Dragon War God

Chapter 48 – Burning Heaven Mountain Range!

Chapter 48 – Burning Heaven Mountain Range!

It was Long Chen’s first time entering the Desolate Beastlands from the Desolate Mountains. On his last trip here, he wasn’t sure from which direction he had entered because of Ling Xi’s frantic flying.

Back then, he had only been strong enough to defeat a Fourth Draconic Stage cultivator. Now his capabilities had skyrocketed and after the Dragon Soul Transformation, he could catch up to the Ninth Draconic Stage.

With his strength now, as long as he didn’t encounter any extraordinary beasts like the Moon Devouring Wolf, he would not be in danger.

The strongest demonic beasts in the Desolate Mountains were only at the Category 8 Yellow tier but it was different in the Desolate Beastlands. The beasts were stronger the more deeply one ventured into the area. There was also the possibility of stronger beasts wandering out of the area.

After all, the Moon Devouring Wolf definitely did not belong to the area of the forest Long Chen had been in.

Despite having strength on his side, Long Chen moved extremely cautiously.

The deeper parts of the Desolate Beastlands were shrouded in white, dense mist. There were grey-brown hills and strange withered trees as far as the eye could see. A creepy chill greeted every visitor and the scent of blood wafted through the air. The bones of unknown beasts were scattered around the place, some of them so ancient that they turned to dust at the slightest touch.

Ling Xi was afraid to enter the place again. She had been resting on Long Chen’s shoulder but when she saw such a creepy sight, she returned to her sword in a hurry. “Based on the map, the Dream Lingzhi Mushroom is located in the outer ring of the Desolate Beastlands. It’s not as deep as the part we were in the last time. It’s called the Burning Heaven Mountain Range and if we hurry, it’ll only take us half a day at most to arrive.”

Now that he’d confirmed his destination and direction and with Ling Xi’s powerful senses guiding him, they could avoid stronger beasts or attack weaker beasts. That was why their journey went smoothly.

Half a day passed slowly. “Although the Burning Heaven Mountain Range is considered the outer part of the Desolate Beastlands, it still takes up a huge area. I don’t know if there’s Dream Lingzhi Mushroom there so we must look carefully.”

“If we don’t find it, let’s go home. The Ascension Fruit ...” said Ling Xi worriedly.

“Hey, we haven’t even started looking and you’re saying we won’t find it. You’re so pessimistic.”

Although the skies were already dark in the Desolate Beastlands, there was still a contrast between night and day. It would be more dangerous to travel at night since it was harder to see.

Long Chen could see a black patch of hills far away. It was too bad that it was already late and they couldn’t continue traveling. “Whatever. It’s going to be hard to spot the Dream Lingzhi Mushrooms even if they’re there. We’ll search tomorrow when there’s light outside.” Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Ling Xi had been using her senses to survey their surroundings, which depleted her soul’s energy. Therefore, she was also exhausted and heaved a sigh of relief when Long Chen said they could rest.

“There are many caves used by beasts as nesting spots in the Desolate Beastlands. I need to find one, and kill the beasts inside. It’ll be safer that way.”

Long Chen started searching for nests. Since it was a mountainous region, caves were easy to find. When he found one, he killed a few of the Category 5 and 6 Yellow-tier beasts inside, cleaned up, and started a fire to cook food.

These two men are clearly hunting for treasure in Burning Heaven Valley. When they saw a stranger like me, naturally they were cautious and wanted to kill me ...

Long Chen’s objective was obtaining the Dream Lingzhi Mushroom so to prevent further misunderstandings, he quickly told them his objective. When Feng Mingyang heard about the mushroom, he nodded, “The Burning Heaven Mountain Range indeed produces the Dream Lingzhi Mushroom and we’ve gone there to collect them before. We do know the approximate locations where you might find them ...”

Long Chen was ecstatic. Acting like a kiss-ass worked! He said hurriedly, “Is it possible for you two to bring me to the place?”

