Chapter 105 - Lesson

Feng Wutian’s killing intent leaked out, and an oppressive force enveloped Long Chen. The aura from a peak Human Core Realm foe wasn’t something he could handle right now.

In Long Chen’s eyes, Feng Wutian was like a massive mountain rolling towards him. He had to tense up his whole body to barely fend off the oppressive aura.

Long Chen was angered by Feng Wutian’s bullying, but there was nothing he could do for now.

Feng Wutian is still looking down on me. I can’t fight against you now, but I can run away. But before I do, let’s give you a surprise so that you will think twice next time.

Even though he was weaker, the gap was not all that wide. Since Feng Wutian still had to lead the team to find the Taiqing Sword, he couldn't abandon everyone just to chase after Long Chen.

After getting a grasp of the situation, Long Chen felt very relaxed.

Feng Wutian was currently less than ten meters from him.

“You killed Huang Feiyang. I will avenge him today ...”

Feng Wutian clenched his fist, and a powerful force condensed onto it.

“I don’t even need to use a martial technique to kill someone at the initial Human Core Realm like you!”

Feng Wutian flew towards Long Chen like a gale. Even though he was only punching Long Chen normally without any martial technique, Long Chen felt like the fist contained enough power to cover the heavens and the earth.

“Is that so?”

Long Chen knew that he would have to pay a steep price to block the attack. Not only would he have to transform, he would also need to use the Primordial Dragon Seal, costing him a lot of energy. So instead, he utilized his speed and instantly zipped past Feng Wutian using the Nine Heavens Dragon Step.

Long Chen didn’t need to transform to do this. Feng Wutian saw Long Chen as an average initial Human Core Realm cultivator, but the latter was on the threshold of obtaining the Blazing Thunder Combat Body, meaning that he surpassed the average cultivator when it came to speed and dexterity. This was why Long Chen had easily evaded the attack.

The whole team had been watching expectantly, waiting for Feng Wutian to get rid of Long Chen, especially Liu Ling. She had expected Feng Wutian to kill Long Chen in one blow. But all of them were surprised when Long Chen not only evaded Feng Wutian, he even got close to Liu Ling!

“How can this be? He’s faster than me!”

Liu Ling was horrified to see how fast Long Chen was.

The others were equally surprised by how he had evaded the attack.

And no one had thought that Long Chen would speed up and approach Liu Ling instead!

The distance between them wasn’t large to begin with, so they didn’t react in time.

Liu Ling was so shocked that Long Chen was already right in front of her by the time she reacted, his eyes filled with glee.

“You pervert!”

Liu Ling shouted before she attacked Long Chen. She thought his attacking power would be lacking, considering how much faster he was compared to a regular mid Human Core Realm cultivator. She was under the assumption that Long Chen had only trained his speed.

So she punched him while panicking.

An attack from a mid Human Core Realm cultivator would’ve injured him, but since he had merged with nine Blazing Thunder Crystals, he was not afraid of her attack.

Liu Ling lacked battle experience—Long Chen determined that her battle experience was next to zero.

When he struck back, a faint, red Qi carrying the power of lightning and fire burst forth from his dantian and into his fist before colliding with Liu Ling’s fist.

Everyone had thought Long Chen would be defeated on the spot. But once again, they were wrong. He emerged victorious from the clash, while Liu Ling cried out in pain.

The lightning and fire within his Qi had burned her fist, turning it black.

Liu Ling had never experienced pain like this before and started crying.

Long Chen took this chance to circle behind her back and clutched her neck while retreating.

“You lowly bastard! Stop!”

Feng Wutian had watched everything unfold, and his face turned red from anger. He launched numerous attacks on Long Chen.

The other seven were angry too and attacked Long Chen at the same time. They were trying to corner him.

He’s only at the initial Human Core Realm. How could he avoid Feng Wutian’s attack and even take Miss Liu Ling as hostage?

