Eat The World Tree

Chapter 102: 1st Place Vs 152nd Place (2)

Just before the afternoon match, in front of the stadium entrance.

Among the bustling crowd stood a beauty with bright yellow hair.

“Miss, congratulations on your first-round victory.”


As her secretary presented her with a bouquet, Sansuyu accepted it. She then brought it to her nose, taking in the fragrant aroma of the flowers.

“It’s okay. Thank you.”

She handed the bouquet back to her secretary and walked towards the stadium entrance. Sansuyu’s striking appearance made many people stop in their tracks.

“Is that Miss Sansuyu?”

“Wow… She’s amazing.”

Exclamations erupted from all around. People of all ages were astounded by her exceptional beauty.

Despite the many eyes on her, Sansuyu showed no sign of discomfort and effortlessly displayed her enchanting demeanor. It was a behavior that came out unconsciously, not out of self-consciousness.

A noble posture ingrained in her since childhood.

Her secretary, Jiho, looked at Sansuyu with pity, then bowed deeply to the man who appeared.


A man with a large build and a fierce face, marked by long, slit eyes.

Sansuyu greeted him with an emotionless voice, hand on her chest.


The head of the Corneus family, San Hyukwon.

A tycoon who sponsored numerous guilds and had many talented people under him.

He gave a signal to Sansuyu and spoke to her secretary in a low voice.

“She won, didn’t she? Jiho.”

“Yes. She won.”

“Of course. Whose daughter is she? Strive for more.”

Jiho continued, head bowed. In the corner of his eye, he saw Sansuyu trying to avoid her father’s gaze.

‘Shouldn’t he be apologizing for being late?’

A man who saw his daughter, and potentially the future head of the family, as nothing more than a tool.

Filled with indignation for a moment, he suppressed the bitterness inside. Then, San Hyukwon spoke.

“Who’s competing this time?”

“Jung Siwoo and Lee Shiheon.”

“…Jung Siwoo! Right.”

He stroked his shaggy beard and walked past Sansuyu.

“Let’s watch the match.”

Leading his bodyguards and secretary, Hyukwon headed to the VIP room. Sansuyu watched his silhouette, her head bowed, looking down at the ground. Her face was emotionless, but a hint of dejection was perceptible.

Jiho felt his heart burning.



“Let’s go to the VIP room soon.”

Yet, with nothing comforting to say, Jiho silently continued his duties.

A few steps later, looking at the solitary figure of Sansuyu, he briefly smiled bitterly. Then, Sansuyu lifted her head.


The words that finally fell from her lips.

Sansuyu began walking hurriedly towards somewhere.


“I haven’t cheered yet.”

Jiho quickly followed her and looked around, where she stopped. The doorplate read ‘Athletes’ Waiting Room’ in black letters.

‘Why here…’


Sansuyu tried to open the door, but it was locked and stopped by the latch. Ah… She sighed softly.

“There’s still time. They might not be here yet. Who are you trying to meet?”


“You can do that after the match.”

From where Jiho stood, he couldn’t see Sansuyu’s face and thus couldn’t discern her emotions. Judging by her impulsive behavior, he could only assume she wanted to meet a friend.

Having met her father again after a long time, Sansuyu’s deflated spirit was understandable, but…

Regrettably, it was just before the match. She didn’t know where he might be, but at least he wasn’t there.

There was no choice. Jiho tensed his neck slightly, deciding to dissuade her. He reached out and grabbed Sansuyu’s elbow. Her resistance was light.

“Let’s go, Miss. It’s almost time for the match, and it would be a disturbance—”


However, before Jiho could finish his sentence, someone interrupted him. A hint of emotion appeared in Sansuyu’s eyes for the first time, which had been void of any until now.

“What’s going on?”

Lee Shiheon.

He stood behind Jiho, dressed in his combat uniform and wearing a stark white mask.

A tall figure with an unusual aura about him.

His face was flushed, perhaps due to the imminent battle.


“It’s Shiheon, not Siheon… Hey, but.”

Shiheon met with Sansuyu’s words and gave a deflated smile. But then, sensing something odd, he stared intently at Sansuyu’s expression.

“Did something happen to you?”

That one sentence.

Sansuyu clamped her mouth shut and shook her head in response to Shiheon’s words that seemed to see right through her.


“It’s obvious something bad happened. Let’s talk over dinner later. I’m busy right now.”

His casual words were ones he could only say after paying close attention to her. Sansuyu stepped back, touching her cheek where he had squeezed.

“Siheon is acting strange today.”

“It’s not strange, and it’s Shiheon.”

Shiheon chuckled as his lips puckered.

Jiho watched this side of Sansuyu, lost in thought.

It was a side of the lady he had never seen before. He felt a peculiar unease in his heart.

It wasn’t jealousy.

Just a part of his doubt towards Shiheon, lingering in his heart, had somewhat subsided.

Shiheon, tapping on Sansuyu’s forehead, waved his hand.

Though it was a disrespectful act for a noble, Jiho didn’t want to stop him for some reason.

“I have a match soon. I’m going.”

“Yeah… Good luck.”

“Sure. Ah, Secretary, you should go too.”


Then Shiheon turned his head and went into the waiting room, loosening up his body.