The two men looked at each other. They knew about the strange phenomenon in the Burning Heaven Mountain Range but Long Chen was a surprise. They had planned to kill Long Chen to prevent any unexpected events but when they saw that Long Chen was so young, they guessed he had a powerful family, and they didn’t dare act recklessly. After discovering that Long Chen hadn’t known about the strange phenomenon and feeling comforted by his flattery, they said, “Sure. We want to investigate tomorrow; I don’t think it’ll be a problem to bring you. But the Burning Heaven Mountain Range is a dangerous place. Once you find the Dream Lingzhi Mushroom, you must leave quickly or you’ll be risking your life here!”

Long Chen heard the implied threat but pretended not to. He thanked them gratefully, “Thank you so much! If I find the Dream Lingzhi Mushroom, I will definitely return the favor greatly.”

Long Chen knew what these two were thinking. He was a sly fellow himself after mixing around in the streets all his life. “Since you’re from Yuanling City, could you tell me about the Lingwu family?”

Feng Mingyang saw that there was still a long time until daylight and he had nothing to do so he replied, “Do you also want to enter the Lingwu family? With your age and capabilities, you’ll have a chance in a few years’ time when you enter the Ninth Draconic Stage.”

“Do you both want to enter the Lingwu family too?”

Chen Xiongzhou nodded but sighed. “You must pass an examination if you want to enter the Lingwu family. One of the requirements is that you must be thirty years old or under, yet you must possess the cultivation of at least the Ninth Draconic Stage. Both of us are turning thirty so this will be our last chance. If we still can’t reach the Ninth Draconic Stage, we won’t be eligible anymore.”

Long Chen was shocked. In Baiyang Town, you were considered the ultimate master if you were at the Ninth Draconic Stage. But this was the bare minimum to enter the Lingwu family, in addition to their age limit of thirty. The gap between his town and Yuanling City was huge.

When Chen Xiongzhou saw Long Chen’s shocked expression, he said, “I’m guessing you haven’t been to Yuanling City, have you? You won’t be able to imagine how big Yuanling City is. It’s practically a small country on its own with a radius of 250 kilometers. It’s around 500 kilometers from the east end to the west end of the city. There are two smaller cities in Yuanling City which each cover a fifth of Yuanling City. One of them is the Lingwu family’s base, Lingwu City!

“There are about 20,000 recognized members of the Lingwu family and all of them are above the Ninth Draconic Stage. The family is divided into the inner and outer family. When people like us pass the examination, we can only enter the outer family while the true masters of the Lingwu family are all inner family members who are part of the blood lineage extending a thousand years back. In fact, that inner family is the true Lingwu family and people like us are just mercenaries. But even being a mercenary is a proud status to have.”

The two men were filled with admiration when they talked about the Lingwu family.

Long Chen was also deeply in awe. Twenty thousand people ... All of them above the Ninth Draconic Stage? I can’t believe the Lingwu family is this huge. Yuanling City is just a county city in Cangyang Kingdom but it’s already gigantic. Then how big is the Ten Thousand Nations Territory that Father and Ling Xi speak of and the Dragon Continent?

Long Chen felt helpless when he thought about the vastness of the world.

He suddenly thought about Xiaolang, who was also in the Lingwu family. I wonder if he’s part of the inner or outer family ... Based on his talents, he should be an inner family member.

Then Chen Xiongzhou spoke in a low voice, “My family will get the Lingwu family’s protection only if I become part of their outer family. This isn’t the kind of protection a mayor provides but true protection. They’ll send masters to clean up every possible enemy I have! If I perform well, the sky’s the limit!”

Long Chen committed his words to memory.

The helplessness within him disappeared. When he thought about the dragon pendant and the mysterious Inherited Blood Essence, he was filled with confidence. If that blood essence truly belongs to the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragon, what’s there for me to be afraid of? That’s literally one of the Ten Ancient Dragon Ancestors ...”

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