Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 345: In the Depths of the Empire (5)

A curtain of awkward silence fell over us.

The soldiers walked around us as they marched forward. Marbas and I were rooted in place like a pair of boulders sticking out of a river.

“Hmm. Hm.”

For some reason, instead of looking right at me, Marbas was giving me more of a sideglance. That angle and gaze made it clear he was waiting for my answer. It was like he was carefully waiting to see how the other party will respond after throwing something out all of a sudden.

Marbas and my gaze met and averted away from each other several times. Afterward, a new color was added on top of the awkwardness. It was……almost soft……and ticklish.


Wait one second.

What’s happening? What’s with this atmosphere that’s crawling up my spine and turning everything pink!?

Marbas, why aren’t you able to look me properly in the eyes? Look at me. No, stop averting your gaze……. Your Excellency? Hello? Mr. Sly Geezer? Sebastokrator……?

The worst-case scenario suddenly popped up in my mind.

Marbas’ affection was currently at 50. So……because it reached 50……instead of only feeling goodwill towards me, something weird was also……. There are people in this era who take in their young homosexual lovers as their adopted sons…….

‘No way!’

Something screamed out in my mind.

Tragically, I had made it a habit to be able to think rationally no matter the situation. My rational self remained present while the rest of me was sucked into a storm of chaos.

The fragments of my ego calmly debated the current situation.

‘Who would have guessed that becoming his stepson would be the event to undo his affection lock?’

‘It was a blind spot.’

‘If we manage to capture Marbas as well, then, including Barbatos and Paimon, we would be winning a triple crown.’

‘A maid witnesses it in the Empire’s palace. 360 days of shocking reports.’ (TL Note: I’m honestly not sure what the last line is supposed to mean. Translating it directly would go something along the lines of, “shock report 360 days”.)

The fragments of my rationality were all pieces of trash. It would probably be more beneficial to leave the regency of the Empire to Sitri than discuss the world with these bastards.



The air around us became more peculiar with each passing second. The confusion and endless embarrassment mixed together and created a cocktail. I couldn’t bear this any longer. These kinds of atmospheres are like poison to me! I hate them. You could even say that I despise them.

It would only be unsightly to keep lingering around here like this. That’s right. Let’s use my 3cm thick brazenface that could even chew on iron. I collected myself before speaking.

“W-What do you mean by stepson, Sir Marbas?”

—Rather than respond calmly, I stumbled on my words instead.

The mood didn’t calm down. If anything, it felt like popcorn was being made on it now.

I was wrong. I’m screwed. This was like when I went on a blind date during high school and had trouble talking to the girl. This was an absolute catastrophe.

“There is nothing to misunderstand. I am talking about you becoming my adopted son.”

“My apologies, but……I-I am far too old to become someone’s son now.”

“It does not matter to me.”

Marbas continued in a genuine tone.

“Dantalian. You yourself is what is important here.”


Confessing to me so passionately would only trouble me more!

I opened and closed my mouth like a fish. Not only was my head overheated, but I couldn’t figure out what to say or how to say it. I could only follow along with however my tongue moved.

“Uh, should I say that I believe that the bond between parent and child should be considered after the two sides get to know each other better? I feel like this would be too soon between me and Your Highness.”

“That is disheartening.”

Marbas clearly sounded disappointed.

“I thought that the two of us had genuinely had a heart-to-heart that goes beyond our age and positions. Is there a reason why we cannot make our bond firmer?”

“Ah……about that……. I guess……you’re right.”

Don’t agree, you idiot!

I was stammering like some virgin. My Lord. The words coming out of my own mouth made me want to doubt my ears. I’m the one who played with the hearts of female Demon Lords and even made Sitri mine……but to think I’m faltering before someone of the same gender……. Someone much older than me…… And not just by a couple decades, but by a couple millenniums!


Marbas brought his face closer to mine. I was so bewildered that I almost hiccuped.


“I vowed that even if I lie to others, I would never lie to myself. Be it my beliefs or my thoughts and feelings. I, Marbas, vow with my name that I am being serious. Do you understand?”

I could hear Marbas’ low and mellow voice coming from right in front of my nose. There was nothing but seriousness in his light gray eyes.

I-Is this the middle-aged charm that was able to maintain his popularity among the women in the demon world for the past thousands of years? I heard that he’s fervently supported by both young and middle-aged ladies, but even as a guy, I think I understand why…….

I’m sure that he trims his eyebrows and beard every day. They were the perfect length and had sharp angles. His wrinkles looked completely natural. Rather than being due to old age, it looked like they were naturally carved by the weight of numerous emotions. That’s right. They had depth. His scent was also pleasantly gentle…….

‘No, snap out of it!’

I desperately pulled myself back to reality. Depth my ass!

I like women. 10 times out of 10, I will always choose to be with a woman! Sitri is the furthest exception. I seriously don’t want to embrace another man!

“Y-Your Highness.”

“I believe in you. Rather, regardless of whether I believe in you or not—.”

Marbas gave me a profound look.

