Eat The World Tree

Chapter 137: Faintly, Suddenly (7)

After receiving the handover, I began working under Hongyeon.

I shadowed her, absorbing and attempting the tasks at hand. The place known as Dowon had its share of issues, but given the peculiar nature of the martial world, I refrained from voicing unnecessary concerns.

The lack of funds was just the tip of the iceberg; there was so much in need of repair that prioritizing became essential.

Naturally, gathering information on Dowon, as initially intended, was carried out meticulously.

“Here are the documents you requested.”

I absorbed everything, from ancient records to any scrap of information available.

Where did Dowon originate, and how did it come to hold such a significant place in the vast martial world?

I also needed to uncover details about the Peach Tree family and Cheonma.

“Is this sufficient?”

Hongyeon, entering the office, placed a few more books on the pile.

“Yes, well done.”

“To live and receive commendation from someone like you… Are you getting enough rest? I’ve lost track of how many nights you’ve worked through.”

Her concern for me was evident.

I snorted and sipped my peach tea.

Hongyeon, who initially seemed intent on exploiting me as Sejong did with Prime Minister Hwang Hui, had completely altered her demeanor after a week.

“Ah, at some point, I felt like sleep became unnecessary.”

“Continuing like this will harm your health… It’s not my place to say, but I hope you won’t burn out, given your talent.”

There was a reason she had been so eager to teach me from the first day.

But it wasn’t a case of overexertion; rather, my body had adapted to a new rhythm, eliminating the need for sleep.

Perhaps it was the motivation I found that made the drowsiness vanish.

During training, I discussed this phenomenon with Cheonma and received a somewhat satisfactory explanation.

“Cheonma mentioned it. The powers I possess have intertwined and evolved.”

The World Tree of Healing significantly boosts the body’s immunity and regeneration capabilities. Perhaps the enhancement of this ability is why things have unfolded as they have.

“…Are you a monster?”

“Shut up. I still get tired after intense training. I’m just pushing through with sheer willpower.”

Despite everything, it was undeniable that I was navigating a grueling schedule.

Describing my daily life in Dowon,

I wake up at dawn to spar with Cheonma, receiving feedback on my reaction speed and judgment. As soon as the sun rises, I follow Hongyeon to tackle work. Given my ability to perform a wide range of tasks, I also assist with external affairs when possible.

Next, I share a large meal with Hongyeon at the inn. Since we won’t be seeing each other for a while, I’ve been taking advantage of her generosity as much as I can.

After eating, it’s back to work, then training, followed by more work.

In the late evening, I pop into Cheondo’s room with snacks.

Once Cheondo falls asleep, I return here to attend to my personal matters.

“You should try to get some sleep.”

“Why does the leader of the demonic cult need to interfere so much?”

Initially, Hongyeon would flinch every time I swore, but now she’s become braver and even talks back a little.

“It feels like you’re being chased.”

She often makes such sharp observations now.

The leader has matured significantly. I looked up from the documents to glance at Hongyeon.

“Being chased. You’re with me all day making me work, and now you’re even here until dawn.”

“There aren’t many capable talents in Dowon.”

I’ve come to accept this after observing the situation here myself.

It’s partly because these kids haven’t had proper education, and more importantly, the logic of power dominates this place.

Compared to modern civilization, it’s extremely primitive.

“That’s true. At least Hwangdo and Baekdo are receiving basic education from the women of Dowon. It’s just that the other children aren’t afforded the same opportunity.”

There were occasionally clever and perceptive kids, but they always remained a minority.

In such times, most geniuses perished without ever realizing their intelligence.

“But what will you do after I leave in two months?”

I asked her as I closed the documents.


Hongyeon’s eyes widened in surprise, nearly dropping the teapot she was holding.


“Ah! Ah. Look at me, sorry. What do you mean you’re leaving in two months?”

“Literally. My training with Cheonma ends in two months. After that, I’m on my way.”

“This damn…”

Hongyeon seemed greatly shaken, trembling.

“How could you raise such a talent.”

“Did you raise him?”

“Not exactly, but are you really leaving? Everyone knows you as the Young Demon.”

“I’m leaving. I’ll quit this job in a few weeks too.”

Hongyeon’s pupils shook violently at the mention of quitting.

From her perspective, it must feel like a versatile and high-performing ‘slave’ is suddenly slipping from her grasp.

She was so shocked that even her breathing became erratic.

“Ha, ha, ha.”

Hongyeon, chuckling bitterly, squatted on the floor and, with trembling hands, began picking up the pieces of the broken teapot, murmuring.

“…I’ll have to change the schedule. The problem has become complicated.”


“If you’re really leaving… There might be a problem with the succession.”

Succession. Cheondo’s story.

I immediately closed the book and put away the quill as well.

“Tell me.”

“There are currently two candidates for Cheonma’s successor, and there’s room for dispute. It wouldn’t be a problem if you hadn’t done anything, but that’s not the case.”

“Are you saying I’ve garnered some favor by working? That could easily be resolved with a single word from that old man, couldn’t it?”

“Still, dissatisfaction cannot be completely silenced.”

I was aware that my reputation had grown from helping Hongyeon.

Whether I was inspecting or patrolling, I never let wrongdoings slide and decisively eliminated corrupt practices, naturally garnering support from martial artists.

Since I had no need for money, I would buy food for the hungry children.

If I found a capable child, I would take them in and place them in a suitable family as an adopted child, to be nurtured as a talent.

Having negotiated not unfavorably with a few sects that frequently clashed with the demonic cult, my reputation among the sects was relatively good.

