Eat The World Tree

Chapter 110: Perception Change (2)

“Are you serious about what you just said? It’s not something I can take lightly.”

“Of course.”

“Lee Shiheon is stronger than you?”

Jung Siwoo’s firm answer made Isabella listen intently.

“I’ve been watching him for a long time, and I must say—”

Isabella ran her fingernail across the coffee cup on the table and asked him. Her sharp, passionate eyes seemed to penetrate Jung Siwoo’s soul.

“—From what I’ve seen, you always undervalue your own talent and overestimate others’. I know that well.”


“That’s why I find it hard to believe what you just said.”

Jung Siwoo.

Isabella had met him four years ago. It was when she went for volunteer work as a nun.

Her role was to propagate the teachings of the World Tree at the military academy and educate the students. She remembered having a tough time because of Jung Siwoo back then.

-You didn’t attend my class again.

-I’m sorry.

-What are you doing locked up in the training room instead of attending classes?

Jung Siwoo, a student at the military academy, was a handful… always skipping class but inevitably found in the training room.

Isabella had to deliver the World Tree’s message. Thus, she inevitably became entangled with Jung Siwoo during her service.

They clashed a lot, and strangely enough, they became close. Isabella often played the role of his counselor.

After the volunteer period, they reverted to just occasional contacts, but both were aware of their close friendship.

Jung Siwoo was now undoubtedly one of the best talents. But it wasn’t always so.

“You’re too modest.”

Before becoming a candidate for the World Tree’s husband, Jung Siwoo was just an ordinary man, not nobility, not a tree, just a human male striving hard.

Isabella, who had observed him since then, knew.

Jung Siwoo’s efforts were worth rewarding.


…Now, he seemed nothing more than a silly oaf kicking a pumpkin that had rolled to his feet.

“Alright. Lee Shiheon… I’ll keep that in mind.”

The person recommended by Jung Siwoo, who was a man of great capacity.

Hoping the adage’ Birds of a feather flock together’ held true, Isabella forcefully swallowed her words.

“Status window.”

It had been a while since I last opened the status window.

As soon as I uttered the words, instead of the translucent status window, severe pain assaulted me.

[ Main Quest 3: To Higher Places. ]

[ Your current rank: 35th ]




[ Quest failed. A penalty will be applied! ]

I staggered!

Thud—I fell forward, my heart searing with pain. It hurt.

Desperately, I shattered the status window while maintaining my prone position, focusing all my attention.

[ Temporary disconnection from the World Tree. ]

The pain began to fade. My heart, which had been squeezed tight as though it would burst, barely held on.

“…Damn it.”

A translucent thread of spit fell from my mouth. The sudden pain was impossible to ignore.

The overflowing mana in my body was rendered useless.

Lying there, I wiped away the sweat and forced myself to stand.

Baekdo was standing there, staring at me with a blank expression.

“…What are you doing?”

“I nearly died. When I opened the status window, a penalty struck me.”

“You should have just died.”

That was quite harsh.

Cradling my internally wounded heart, I climbed onto the bed, feeling a severe stiffness in my shoulders.

After a few minutes, the status window reappeared.

“Status window.”

This time… it was fine.

I scanned the window that materialized before my eyes.

[ Name ]

Lee Shiheon (World Tree's Husband Candidate)

[ Stats ]

- Strength 7.5

- Durability 6.6

- Agility 7.2

- Stamina 6.7

- Mana 8.7

- Charisma 9

- Intelligence 7

- Potential 20

- Luck 10

□ Unique Traits (2)

[Tree-Planting Handbook (S)][Combat Body (S)]

□ Owned Skills (1)

[Black Path (-)]

□ Temperament (4)

[King of Spirits (-)][Swordsmanship Qualities (B)][Magic Qualities (B)][Lustful Demon (F)]

The stats had certainly seen a significant increase from when they were all at 1.

“I guess I don’t need to check the status window anymore.”

Unless I drew another ability.

Come to think of it, I hadn’t done a draw for a while.

Such hard-earned luck…

‘When I think about it, meeting these people was also due to luck, wasn’t it?’

There was some coercion, but it could be considered luck.

Baekdo, who was reading a magazine near the nightstand, looked at me and then threw the magazine he held.

“What are you looking at?”


As I dodged the magazine, I heard the rustle of paper behind me.

“Aren’t you being too prickly?”


“There’s not much time left until we part. Are you going to keep this up?”

Baekdo closed her eyes and turned away, indicating she had no intention of speaking. I murmured to myself, looking at her.



The magazine flew and covered my face.

“Who, who, who’s pathetic! Shut up, I heard everything!”

“… You’re the one who said it.”

Baekdo stormed over and smacked me hard enough to make my face tingle.

I dropped the magazine sticking to me and gently rubbed my sore nose.

“I said I was sorry. Can’t you just accept my apology?”

“I’m not pathetic.”

“Fine, I get it…”

“I said I’m not pathetic.”

“Then prove it.”


“That attitude again. Do you really want to die by my hands today?”

What did that even mean?

The only thing I wanted to say was this.

“We’re going to part ways soon. Let’s get along and part on good terms. How long are you going to keep fighting?”

No response. Baekdo, being rational, must have agreed with me. I offered one last mischievous apology.

“Right? Let’s not fight and make up… se-I mean, reconcile.”

“That makes sense.”

A blanket flew from Baekdo’s hand, covering me so fast I couldn’t even react. I was smothered under the blanket for a long time.

“Deserved it.”

It felt like being rolled up in a mat. Actually, that’s exactly what was happening.

“Ugh, ugh!”

After about 30 minutes, Baekdo, panting, agreed with me.

“You’re right.”

…This was crazy.