If I refuse Marbas here, then his affection might plummet. My influence in the Neutral Faction will also diminish greatly. But I’m fine with that. As a human, no, as a Demon Lord, I must protect what’s precious to me…….

I gulped.

Just say that you’re sorry, Dantalian. Bravely and resolutely. You have to prevent any future troubles from occurring. Tell him that you can’t accept his feelings.

“M-My apologies, but I—!”

“—You are someone destined to become the next Emperor of Habsburg.”


There was a moment of silence.

I blinked several times.

“……Huh? The Emperor?”

“As you are aware, I became the Sworn Father of the Emperor. I have been recognized publicly as a member of the imperial family. Since the Consul of the Habsburg Republic has thrown away her family name, if you exclude Rudolf, I am actually the sole member of the imperial family now.”

At first, I had no idea what Marbas was saying. It felt like Marbas’ dignified voice was knocking lightly on my skull. After a brief moment, my brain escaped from the warm mist that had been surrounding it.

“Dantalian, if I take you in as my adopted son, then you would become the sole successor to the throne.”

“O-Oh, that’s why you asked me…….”

In other words, Marbas had devised a scheme.

There was currently no official successor in the Empire. It was only natural since all members of the imperial family were basically wiped out. If I become Marbas’ adopted son, then I would get the bare minimum rights to the throne.

I let out a huge sigh of relief.

“Sheesh. I misunderstood on my end.”

“Hm? What do you mean?”

“It is nothing.”

I’ll take this misunderstanding with me to the grave.

I quickly organized the situation. But this time, while properly managing my facial expression.

“Your Highness, that is definitely an interesting plan; however, the humans will not sit still and allow a Demon Lord to take the throne of the Empire.”

“It will not be an issue if you ascend the throne as the co-emperor.”

Marbas immediately answered.

“You simply have to wed the daughter of some appropriately notable human. Crown her as the Empress and you will be her husband. Your wife will remain in name as the empress.”


I see. There was the option of being the Empress’ husband.

I could bring a princess with a fair standing from any of the nations. There are many nations that want to form a bond with the Empire right now. After acquiring a princess, Barbatos could use her magic to brainwash the princess and turn her fully into a puppet empress.

The cogs in my head turned quickly. After about a minute, I carefully opened my mouth.

“It’s……possible. Yes, it is definitely possible.”

“You are well-received by all three factions in the Demon Lord Army. Some may complain if you ascend the throne, but there should be no pushback beyond that.”

Rudolf von Habsburg has to die eventually. We can’t keep controlling his corpse.

I did say that we should wait until Elizabeth and Bathory have died of old age, but that also applies to us. If Emperor Rudolf doesn’t die of old age, then the people will definitely become suspicious.

The issue was figuring out who we were going to make succeed the throne.

It’d be an issue if either Barbatos, Paimon, or Marbas ascended. This would obviously cause an internal dispute. Vassago and Gamigin are also out of the question. They have no talent in trying to balance the Demon Lord Army…….

“Dantalian, you are the only one who can take the throne.”

This is why Marbas chose me as the alternative.

I was trusted to a fair degree by all three factions and, most importantly, was favored by all three faction leaders. I stood in a position that could safely balance the Empire.

This was interesting. This was a future path that went in the complete opposite direction of the path that I had planned out.

I was planning to control the factions while hiding in the shadows of the Empire. On the other hand, Marbas is arguing that I should step forward. These were two polar opposite paths. The ruler behind the shadows or the Emperor of the people?  The path of light or the path of darkness…….

“You mentioned earlier that a group with no system to support it is destined to collapse. Dantalian, having a successor is the most important system in an empire. An empire without a successor is nothing more than a house of cards.”


He wasn’t wrong. What were we going to do after Emperor Rudolf’s reign comes to an end? This was a matter that I hadn’t considered yet…….

“……Your Highness, I—.”

“I am aware that this is an abrupt proposal.”

Marbas nodded.

“I intend to give you plenty of time to think this over. It is fine to think about this for a year or even a decade. We have plenty of time on our hands, after all.”

Marbas tugged on his reins. His horse gave a slight neigh before trodding forward. I slowly followed behind him with my horse.

“But bear in mind that the time we have is not eternal, Dantalian. Only those who can plan ahead can rule the era, and, at the very least, you are the only one who can plan ahead in regard to this matter.”


I carefully nodded my head.

Become the husband of an empress.

We didn’t have to go out of our way to get another nation involved either. We could also use a saintess. By principle, saintesses are not allowed to wed, but that can be bypassed by simply making the saintess give up on her position as a saintess.

The entire continent would probably support the union between a saintess and a Demon Lord. An immense amount of political power would also be guaranteed.

Would it be more advantageous to rule from the shadows or while in the spotlight? I continued to think as I rode my horse…….


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Wow, I released a new chapter in a timely manner! I totally didn’t almost forget again. Hm, I wonder if Dantalian will suddenly change his course of action after this conversation. I have a feeling he won’t.

In any case, work is boring now cause we’ve mostly been receiving work from that anti-malware software company. I’m learning about all these malware strains and none of my new knowledge is useful! Woo!

Welp, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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