion that perhaps if she directly infused the fetus inside a pregnant woman with magical power of a specific wavelength, the effects might be even greater.

Felina conducted experiments using a hundred pregnant women, the results were sixty-two miscarriages, thirty-six malformed children, and two geniuses were born.

The country demanded the mass production of these two geniuses. However, a success rate of only two percent was unacceptable. To increase the success rate further, no matter the sacrifices Felina didn't hesitate.

To find a more effective magical wavelength, Felina sacrificed an additional hundred and three lives. To determine the appropriate magical power intensity, she sacrificed another hundred and twenty-five. Finding the optimal timing for magical power irradiation took forty-seven more lives.

It took countless sacrifices and thirty-four years to finally complete the magic that would birth geniuses.

However, even after the research was complete, controlling magical wavelength and intensity remained challenging. Even Felina, who achieved the highest success rate, could only succeed around seventy percent of the time. Her assistants, some of whom were the grown-up geniuses she had created, had a success rate of only sixty percent. Nonetheless, Felina continued to cast the magic, which carried a thirty percent mortality rate, on pregnant women throughout the country as demanded by the nation.

In the end, Me doesn't know if the country won the war or not. Felina died the year she completed this research. Killed by the two geniuses who survived the first experiment.

Let's begin. Optimization based on the individual's magical wavelength. Calculate the optimal intensity from the current state and forcefully open the magical circuit.

I deliberately spoke out the instructions to enhance my concentration and visualization.

Sweat beaded on my forehead. I started with the one who needed this magic the most, the boy.

Forcibly infusing magical power into his body could lead to his death. So, I carefully opened his magical circuit, a process only possible during the fetal stage. As he grew, his magical circuit would become unalterable.

I increased the number of circuits to the maximum limit and enhanced their quality. Even with Suzina's brain processing capacity, this was a task that pushed his brain to its limits.

Magical wavelength conversion, intensity calculation, adjustment, and connection to the target magical circuit, supply.

The maintenance and expansion of the magical circuits were successfully completed. At least this boy now had a magical circuit superior to mine. Next, I moved on to the process of enhancing magical power.

After transforming my own magical wavelength into the correct wavelength, I started to channel it into the boy's magical circuit. I kept a vigilant eye, gradually raising the intensity while closely monitoring the boy's condition. His very existence appeared to strain and distort, teetering on the brink of collapse

My heartbeat sounded unnaturally loud due to the tension. And just before reaching the breaking point, I gradually began to lessen the power. If I were to suddenly stop at this point, the boy would undoubtedly die.

After a painstaking effort, I completely stopped the flow of magical power.

The boy was safe.

Phew, somehow, it worked.

Growing within Kuu's womb, he would heal the scars on his soul and be born with an extraordinary amount of magical power.

I recall Felina's memories. In those memories, she had shown no concern for the feelings of the mothers and children who became sacrifices.

But surely, those children must have desired to be born, and their mothers would have grieved. It was through the sacrifices of hundreds that this magic had come into existence, persisting in creating geniuses, including my own child.

Next is you. I hope you grow to be similar to Kuu.

I spoke to my daughter who didnt yet have a name.

The girl would require less intervention than the boy. Her magical circuit was already ideal, and tampering with it might do more harm than good. She also had a high adaptability to magical power, so the procedure wasnt as delicate as the boys.

Nevertheless, there was no room for errors. I steeled myself before proceeding with the operation.

Kuu, good morning.

I smiled at Kuu, who had just regained consciousness. Of course, [Samsara Recursion] had already been deactivated.

Good morning, Cyril-kun Wait, where am I? Oh, I remember now! Why did you do that!?

For a moment, Kuu seemed disoriented upon waking up and then suddenly protested, recalling that I had made her lose consciousness.

Sorry, sorry. I told you before making you lose consciousness, but I used a very delicate spell, if you had moved or spoken to me it was possible that it could have failed.

Even so, surprising me like that is not nice.

Yeah, I'll make sure to let you know I'm going to make you lose consciousness next time, and then I'll do it.

That doesn't sound much better.

Kuu tilted her head with a puzzled expression.

How did the magic go, Cyril-kun?

It went well. Strong children will be born.

That's good. While I was unconscious, I had a dream. I dreamed that you failed, and the child in my belly died, and I became unable to have children.

Kuu shivered while hugging her own body. Indeed, that would be a terrible nightmare.

Kuu, that's a bit too pessimistic.

The possibility of that happening wasn't zero, but with Suzina's computational ability, I believed that mistakes would be rare, so I used the magic.

Cyril-kun, you said a lot of scary things. Maybe that's why I had that dream. And Cyril-kun, what do you mean by children'?

I found out today that twins, a boy and a girl, will be born.

Kuu put her hand on her mouth, overwhelmed with emotion.

I'm so happy! I said I'd prefer a girl, but secretly, I wanted a boy too. If there's a girl, the next generation of fire foxes will be secure, and if there's a boy, I'm sure he'll become a great leader. The fact that both a boy and a girl are going to be born is the best news I could have hoped for, Im so happy that I cant believe it yet!

I'm happy too if it makes you happy, Kuu.


Kuu was in high spirits, apparently having forgotten about me making her lose consciousness.

By the way, what about their names?

The children of the fire foxes are born five to six months after pregnancy, the twins could be born as early as four months from now.

We need to decide on names soon.

About that, please let me decide on the boy's name. And I want Cyril-kun to decide the girl's name.

Sure thing. But can I have a little time to think?

When Cyril-kun comes back from the Empire, please tell me.

I should be able to find a good name if I have that much time, have you already decided?

I've already decided on the name for the boy. But I won't tell you until you come back. So make sure to come back, okay?

Kuu spoke with an upward glance, gently placing her hand on top of mine. I squeezed her hand in return.

Right. I'll definitely come back to hear the name you've chosen, Kuu.

Also, if you dont come back, your daughter will be born without a name.

Thats even more important. My cute daughter would be in trouble without a name. I definitely have to come back.

I can leave my daughter without a name. But choosing a name for a girl, huh? I have to find one that is not only cute but also befitting of a fire fox. I have to do my best.

As I contemplated this, Kuu, with a somewhat bashful expression, spoke up.

That's right. If you don't come back, both the children and I will be sad. So make sure to come back, Its a promise. Dad.

The word "dad" that Kuu casually uttered made me blush intensely. I suddenly felt how important Kuu had become to me, and I couldn't help but hug her tightly as we exchanged a kiss.

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