Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 881 What About Taking Fifty Thousand Refugees?

Somewhere inside the northern region of the Phoenix Kingdom a figure of the young handsome man could be seen flying into a particular direction,this young man was none other than Lucien himself who was heading towards Xeng clan territory[ previously known as Xian clan] in order to meet old man Lin.

But when something caught his attention he halted his movement into the sky and looked towards the ground where thousands of women were marching towards the same direction as he was heading, this is the last group of the female captives who were freed by Yohan.

At the same time the entire group came to a halt when they noticed a figure who was standing in the mid air thousands of feet above of the ground, all of their faces turned pale and dark, after all these women knew that no normal human could fly into the sky, only cultivators who attained the soul spirit realm or above could fly into the sky, knowing that they felt fear from this figure, apart from these women the five figures who were leading these women's towards the direction of the xeng clan also felt panicked seeing a distant figure of the Lucien.

"All of them are pretty slow, young master Yohan's speculation was spot on,it will take them forever to reach Xeng clan territory by foot and moreover all of these women seem tired after walking a few miles, I have to relay young master Yohan's message to elder Lin and lady Milan as soon as possible"lucien muttered in a low voice and with that thought he dashed into the direction of the xeng clan in order to see old man Lin and Milan.

The womens on the ground and those five figures were taken aback when they saw that figure leaving just like that. Everyone was so confused and dumbfounded by the sudden disappearance of that figure who was wearing a long dark cloak.

"I don't think he was an enemy,so we don't have to be afraid,lady alma assured us that there would be no problem during the travel as they managed everything, we were the last group so we needed to fasten our pace and catch up to others group"a moment later a middle age man among the group of five cleared his throat and confronted the group and assured them that everything is fine, he knows all of these women were afraid after seeing that mysterious figures in the sky.

"But knowing You and Lady Alena,i am pretty sure you are going to manage everything and if you need any kind of help, my clan is ready to provide any kind of assist, we will help you to build the residence for those refugees After All I got tons of resources after taking over Xian clan," patriarch bin xeng responded with radiant eyes.

"How about taking half of those refugees inside your clan?" old man Lin asked with puppy eyes, the moment those words reached to Patriarch bin xeng the smile that he was having on his face disappeared instantly and he started coughing, Milan took a sighed seeing her Father.

"Thanks for the offer but i am going to decline this generous offer of yours politely,i don't think my clan is ready to deal with those refugees After All all of them are women and taking care of fifty thousand women is not something that my clan or any clan could do,i never heard that anyone has taken over hundred thousand women refugees under their wings, Yohan is creating history and I am pretty positive that he is the only one who can manage them, you have to trust your grandson's decision making afterall one day he is going to lead the Lin clan from the front,"old man bin xeng said while clearing his throat and after completing his words he got up on his seat.

"Now if you excuse me,I have a very important meeting with the associating clans,I'll see you around,"He added before leaving the place in a hurry, Arjun bitterly smiled seeing Bin Xeng leaving in a hurry while old man Lin clenched his fists in annoyance.

Milan on the other hand felt embarrassed in front of old man Lin for the behavior of her father.

"I am sorry Grandpa Lin...I mean elder Lin for the behaviour of my father..." she whispered in a low voice, old man Lin exhaled deeply hearing Milan and then he petted Milan's head.

"Don't worry I can understand your father's reasoning, He is not wrong, it's yohan's decision and being his grandfather I have to take responsibility for his words, you don't have to apologize for anything"old man Lin said and then he added while getting up on his seat.

"one more thing you can call me Grandpa afterall all of his partners calls me with same title,"

A bright smile appeared on Milan's face after hearing old man Lin and she nodded her head in a shy manner, shortly after old man Lin left with Arjun while Milan remained sitting at her place.

"I can't wait to meet others...." she muttered while arching her back against the seat thinking about Yohan's other partners.

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