Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 887 Beginning Of Bloodline Awakening [Part 1]


Name: Yohan Lin

Race: Human

Cultivation Level: First level of the heavenly soul realm [Divine Physique]

Cultivation Type: Dual Cultivator/Qi Cultivator

Title: Adorer


Legacy: ???

Yin Qi:9000Ml

Celestial Yin Qi:00Ml

Demonic Yin Qi:800Ml


After leaving the room Yohan took a Quick peek inside the next room to check the mysterious women that he had rescued from that dark gloomy place.

"She is also sleeping peacefully and there is no sign of her awakening soon,her body is still recovering from the physical and mental trauma that she has been through inside that place!"Yohan clenched his fist and a killing intent flash into his eyes but alas he can't kill someone who has already died by his hand.

"You will be alright in no time,just take some well needed rest..."Yohan whispered before closing the door and after that he disappeared from that place leaving these two beauties in their deep sleep in their respective rooms,he was not worried about their safety as his spiritual senses were covering the entire place.


Sometimes later Yohan's figure manifested into the thin air in front of the particular room which was situated on the sixth floor of the manor.

He simply pushed the door and make his way inside the room,the room was pretty simple and empty an idle place for him to initiate the bloodline cleansing and awakening,after closing the door from inside Yohan reached the middle part of the room and took a Lotus position on the ground,his heart beats were irregular after all he didn't know what is gonna happened when he consumed those two potions,with his past experience he can tell things were not going to easy after all he has bitter experience of going through all those three evolution phases.

[Just remember you are not alone,i am always looking after you]

As he was in his own thoughts a familiar voice echoed inside his head that made him snap out of his daze,his facial expressions changed as he was not expecting to hear her this soon.

"Thea..."He muttered in low voice and waited for her to speak again but alas he didn't got any response from other side,he remembered that she told him that she used so much of her strength in order to show a part of herself to him and he might not able to hear or see her anytime soon, thinking about that mysterious lady's words Yohan simply smiled afterall she had said the similar thing when she first held him into her arms right before disappearing from his very eyes.

"Yes I am not alone, afterall you are always looking after me!"Yohan whispered in a low voice while having a bright smile on his face and the next moment he took out the bloodline cleansing potion from the inventory of the system.

"Let's do this..."Yohan whispered and the next moment he carefully uncapped the small thumb size bottle which was filled with green dazzling liquid,and without giving any thought he indulged the entire thing,as he unloaded the entire green liquid inside his body his facial expressions became slightly weird.

"Damn it... taste is so bad!"Yohan exclaimed as he looked the empty bottle of the bloodline cleansing potion,he didn't waste anything not even a single drop of the green liquid afterall it was so precious and it's existence alone cause the war between kingdoms,but to thanks to system Yohan is able to access such precious things.


[You have consumed bloodline cleansing potion,the process of bloodline cleansing will take effect in 60...59...58...]

As Yohan was in the midst of praising the system for giving him such reward a notification took place in his head reminding him about the bloodline cleansing process that is about to take place under one minute,Yohan took deep breath and then he closed his both eyes in order to brace himself for what is coming for him.

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