‘Compared to a successor who has never shown his face or name, it’s natural that I stand out.’

However, Dowon was a place ruled and dictated by Cheonma.

An absolute monarch.

Who would dare to complain against someone who could single-handedly destroy the entirety of Dowon?

“I don’t understand.”

Hongyeon started to say something but then shut her mouth tightly.

“What are you hiding?”

“It’s none of your business.”

“Tell me. Haven’t I helped you enough?”

“When will you drop that attitude… Fine, I’ll tell you. Your master, Cheonma, is planning to withdraw from Dowon.”

Withdraw from Dowon?

“What is that old man thinking… He’s trying to leave the place he built.”

“Explain in detail.”

I was well aware of how Dowon was created from previous investigations.

The Peach Tree family. They were a family with some renown in the martial world who established a small village in the mountains.

And a man from that family, after leaving the village and achieving great success, returned.

The man who felt disillusioned and couldn’t adapt to the village was Cheonma.

For some reason, he returned to the village from the outside world.

Immediately upon his return, he drove out the influential figures and rose to power solely through his martial strength.

The village, which was once composed solely of the Peach Tree family, gradually gathered other martial artists under Cheonma’s leadership. That’s how the Dowon we know today was formed.

Dowon can be described in two phases, depending on the time period.

Initially, it was a small Dowon, consisting of a single family before Cheonma’s arrival.

After Cheonma’s arrival, it transformed into a large Dowon, attracting martial artists from across the martial world.

However, according to Hongyeon, Cheonma was attempting to leave the Dowon he had established.

“I don’t know the reason. I’m not sure where he intends to go after leaving his two daughters behind. Even if he leaves, his life isn’t much left anyway. The death of Cheonma is as inevitable as destiny.”

He must be over two hundred years old by now.

Considering that tree spirits lived longer than humans, he had indeed lived a long time.

…Wait, did that mean he fathered three daughters at the age of one ninety?

Although tree spirits have different reproductive methods, if he fathered daughters in the human manner, that’s quite admirable.

“This is something I’ll have to ask directly.”

“He didn’t tell me. Maybe you… It’s possible. He seemed to favor you, for some reason.”

“Favor? That person?”

The same person who nearly stopped my heart this morning?

A bitter laugh escaped me, but excluding the training part, it wasn’t entirely incorrect, so I held back my words.

With a voice filled with regret, Hongyeon murmured sadly.

“If Cheonma had deliberately interfered with internal affairs from the start… There wouldn’t be any conflict among the sects now.”

So, he has completely withdrawn his hand from the affairs of Dowon.

That’s why the elders of each sect can overstep their boundaries without knowing their place.

“In the absence of the tiger, the fox prances.”

“…That’s why. I thought if you became Cheonma, you could set things right here.”

So, that’s why he was so worried about me.

I thought this guy had grown fond of me, but he was hiding his true intentions, like a cunning fox.

“But when it comes to choosing the successor, won’t Cheonma step in?”

Hongyeon shook her head in response to my question.

“Given his personality, he probably won’t. The fact that he’s looked after you is already an exceptional occurrence.”

He had taken care of my needs.

That’s why I had no trouble doing my work. Cheonma, who usually doesn’t interfere in Dowon’s affairs, had made it clear, so nobody dared to bother me.

“Ah, so people know me as a contender because he singled me out, even though he never interferes.”

“Yes. Compared to an unknown successor, you, who have demonstrated achievements, are indeed better. And in my opinion, you’re competent.”

Hongyeon didn’t skimp on the praise, clearly hoping I wouldn’t change my mind.

Even if I wanted to stay, I was destined to leave.

And I too wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

There was too much I had stirred up with Seyeong and Dallae.

“Anyway, that’s how it turned out.”

After Hongyeon’s words, silence fell in the office for a moment.

After thinking for a while, I picked up the quill and suddenly voiced a thought.

“…If the original successor is more capable than me, wouldn’t that solve everything?”

“If they can demonstrate their abilities in front of others, yes.”

“Then there’s no problem.”

“Do you know who it is?”

I nodded.

“That person can do anything. Much more capable, talented, and less prone to cursing than someone like me.”

“If that’s true, I’d be grateful. I don’t know who it is, but they must be aware by now. Aware that their position is in danger.”

I stopped there.

…The position of Cheonma’s successor was in danger.

Did Cheondo really think so?

I halted my train of thought there.

Overthinking and fretting only complicated things.

Actions needed to be taken to avoid mistakes.

“I need to meet both the old man and the successor.”

At my words, Hongyeon’s eyes widened.

Ah, the teapot pieces she had just finished gathering fell to the floor again.

“If possible… I ask you. I don’t want this place to fall.”


“When I was young, I was picked up by that old man and grew up here. This place is my home, and he is my benefactor. If you can just do that, and if things go well, I can apologize over and over for treating you poorly.”

I approached Hongyeon.

The shoes I was wearing stepped on the pieces of the teapot, shattering them further.


I grabbed Hongyeon’s head, which was bowed, and lifted it up.

The face of a woman, pale but determined, came into view.

She still had gauze over her nose, but since it was her fault, I had no intention of healing her.

“I was going to do it anyway.”

Hongyeon’s expression turned complex, filled with indiscernible emotions.

Still, I had to grant her request. Before I leave, I’ll tell her to treat Cheondo well; she seems like the type to listen.

Hongyeon was kind-hearted but lacked manners.

Moreover, what I wanted to know might be related to the old man’s situation.

I could pretend not to know and move on, but I don’t plan to.

What I was trying to uncover might well be the real reason I was sent to the past.

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