Dragon Tamer

Chapter 300 - Chapter 300: Chapter 301 Demon

Chapter 300: Chapter 301 Demon
At Green Bull Mountain, the Hu Family Siblings decided to go there personally, requesting, as the founders of Runyu City, that the Orderer withdraw the judgment against Runyu City.

However, time was extremely limited.

Once a city was deemed a City of Sin, the Orderer would only give the inhabitants a week.

That meant, after a week, all who still lingered in Runyu City would be considered sinners, and their lives and deaths would no longer be of concern to anyone.

The news spread quickly, after all, the edict from the Orderer hung on the city gates.

The document was a striking red, impossible to ignore, clear for all passersby to see.

The little vitality Runyu City had managed to recover over the past month was drained by that single document.

However, some of the long-time residents had nowhere else to go. In other countries and cities, they would be just as destitute, so they preferred to stay here, at least having a roof to shelter from the cold and rain, at least able to subsist on some farmland of their own.


Across the vast and flat ink-blue ground, herds of cattle and sheep ran, for many places no longer had pastures in winter. Yet the land of Runyu City was still lush and green, thin streams flowing from nearby mountains like the most vibrant blood, constantly nourishing this piece of earth.

Several hunters, carrying bows and arrows, were carefully approaching the wild herd.

Old Huang, hunched over, was getting close to a robust bull. All it took was one arrow to the neck, coated with Hypnosis Flower Liquid, and it would spread through the robust bull’s bloodstream, taking effect within a few hours.

This Hypnosis Flower Liquid was far more effective than some anesthetic poisons. It didn’t affect the quality of the wild bull’s meat, and people who ate its meat wouldn’t suffer from diarrhea. This special Hypnosis Flower Liquid was indeed Old Huang’s family treasure.

“Hit it, just follow that robust bull, and when it falls asleep, we can capture it,” Old Huang said.

Just as he finished speaking, the herd suddenly let out a frightful roar and began fleeing in all directions, throwing the scene into chaos.

“Get out of the way!” Old Huang shouted.

The hunters scrambled to safety as the herd charged through, narrowly escaping danger.

Old Huang looked up and saw a group of people riding Hawk Claw Fake Dragons descending from the sky, mercilessly chasing the herd. The fierce Hawk Claw Fake Dragons could even snatch a robust bull into the air, as effortlessly as a hawk capturing a chick.

“Who are you people?” asked a clean-faced young man on a Hawk Claw Fake Dragon.

“We are hunters from Runyu City, we live by hunting,” Old Huang responded.

“Oh, so you’re a bunch of sinners, eh?” the corner of the young man’s mouth curled up.

“No, no, no, we are just ordinary hunters, we used to live in Runyu City…” Old Huang quickly explained.

“Brothers, feel like having some fun?” The clean-faced young man smiled at his companions.

“Of course, what’s the game?” said a Trainer holding a flask.

The clean-faced man’s smile brightened, but his gaze was icy and ruthless.

At his command, a Hawk Claw Fake Dragon suddenly swooped down on hunter Old Huang, lifting the stout man up into the air before taking flight.

Dozens of meters up in the air, the clean-faced young man glanced at Old Huang dangling below him and turned to his companions, “I bet a thousand gold he dies if we drop him from this height. What about you guys?”

“Young Master Bei, you are bound to lose this one. I’ve seen people thrown from dozens of meters high off city towers and live; they just end up with broken bones all over,” the flask-holding Trainer said.

“Then let’s go higher,” the clean-faced young man replied.

The Hawk Claw Fake Dragon beat its wings, climbing another ten meters or so.

On the ground, the other hunters’ faces turned ashen with shock.

Was this a joke, or were they serious?

Who could find fun in this way!


“I bet he dies!”

“I bet he’ll break into serious injuries, paralyzed from the waist down!”

“Haha, if his head hits the ground first, it’s the upper body… oh, if the head hits the ground, he must be totally dead. Young Master Bei, I bet a thousand gold pieces!”

The people on the Eagle Claw Fake Dragon quickly reached an agreement.

Forty or almost fifty meters high, the equivalent of a tall pavilion.

The man known as Young Master Bei kept his smile, but gave his Eagle Claw Fake Dragon an order.

The Eagle Claw Fake Dragon loosened its claws, and hunter Old Huang fell to the ground under the watchful eyes of several other young hunters.

The sunlight was blinding, but the sight of a living man crashing to the ink blue ground was even more startling!!

The horrible sound of bones shattering spread, Old Huang lay in a pool of blood, his body grotesquely splayed out as if all his joints had broken.

Old Huang had twisted his body in midair to avoid landing on his head, but his leg bones, like two long spears, had pierced into his body. That kind of pain was not something ordinary people could endure.

He passed out, covered in blood.

The fair-skinned man rode down on his Eagle Claw Fake Dragon to check whether Old Huang was dead or alive.

Soon, Young Master Bei furrowed his brow.

Old Huang was still alive; he’d just been knocked unconscious by the immense pain. Of course, his body was no different from being paralyzed, but he was stubbornly still breathing.

Just as Young Master Bei was about to discreetly snuff out Old Huang’s last breath, the man with the wine jug ran over and intervened, “Young Master Bei can’t be dishonest now. Otherwise, the brothers won’t gamble with you anymore.”

“Haha, why would I do such a thing? This old geezer is pretty tough, to survive that fall. You win, here’s the money!” Young Master Bei took out gold and silver and distributed it among his brothers.

“Winning Young Master Bei’s money is just our brothers’ good fortune,” the wine jug trainer said.

“Who said you won?” Young Master Bei raised his eyebrows and countered.

“Isn’t the old man dead…”

“Aren’t there still four of them? These four fellows might not be as lucky as this old guy. After all, a slightly worse falling position…” Young Master Bei let out another laugh.

At this moment, the fair-skinned man’s smile was indistinguishable from that of a demon in the eyes of the hunters, causing their bodies to convulse!



The winter sun shone on what once was a ruined marketplace.

In front of the broad marketplace, one after another, bloodied bodies were laid out.

Some were already dead, wrapped in hemp cloth that was soaked with blood seeping through.

Some were covered in wounds as if they had been tied behind horses and dragged.

“Master Zhu, you must stand up for us!” A group of people knelt in front of the market, their faces stained with tears, their eyes filled with pain and torment.

Just then, another wooden cart slowly made its way over.

A young hunter carrying a bow and arrow, unlike usual, was not pushing a cart full of cattle and sheep for sale at the market. Rather, on the wooden cart, lay the people he went hunting with every day, indistinguishable from slaughtered animals, bloodied, filthy, some dead, others alive but wishing for death.

“Old Huang…” Zhu Minglang recognized the person on the cart, the hunter who had sold him deer meat.

He was barely recognizable as a human now. He had gone out to hunt, so how had he ended up like this!

And these people spread across the marketplace, just as miserable, simply because they refused to leave Runyu City??

“There are still a few days left before Runyu City becomes the City of Sin!” Fang Niannian couldn’t believe what she was seeing, these tortured people living a fate worse than death.

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