Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 233 Purge The Spider (2)

"We should be already done, right?"

Yvraine asked after half an hour when everything was already frozen to death and there were no survivors and Samiel collected all of the souls of the killed beings.

"Yes... all souls are collected; we could move on to the next target..."

He said as they moved forward to the next location on their mini-map through his Holo-Brain.


A few days later and, a good number of places were destroyed later, Samiel and Yvraine were finished with the clean of the entire surrounding area around the territory of the orks, all smaller factions were destroyed.

"And with this, we are done... we have destroyed entirely 7 smaller factions and the only ones which are remained are the bigger ones on which we could either use the Undead Scourge or to employ orks..."

Samiel pondered over the situation, though that was cut short when he noticed Yvraine's gaze and thus he decided that he would continue on his own.

It was clear that his lover wanted to spend more time alone with him rather than be surrounded by orks or his ever-tailing retainer in the form of Juulius Crawford.

Yvraine was greatly enjoying every second that they spent alone together because such occasions were rare and at this time, they could have an entire trip for themselves.

During their mini crusade, they were not only pursuing the destruction of their enemies, but they were also doing some other things, like taking naps, strolls; they even had several picnics together at some nice locations.

"Okey then... we will go on them on our own... I still have several thousand Undead."

Samiel said as he pondered over the remaining three factions that were standing between them and the Church of Lolth.

He ignored a few minor ones that were in front of them; those were right now being attacked by the forces of the Church of Lolth...

Suddenly, as he was thinking, he got an incoming call on the Holo-Brain from Juulius. When he picked it up, a small holograph of Juulius appeared on his Holo-Brain.

"My Lord, I bring you the report."

He said as Samiel motioned for him to continue.

"According to the latest intelligence, the Cult of the Fallen Prince has probably decided to abandon their effort on the 10th Floor. From what the Inquisition was able to find out, they traded their efforts on the 10th Floor for some Lower World, which has importance for the Sun-Moon Coalition..."

He frowned at this; probably the Inquisition must have captured someone high-ranking from either the demon side or the Underdark side. While not ideal, but the Sun-Moon Coalition was of lesser priority over the Underdark right now, as they were needed to fight against the Atraksan Empire or Hellsalem forces.

"What will happen to their territory? Hand over or silence?"

Samiel asked as Juulius looked grim over this one... so hand over it was...

Silence would be much more preferable.

Silence meant that the demons and cultists on the 10th Floor had been essentially abandoned here and would be left to their fate. For Samiel, such an outcome would be much better because, through the hand-over, the demons would leave their territory for the Church of Lolth.

This meant that the Church of Lolth would soon send some forces to their territory to take it over. Samiel was pretty pissed over this because as it would increase their difficulty and create much more work for them.

"Fuck... have they already sent someone to take over the territory of the Cult?"

Seeing Juulius to shook his head in denial, Samiel sighed in relief because this meant that they could do something with it.

"Then immediately start coordinating with Dharzug to invade the territory of the Cult and take them by surprise... We will spearhead into the territory of the Lolth."

Samiel instantly said that they needed to act as fast as possible. If the Church of Lolth sent even more troops into the territory of the Cult of the Fallen Prince, then it would prolong their stay on the 10th Floor by a whole deal because Samiel needed to help Dharzug in this.

"As you wish, my Lord."

Juulius bowed as he ended the call.

"It seems that our leisure time is being cut short..."

Yvraine muttered sadly as their beautiful trip was cut short and they needed to focus on the quick conquest and destruction of the remaining factions so they could attack the Church of Lolth directly.

Samiel didn't like it either, as not only his time alone with his beloved was being shortened drastically, but on top of everything, the Church of Lolth was gaining a foothold in the Bone Mountains and a seemingly easy quest was being increased by an entire level of difficulty.

"We need to advance and create a mess as soon as possible... orks would be advancing at the territory on the former demon territory. Come on; we are going straight to the territory of the Lolth while ignoring the others... they are inconsequential?"

Samiel ended the sentence with the question as he pondered about that, but afterward, he decided to focus solely on the Church of Lolth. It would be far more efficient to leave the remaining factions untouched; there was still the possibility of them being used as pawns...

"Then we should be going..."

Yvraine said as Samiel nodded and they went to the territory of the Church of Lolth. It was pretty fortunate that the Inquisition of the Hall of Kadath captured someone from the Star-Moon Coalition and managed to get the information out of them.

And it was fortunate enough that they captured somebody who was knowledgeable about what was going on on the 10th Floor. So right now, Samiel was praising the sun that they were lucky enough to get their hands on the info.

"Indeed we should..."

Samiels stated tiredly as they went in the direction of the territory of the Church of Lolth.


Within several hours, approximately ten hours later, Samiel, together with Yvraine, arrived at the territory of the Church of Lolth. The Church of Lolth owned the biggest territory in the Bone Mountains across all of the factions that existed there.

"Where are we going first?"

Yvraine asked unsurely... they needed to create as much chaos as possible to attract the attention of the Church of Lolth on them while they would be destroying them one by one.

According to Sameil's calculations, there was a high possibility that the Underdark and Church of Lolth would give up if forces were destroyed here.

While the Cores of the Arrakian sandworms were invaluable to the Underdark, the Underdark consisted of several factions and the psionic cores of the Arrakian sandworms were crucial resources only to the Mind Flyer population and partially to the Druergars and their tech...

For the others, not so much and because the Underdark was "very united", Samiel doubted that the Church of Lolth would waste their resources on something that could strengthen the Mind Flyer faction within the Underdark, thus indirectly making their rivals stronger as every sub-faction within the Underdark had a seat on their High Council.

"Main Temple... we will sneak into the heart of their territory and blast it apart... not to mention, I will be fighting without restriction this time."

Samiel said with a savage grin as Yvraine mildly shuddered to see him grin like that; she knew very well what it meant that he would fit without restriction.

Samiel rarely went all out and even more rarely used the Blessings of the Outer Court to boost up his combat prowess; in his pinnacle state, he could easily slaughter peak Silver-Tier Professionals who were half-step into the Gold-Tier.

Only those like Dharzug, who could fight above their levels, could match him in that form, and he was absolutely savage in that.

So, this time, he was going to unleash his inner beast on the Church of Lolth, the main temple of them in the Bone Mountains, the heart of their power on the 10th Floor of the Tower.

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