“After beating someone nearly to death, that’s all you have to say?”

“You deserved it.”

I agreed.

Despite the harsh treatment for someone who had almost died…

“You deserved it.”

I agreed.

“Okay, okay. A punch is fair. So, what do you want to eat today?”

At my question, Baekdo closed her mouth and cautiously said,



Now, I just needed to clear up the misunderstanding with Hwangdo.

I held my sore knees and glanced inside the fridge in the kitchen. Normally, I would have used the salad bar on the first floor of the dormitory, but living with the Peach sisters had made cooking a daily routine.

Shiba also strangely preferred what I cooked. Being the best cook in the house seemed natural… or was Cheondo better? I wouldn’t know without tasting it.

‘Cook… pick up Shiba from kindergarten… pack, sleep, wake up, and go to the academy. Perfect.’

After mentally scheduling, I washed the rice, set it to cook, and prepared the broth and ingredients for the budae-jjigae.

My cooking skills, once limited to that of a bachelor’s, had now practically turned professional.

  • Clatter, clatter.

With the sound of the rice cooker as background music, I chopped the ingredients, and thoughts of the earlier draw crossed my mind.

‘It’s been a while since I checked the affinity levels…’

Since affinity wasn’t that important, I had neglected it. Before, I would have obsessed over it to make friends, but not anymore.

Knowing someone else’s affinity felt a bit intrusive.

‘It is a useful ability, though.’

Affinity isn’t just for simple romance. It’s a criterion for me to judge whether someone would sacrifice a part of themselves for me.

Like borrowing money.

Or even sacrificing their life.

Being able to see through someone’s affinity meant I could exploit that affection if I wished.

This person would listen to me and would give up something for me.

Without this ability, it was a request, but with it, my attitude toward people changed.

Not just power but abilities could corrupt a person.

I was as intoxicated with talent as I was with arrogance.

The affinity system’s value was immense, making me reluctant to use it.

I knew I could abuse it if I desired.

-Be more ruthless.

Cheondo’s words suddenly echoed in my ears as if she were speaking directly to me.

-If you have the ability, use it, you foolish disciple.

‘… That’s true.’

Not using it out of fear was just as foolish.

With just a glance, I brought back the affinity system I hadn’t used in a while.

Opaque fragments gathered before my eyes, forming a window.

[ World Tree Auction ] - [ Affinity Menu ]

[World Tree (2)]

▶World Tree of Purity: ♥♥♥♥♥(100/100)

▶World Tree of Healing: ♥♥♥♡♡(71/100)

[Wooden/Human (9)]

▶Lee Seyeong: ♥♥♥♥♡(95/100)

▶Hwangdo: ♥♥♥♥♡(93/100)

▶Jin Dallae: ♥♥♥♥♡(93/100)

▶Byeol: ♥♥♥♡♡(65/100)

▶Jung Siwoo: ■■■□□(65/100)

▶Baekdo: ♥♥♥♡♡(61/100)

▶Cheondo: ♥♥♥♡♡(58/100)

▶Sansuyu: ♥♥♥♡♡(57/100)


A long window.

Reading through it, my gaze was drawn to one particular area.

The sudden rise of Jung Siwoo.

Honestly, I hadn’t expected it, thinking it wasn’t anything unusual.

But what really caught my attention, making me doubt my eyes, was:

▶Hwangdo: ♥♥♥♥♡(93/100)

▶Jin Dallae: ♥♥♥♥♡(93/100)

‘Why did noona and her suddenly rise…?’

Hwangdo, whom I hadn’t been able to talk to recently, and Jin Dallae, aside from the gift after the exam, I hadn’t had much interaction with.

I casually checked their information.

Name/Gender: Hwangdo (Female)

Age/Height: 25/167cm

Sex Fantasy: Sister and brother slave play

Romance Fantasy: Long embrace on a hot summer day.

Current Status (Additional): Jealousy, temporary affinity amplification.

Name/Gender: Jin Dallae (Female)

Age/Height: 20/165 cm

Sex Fantasy: Spanking.

Romance Fantasy: A day at the zoo with a loved man.

Current Status (Additional): Obsession, temporary affinity amplification.

“…What is this?”

Jealousy. The meaning behind that word.

Obsession. A sudden emotional change.

The girls’ current state was described with words that seemed self-explanatory.

I floundered, failing to understand the reasons.

The women around me seemed to be changing their perception of me.

Setting Hwangdo aside, had I ever flirted with Jin Dallae…?

I would send her messages out of the blue. When she looked troubled, I joined her for drinks and gave her a slap on the cheek to help her snap out of it.

We went to the zoo with Shiba. At the academy, we were like close friends, often together for assignments.


I had thought Jin Dallae was merely fixated on the position of a friend.

Having lost her father early and failing to find someone to share her emotions with properly, I thought I should at least belatedly take on the role of a friend.

But now, could it be…?

-Umm, ooh!

Then, a vibration came from my left pocket.

My heart thudded.

I swallowed and turned off the gas stove first. Then I took out my phone.

A three-letter name flashed across the phone’s messenger screen.

That’s when it happened.

“Little Brother.”

The deep voice came from behind me.

“…Sister, long time no see.”

Creak, creak—my neck turned unnaturally. I caught a glimpse of Hwangdo’s face.

“Baekdo is planning to have a meal with Master… would you like to join us?”

“Baekdo just fell asleep.”

“That can’t be…”

Hwangdo, who hadn’t shown herself since the night I stayed up with Baekdo, looked at me with eyes filled with myriad thoughts.

“Little Brother.”

She smiled.

“Cheondo is also asleep.”

The traces of mana on the surface of her skin were faint, but I could feel them.

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