"Your Majesty, please come this way." The principal of the Istarin Royal Academy personally showed Aditya around the whole school. 

The Istarin Royal Academy was the first Academy the Istain Empire had. Before he took over, the children from the Royal family and the children of the noble families of the Istarin Empire had to go to other neighboring Empires or Dynasties for education. The Istarin Dynasty previously had some private Academies but the fees of this private academy were just too much and the normal people couldn't afford to send their children to study. 

Also for the normal people education wasn't really a priority. The common class and the lower class people saw education to be something that was only reserved for the rich and the elites of the society. 

But after Aditya took over, he spent a lot of money building public schools all around his empire. The qualities of these Public schools were better than the Private Academies. Not only that but also, all the public school around the whole Empire was free. Children were even given free nutritious lunch every single day. 

The Istarin Royal Academy was the very first Academy that Emperor Aditya opened. This Academy was very different from the other Academies. Not only was the curriculum very different and advanced compared to other Academies but also other facilities were also top-notch. Even the Academy building was considered an architectural masterpiece. 

Istarin Royal Academy was such a great place to study that not only did all noble families of the Istarin Empire send their children here to study here, but also foreign noble families and royal families sent their children here to study here as well. Of course, the children who are from outside of the Istarin Empire have to pay a fee to live and study at the prestigious Istarin Royal Academy. 

One big reason why nobles' families sent their children here to study was so that their children could build connections with the children of other noble families. And in the world of politics, such connections will prove to be a valuable asset in the future. If the future heir of a Viscount family could befriend the future heir of the Duke family, then why not? 

Of course, The Istarin Royal Academy wasn't a place that was only reserved for nobles and royal family's children. Even common-class people could send their children to study here. One thing that was well appreciated by every single parent was the fact that every single student of The Istarin Royal Academy was always protected and bullying was completely forbidden. 

The Istarin Royal Academy was protected with a Defensive Dome. The Defensive Dome surrounded the entire Academy and prevented any intruders from entering the Academy. It was all thanks to the measures that Aditya took to ensure the safety of all children. 

Due to this fact, there are many noble families that could send their children here without needing to worry about their children's protection. They don't need to send any guards or take extra security measures unless their children have decided to move out of the campus and live outside of the Academy. 

"Can you remind me why you're here with me again?" The Istarin Royal Academy has been requesting Aditya for months to come and visit the Academy when he has time. Since he had time this morning, he decided to come here for a visit. When he asked the girls if anyone wanted to come alone, they rejected his offer as they had other work to do. 

Lilith giggled hearing his words. "Did you already forget?" Since Lilith had nothing else to do other than stay home all day long, she decided to follow him. Lilith never has gone to the Academy before. She was taught everything by private tutors. 

When Aditya returned yesterday, he learned that Sylvie had returned back to the Ethereal Empire as they had some very important work to do. From Alicia he learned that the entire next month she is going to be super busy and won't have time to come to the Dragon Palace. 

"Yeah, I remember. But if you make any trouble while I am here then no one can save you from my wrath." Aditya was scared that Lilith would make trouble for him. After all, he couldn't believe this naughty Succubus. He was kind of regretting his decision to bring her with him. 

"Hehe!!! Does that mean I can do whatever I want once we step outside of the Academy?" Lilith asked while covering her mouth. Today Lilith was wearing a beautiful Kimono. It was a dark purple Kimono. She had tied her hair into a bun. There was no doubt that she looked stunning today. 

Before coming here, Aditya had forced Lilith to change her dress as the dress that she was wearing at home was too revealing and it wasn't an outfit that one should wear inside Academy. 


Aditya flicked at her forehead. "Stop with your dirty thoughts." Sometimes Aditya wondered if this woman was even capable of having normal thoughts. Her mind was always filled with naughty things. 


"That hurts, Meanie!!!!" Lilith pretended to be in pain. 

The principal who had happened to turn around to tell something to Aditya saw this and felt that an arrow had pierced his heart.

'So cute!!!!' The 134-year-old single principal felt that he had fallen in love once again. Lilith was just too damn cute. However, he quickly remembered that the woman was walking beside Aditya. He couldn't have such thoughts.

"Stop it!!!" Although Aditya had to admit that she was very cute he also remembered that they were in public and there were at least 100 students whose eyes were on them. 

"What do you think, Lilith?" Aditya asked while walking with Lilith. The Principal was walking ahead and was showing them around the Academy. This was his first official visit to The Istarin Royal Academy. Before today, the only times he ever came here was when the Academy was just being built. 

Since then so much things have changed. Some of the teachers who taught here were old and retired merchants and some belonged to noble families as well. For nobles, being a teacher in such a prestigious academy was a big thing. 

"About what?" Lilith asked back.

"About this school?" Aditya was just casually asking this question. 

Lilith had a rare nostalgic smile on her face as she responded to his question. "Being here I kind of want to return to to Academy and be a student." Lilith's childhood was very brought. Since birth, she had the weight of carrying her bloodline and her race so she very rarely had time to enjoy her childhood. 

Aditya stared at Lilith's face for a few seconds. Looking at her nostalgic smile, Aditya suddenly had an idea in his mind. "Lilith, since you have nothing to do. Have you ever thought of becoming a teacher here?" 

Aditya's suggestion was so surprising that she stopped walking and just stared at him. "You are not joking, are you?" 

"I am not. I am being serious here." Aditya stared into her eyes showing how serious he was. Meanwhile, on one hand, the Principal was feeling kind of excited at the thought of Lilith working here, and on the other hand, he was feeling very nervous knowing that someone who is so close to the Emperor was going to work here. 

'Maybe I should step down and hand over my to this lady.' This is what he was thinking is mine.

"What do you even expect me to teach?" Lilith asked. 

Aditya put his hand on his chin and began to think. "Let me think....!!! Oh..... You can teach history." Since Lilith had lived a very long time, she is more than suitable to teach history. 

"Why do I have this feeling that you're thinking something rude about me?" Lilith glared at Aditya. 

"And what do you mean by teaching history?" 

"Well, if you don't want to do it then you can teach something else. You're pretty good at illusion magic, aren't you? You can teach the students about the basics of illusion or give them guidance about cultivation or something else. The choice is yours." 

"This school even teaches illusion and cultivation?" Lilith asked. 

"School for the young ones is split into two main parts. The first bit is the basic stuff. It's like the ABCs of school where kids get to learn reading, writing, and simple math. Think of it as the starter pack for learning that gets them ready for the bigger stuff later on. They stay in this part until they're about 10 years old. After the children are done with basic education, they are free to leave the Academy but if they want to pursue higher studies then they will need to pay a certain amount of fee every month depending on the course that they have chosen."

"After that, if they've done well in the basics, they move on to the second part. This is where things get more interesting. They dive deeper into the subjects they already know and start learning about cultivating. Depending on what they're good at, like if they can do illusion magic or are on the body strength path, they get matched with teachers who know all about that stuff. They'll guide them and teach them all the cool tricks and techniques."

"Plus, this second part has all sorts of courses. Some are short, like half a year, and others can be as long as five years. It's all about giving kids the chance to get really good at what they like and what they're naturally good at."

"So that's what you meant. I understand however, I can't immediately make any decisions. Let me think about it."

"Sure take your time. Meanwhile, let's enjoy our tour." Aditya and Lilith's tour around the Academy continued. 


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