Everyone was still reeling from the shock. They had thought Long Chen was nothing but a coward who came from a backwater town. But now they knew they had been tricked.

How dare he take the Sect Elder’s daughter as hostage! Long Chen is dead this time!

Everyone attacked Long Chen without reservation, but he was not afraid. Amidst Liu Ling’s painful cries, Long Chen raised her as a shield.

Feng Wutian immediately recalled his attack. Long Chen used this chance to retreat even further and shouted, “You can attack me all you want if you don’t care about her life! Stop right now! If anyone moves, I will kill her!”

Liu Ling was scared. Long Chen’s words, the hand clutching her neck, and even the pain in her body were too much for her to bear.

She had never experienced such a horrific encounter before, and her face paled from shock. “No! Please don’t kill me! Senior Wutian, help me!”

Feng Wutian, who she thought was capable of doing anything, was currently glaring at Long Chen with venom in his eyes, but he dared not move. All he could do was shout, “Long Chen! Liu Ling is the Sect Elder’s daughter! If you touch even a strand of her hair, he will kill you! Release her now!”

“Is that so?” Long Chen chuckled. “You think I’m an idiot? Weren’t you already going to kill me? Since I’m going to die anyway, I might as well take someone with me.”

Long Chen felt a hint of relief when he saw how Liu Ling was trembling from fear and Feng Wutian could do nothing.

He had already retreated more than thirty meters during the time.

She’s still the daughter of an influential figure. It’s best if I stop now.

Long Chen stopped retreating, and right before everyone’s eyes, he placed Liu Ling onto his knee and raised his hand.

“How dare you spread rumors and try to defame me! Let me teach you a lesson today!”

He then spanked Liu Ling right in front of Feng Wutian. A crisp slap could be heard, and Liu Ling howled in pain, her pale face turning red ...

The handprint on her pale butt would last for a very long time.

Feng Wutian roared in anger.

“Ling’er! Long Chen, you must die!”

Long Chen felt satisfied after spanking her. He then taunted Feng Wutian. “You must feel aroused after I spanked your woman, right?”

Without caring how angry Feng Wutian was, he threw Liu Ling with his entire strength towards Feng Wutian.

Feng Wutian was about to kill Long Chen, but he had to stop and catch Liu Ling gently.

When he did so, Long Chen laughed and ran as fast as he could towards another direction.

When Feng Wutian caught Liu Ling and put her down, Long Chen was long gone.

As for the others, they tried to chase Long Chen, but to no avail. After some time, they gathered on Feng Wutian once again. They saw that his face was extremely flushed from anger, and he wasn’t saying anything.

Liu Ling was still crying, and the painful sensation on her butt still lingering. Feng Wutian tried to console her, but there was nothing he could do.

“Why are you still standing here? Senior Wutian, why aren’t you chasing him?!”

Feng Wutian revealed a difficult expression. “Ling’er, he is too fast and too far. We still need to find the Taiqing sword ...”

“Bastard! You ... Get away from me! You only care about the Taiqing Sword, not me! I’ve been bullied by him and yet you still didn’t chase him to kill him! Feng Wutian, are you even a man?!”

“Enough!” Feng Wutian’s face was green from the insults. “Ling’er, I promise I will catch him the next time I see him. You can kill him with your own hands, so stop this right now.”

“Waaah ... But it hurts!”


After escaping them and ensuring that they would not chase, Long Chen sighed in relief. “Xiao Xi, quickly find me a place to hide. I need to merge with the tenth Blazing Thunder Crystal!”

“Bastard, did you just realize I’m right here? You were very impressive just now, weren’t you?” Ling Xi gritted her teeth in jealousy. She was still in the Lingxi Sword.

Long Chen knew he might’ve gone overboard with how he had punished Liu Ling. He tried coaxing Ling Xi. “Darling, please don’t misunderstand. I was just punishing her. Don’t you think she’s evil? I just gave her a good punishment!”

“Hmph! And how does that relate to me? There’s nothing between you and me!”

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