709 Turning the situation around
“Hmm, despite being unexpected, this is quite a valuable bonus…”, Wu Long muttered with interest as he closely observed the situation outside, “it seems the conflict over the World Stone will be a bit more lively than I thought…”,
His thoughts lingered on the tertiary forces that might be joining in to take advantage and profit from the chaos of the conflict, as he listened to the Elder of the Crystal Wood Sect explode with anger at the Seven Scars Guild’s request, and the argument between the two sides.
It was clear that while this small-scale mercenary group was not as influential as any of the big Sects, in this upcoming isolated conflict on the continent they held quite a bit of negotiating power, since here they could tip the scales of the relatively balanced forces, and thus these talks were more of a means to enjoy that superior position than actually bargaining for them.
Not to mention that it was unlikely that these two of the likely seven leaders were able to make decisions for the whole Seven Scars Guild.
The Crystal Wood Sect Elder also understood that, but at the same time could not completely shun them even with that knowledge, as that could make the real negotiations later on tougher. In other words, he was forced to tiptoe around these two for now, even if no deal would be made here today.
‘A truly infuriating position… especially with that Elder’s temperament…’, Wu Long thought as his eyes narrowed a bit, ‘…which is why neither he nor those two with scars who are enjoying themselves too much are noticing the approaching danger… even the others around are too absorbed in their discussion, which is understandable, them being the two most powerful groups in terms of individual power on the plateau at the moment…”
“Hah, for someone who was in dire straights not that long ago you sure look like you are enjoying your time”, Fen Baihu’s feet softly touched the ground, as her pink eyes with vertical pupils looked upon Wu Long, who was sitting comfortably in a leisurely pose with two gorgeous beauties in both arms.
She then turned in the direction where Wu Long was observing the situation, “I see you even have enough leeway now to pay attention to what’s happening elsewhere”
“Would you have preferred if I was desperate and pitiful?”, Wu Long chuckled with a glint of amusement in his eyes.
“Pfft… ~ahahahaha… why would I prefer something I can’t even picture in my head… besides, I’m not as ill-mannered as you seem to make me out to be, I don’t bite the hand that helps me”, Fen Baihu’s laughter was lighthearted and bright, pleasant to the ear.
“Ehehe, that’s true, Fen Baihu’s not such a bad foxy~”, Gong Cui nodded with a cheerful grin.
“Hah, of all people I didn’t take you for a man who becomes blind with love”, Fen Baihu shook her head.
“Hmm? Whatever do you mean? Do you doubt my words? Cui’er, you remember what you called me when we just met?”, Wu Long laughed a bit as he turned to the beauty in his arms.
“Mm, a good guy!”, Gong Cui replied without a second’s delay, “You gave out free hugs~”
“Haha, that’s right. You see now? She has such a discerning eye~”, Wu Long’s shameless grin made Fen Baihu speechless, while Gong Cui’s proud and happy expression dealt additional mental damage.
“Hmm, that might be true… that’s right, if she was able to recognize Wu Long like that from a first glance despite how abrupt and chaotic their first meeting was…”, Luo Mingyu spoke up with a serious pondering expression, causing a look of ‘Have you gone mad too?!’ to appear on Fen Baihu’s face.
‘These girls… are totally bamboozled by this shameless man… even this smart one is already a lost cause…’, the Celestial Fox was taken aback as droplets of sweat came out on her forehead.
“Khm!! A-Anyway~” she cleared her throat and decided to change the topic before she was even more flustered by them, “It seems they’re going to fight among themselves…”
“Yes and no”, Wu Long chuckled, and seeing the questioning gaze of those pink eyes continued to explain, “Those two groups may be not on best of terms, and arguing at the moment, but they are likely to eventually cooperate, because the locals have no choice but to band together against the outsiders due to the huge difference in individual group powers. They stand a better chance against each other after driving away the Crystal Wood Sect and the Seven Scars Guild. So there will be a confrontation, but divided among locals and outsiders rather than individual groups”
“Hmm, now that you said it, it seems that the local Sects and rogue cultivators started moving a bit closer… though the latter still seem to be held in check by the former…”, Fen Baihu’s eyes widened as she began seeing the patterns in movement.
“Mm, after all, rogue cultivators have the biggest motivation to simply run without cooperating, so they have to make sure they don’t slip away before the confrontation starts. Still, I underestimated that City Lord’s son. He seems more capable than I thought… I suppose learning that is one more good harvest I unexpectedly gained from this situation”, Wu Long nodded.
“So he’s the one nudging the locals against the outsiders?”
“Indeed, since Silver Wing City is one of the biggest neutral zones in this part of the continent, it is easier for them to act as an intermediary, while rallying the rogue cultivators by promising them protection. But I didn’t expect him to be able to use that so effectively and discreetly”, as he explained Fen Baihu was starting to see that the City Guards group was indeed moving at the center of the larger group forming out of local cultivators. If one didn’t pay attention though, they all still looked as if they were randomly searching the plateau for clues.
“Still, they’re all too preoccupied with each other, enough to not notice that humans are not the only ones drawn by the anomaly you created, they seem to forget that Demonic Beasts are far more sensitive to changes and fluctuations of the the Spiritual Qi currents”, eventually, the Celestial Fox shrugged her shoulders with a chuckle.
“True, by the time they notice it’ll likely be too late to safely retreat”, Wu Long nodded with a smile as well.
“Are you not going to interfere? After all, this is partially your responsibility things took this turn” the Mythical Beast turned a teasing look.
“Hmm, intentional or not, those rogue cultivators did land in this precarious position because of what I did… but then again, can you really claim it was my responsibility when they’re the ones who decided to pursue a fictional natural treasure despite knowing the risks? It’s not like they didn’t know that something like this might happen…”, Wu Long shrugged his shoulders as he didn’t particularly feel responsible for their own decisions that led them here.
“I suppose that’s true”, Fen Baihu nodded as she was of the same opinion, her question being only partially driven by the curiosity, but mostly just the desire to try and get him even a bit flustered.
“But that’s not the reason I decided to stay back and observe”, Wu Long’s words caused Fen Baihu to turn her widened eyes back to him, “I wanted to see how events would unfold like I am doing now, I suppose I got what I wanted, so it may be time to sort this situation out”
“Are you going to act after all?”, she asked in a slightly puzzled tone, since she agreed with his earlier sentiment.
“Hahaha, I’m the one who made this mess in the first place, so it’s only right for me to end it”, he shrugged his shoulders as he gave both beauties leaning on him kisses on foreheads. Both Gong Cui and Luo Mingyu understanding his intentions, reluctantly letting go of his warmth as they stood up.
“Huh? But just now you said…”
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t do anything. Causing a mess, whether intentionally or not, and then leaving as if I didn’t see anything isn’t in my habits. However what I said about those moths flying into fire not being my responsibility is also true, one doesn’t cancel the other”, Wu Long smiled as he waved his hand from side to side in a lighthearted gesture.
‘Hah, so he’s going to intervene but only because he started this situation, he’s not necessarily empathetic for those caught up in it as a result of their own actions, is that it?’, Fen Baihu raised one eyebrow while interlocking her arms, a playful smile blooming on her lips as she learned a bit more about Wu Long today as well.
But more than that, she was amazed how he turned the fallout of the dangerous situation he was in and the emergency methods he had to take because of it into an opportunity for himself, gaining insight into the current situation of the region. ‘Truly, this man can turn even bad luck into opportunity…’, she thought with amusement while whisking away two beauties into her dream realm.
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