The door closed, and belatedly, Jiho responded.

“Miss, let’s go.”

Stuttering slightly, he led Miss Sansuyu to the VIP room.

All the way there, Jiho kept thinking about Shiheon just before the door closed.

For some reason, his broad back kept coming to mind.

After sending Sansuyu off, the atmosphere had changed in a brief moment…

It felt like watching an athlete, unable to contain themselves just before a match, at their peak readiness.

Opening Ceremony. And the waiting time.

I couldn’t remember how long I had been waiting for this moment.

I looked up at the sky and quickly glanced around.

The fervent breath, the shouting of the audience. Hands sweaty with exertion.


The murmuring that filled the stadium wasn’t really directed at me.

Everyone’s gaze was on Jung Siwoo, not me. Dressed in his stark white combat uniform, he stood more seriously than anyone else.

First place. The top student.

The strongest man in the first year of the academy, recognized by everyone.

The kind of attention I was receiving.

Mixed with mockery. The disdainful gaze of those who relish putting others down.

-What about him? He’s up against Jung Siwoo.

Everything around me felt ludicrous.

The pounding of my heart was reminiscent of the feeling I had when I first ran for class president.

The feeling I got when I stood in front of the students and shouted out loud for the first time. The immense satisfaction I felt when I received the expectations of others as I had anticipated.


I stroked the Nongsu I was wearing and fastened the belt of my combat uniform.

The VIPs from various guilds who came to watch the academy’s match, each one licking their lips while looking at Jung Siwoo.

…I couldn’t hear it from here.

But surely, they must be complaining about how the match would end too quickly because the opponent was too weak.

Don’t worry unnecessarily. I won’t be knocked out easily.


The referee’s loud voice echoed through the microphone.

Jung Siwoo and I faced each other for a moment.

The bitter taste of the drink we had last time still lingered in my mouth.

That damn secret we shared over drinks last time.

The heavy burden we, living our unfortunate lives, are putting on this match.

How much mental anguish will the loser have to endure?

And knowing that.

I smiled.

Jung Siwoo must have done the same.


I remembered the first time I faced his sword.

I couldn’t even follow his attack with my eyes, barely dodging with my heavy body that day.

I was completely overwhelmed by Jung Siwoo, unable to even feel a sense of inferiority.

-Woong Woong!

Powerful magic surged through my body, swelling immensely.

The pure magic power I had cultivated by any means necessary since then.

Magic nearly twice the size of my body enveloped me as if swallowing me whole.

-Koo Koo Koo.

The atmosphere vibrated.

Jung Siwoo’s sword fluttered with a brilliant white light. I instinctively sensed the power contained within it.


He was hiding quite a lot of power, too.

I didn’t know why he didn’t use that power in the last pseudo-event.

Maybe, like me, he became stronger through a series of experiences in that short period.


That didn’t matter. It was not right to have distractions in battle.


Jung Siwoo’s figure disappeared from in front of me.

The tip of the sword that appeared before my eyes was heading straight for my forehead.


Right there-

A massive explosion occurred.

A crater formed on the ground, swallowing a part of the stadium.

A single blow. A mutual strike.

-Beep! Beep! Beep!

The referee’s panicked whistle echoed throughout the stadium.

A temporary halt in the match due to the excessive shock.

The chilling atmosphere enveloped the stadium as the protective measures for the players kicked in.

As the dust cloud slowly cleared…

We both stood unscathed, looking at each other.


I smiled at Jung Siwoo’s sincere compliment.

To my surprise, the Nongsu on my left arm was completely shattered.


Pieces of split metal fell from under my left arm.

I tossed the sword I was holding in my right hand up into the air.


Jung Siwoo’s broken sword.

It spun rapidly, cutting through the dust cloud, and plunged into the ground.

The already cold atmosphere froze even more.

“How are you going to fight now?”

One side gave in, and one side took advantage.

The short exchange of blows proved that I could match Jung Siwoo’s speed.

The referee, who rushed over in a panic, was astonished at our condition.

“How are you both?”

““We’re fine.””

Almost simultaneously answering, the murmuring around us gradually grew louder.

The murmuring swelled. The atmosphere shifted slowly.

A guild executive put his finger to his lips, and a scout hurriedly made a call.

My presence twisted and forced the gaze of many onlookers, even without my looking around. I could feel it throughout my body.

Chills ran down my skin. A thick laugh spread across my lips.

An outcome no one could have predicted. Who could have foreseen it?

The change was brought by a single attack, not by victory or defeat.

Just two humans, each with something at stake, clashing.

A few steps apart, Jung Siwoo and I readied ourselves again.

Jung Siwoo, seemingly well-prepared, drew out a spare sword and showed it in his hand.


A sound from the audience, like a cheer but not quite a cheer.

A mix of emotions – astonishment, sighs, joy, delight – I savored them all with my entire being.


The whistle for the resumption of the match pierced the sky.

Having gauged each other’s abilities with a single exchange, there wasn’t much left for us to do.

All that remained was to demonstrate our full capabilities.

I confidently took my stance, wrapping my arms with magic power, causing a surge throughout my body.


The black peach tree.

In the center of the match arena.

Black petals began to swirl in a whirlwind.

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