Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 4: Chapter 16-1: Blast Furnace

Book 4: Chapter 16-1: Blast Furnace

Thank you for coming.

I smiled and extended my hand for a handshake with Azul, the blue-haired girl who served as the mayor of Erin, the commercial city of the Choline Kingdom. However, she appeared quite worn out.

It's the head of an allied nation's ceremony. I'll participate no matter what.

As expected of you, Ojou-sama, so devoted even though he rejected your advances!

Jii, what are you saying? Do you want your salary reduced again?

Oh, no, just joking. It's about the job, you see. I'm talking about the failed headhunting.

That's enough. This is for you.

Azul took out an envelope and handed it to me. The paper was of exceptionally high quality, with the Choline Kingdom's seal pressed into it. I took out the letter that was inside.

Can you read the common language?

No problem.

Since the Empire and the Choline Kingdom were originally a single country, their language and script were almost identical. Therefore, what was used in both countries was widely referred to as the common language, being able to read generally meant being able to read the common language.

The contents stated that the Choline Kingdom officially recognized Erucy as a nation and established diplomatic relations. It was signed personally by the King of the Choline Kingdom.

If this letter were a forgery, everyone involved in its circulation would face a crime so severe that their heads would literally roll.

I'm impressed, Azul-sama. I never anticipated that you would be able to realize it.

Normally, Azul would have been killed.

Establishing diplomatic relations with Erucy was synonymous with antagonizing the Empire. To be hostile to the Empire was to make enemies of their supporting nations as well.

If a representative of a single city were to make such a decision independently, they would undoubtedly face severe consequences. Even I would have to resort to drastic measures if Kurao, the acting chief, suddenly declared war on a neighboring country one day.

My father is too lenient with me. I worry about a king who rules a country with favoritism toward family members.

My presence had some convincing power too. Ojou-sama, didn't you end up threatening your father?

I didn't do anything so terrible. That was just negotiation.

When you said that you would defect to Erucy, taking me and Erin with you if they didn't accept the proposal, I thought, Ojou-sama is dead.

I'm still alive.

I killed a dozen assassins last week. They all kept their mouths shut, so I couldn't find out who hired them, but they were probably sent by your siblings, Ojou-sama. Thanks to that, I've been sleep-deprived and my skin is a mess!

Those people are cowards, so it can't be helped. I even gave them proper compensation. Why are they dissatisfied?

Arent they dissatisfied that Ojou-sama is still alive?

I see, you are unusually correct, Jii.

Did you go that far?

I inadvertently raised my voice. What could have pushed Azul this far?

And why was Jii so loyal to Azul? Azul had been able to survive like this because of Jii.

The value of an individual with the power of a hero was extremely high. Even if she couldn't kill all the soldiers, if she decided to go all in, she could easily take the king's head on her own.

That's why the Empire always had a hero by the emperor's side.

Not having a hero put one at a significant disadvantage in negotiations, and countries that possessed heroes didn't easily go to war with each other. Because if heroes clashed, there was a possibility of losing their own hero, and in that case, they would be annihilated by a country that still had one.

Considering how far Azul had gone, Jii might be the only individual in the Choline Kingdom with hero-level abilities.

If that is the case, Jii should have received countless lucrative offers. It is hard to understand why she is accompanying this troublesome girl while being threatened with a pay cut.

Is she being blackmailed using her orphaned sisters as hostages? Thats unlikely. If something as obvious as that were a weakness, Azul's enemies would have long since kidnapped them and used them to threaten Jii.

Cyril-sama, you've been staring at me since earlier. Could it be that you've fallen for me? Oh my, stealing the groom's heart on the wedding day, Im frightened of my own beauty. My aura as a capable woman is terrifying. Ugh, but I'm sorry. I like your appearance, but I get shivers only thinking about it.

No, I have no such intentions.

I couldn't help but feel downcast at being told that she hated me to that extent. Come to think of it, Jii had a bad impression of me from the beginning and had hurled various insults at me. Maybe there was a reason for it.

Jii, he is an allied nation's leader, be careful with your words.

I apologize, Ojou-sama. My true thoughts just slipped out.

Are you doing it on purpose? Cyril-san, although I used a somewhat forceful approach, it's not something you need to worry about. The Empire, with its human supremacy beliefs, and the Choline Kingdom, which advocates the coexistence of multiple races, have always had a difficult relationship. This recognition was necessary to achieve my goal of creating the country that I aim for. I kept my promise because I also benefited from our deal.

Naturally, I shall uphold my promise as well. I have prepared the iron-making technology and the workshop blueprints. I shall ensure the utmost efficiency attainable within the limits of Erin's industrial technology. Following the wedding, I shall journey to Erin and offer guidance for three days alongside the staff you have arranged. Subsequently, I will provide support for three days each month.

I designed a basic blast furnace and utilized Kuiro's power to establish a miniature version right next to the workshop. I believe that demonstrating it would leave a stronger impression, and I also needed it to conduct practical experiments. The reason I opted for a blast furnace instead of other approaches was due to Azul's information there was a nearby mine in Erin, making it easier to obtain iron ore than iron sand.

That'll be a big help. The staff I've prepared is excellent. They'll absorb your guidance right away.

Thank you.

They probably intend to surpass the technology I teach them. Erin is vibrant, and new things are being created one after another. It's only natural for such thoughts to arise. I'll have to be cautious.

You don't doubt me?

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