Chapter 228: Decision

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The only reason Cao Shanshan said something so bold and provocative was not because of something like a moment’s impulse. But it was because she had already made the decision that she would give her first time to Ling Yun tonight!

For a renowned family, especially for a child that had come from the 7 Influential Families, the education they had received since young, the things they saw, hear and thought of were world’s apart from a regular child!

Hence, their life goals, morals, principles as well as the way they handled matters were always representative of their position as one of the elite class.

This awareness and demeanor of theirs were displayed in their everyday lives, and they always had a different and sometimes even contrasting way of life.

Many people thought that for a girl like Cao Shanshan, she was completely capable of letting go in the face of romance, and was able to manage things casually, and thinking of such things were ridiculous and even immature!

For people who came from influential families, especially girls, they were often knowledgeable and understood their life’s purpose. They knew exactly what they wanted to do in their lives, what they should do and how they should lead their lives.

Just take Cao Shanshan as an example. She was already 18 this year, an adult. What was her next step? Getting into university? Not at all!

Right now, the only thing she needed to consider was who she should get married to, how she should get married as well as the splendour and fame in getting married!

Thus, being daring and casual in romance or displaying extravagant lust was something unattainable and what a regular female elite from an Influential family would avoid like the plague!

This was because they had to consider their future husbands’ family view of them in their future!

If they had already lost their chastity before they got married, or that is to say they were no longer a virgin, then it would greatly influence their position after they got married, and there was no way they would be able to earn the respect of their own future partners!

For the arranged marriages between influential families, they emphasized marrying someone of equal status. And because of some politics or business needs, these marriages happened so that these families could get stronger and attain more benefits!

As to the aspect of romance, it was the last thing that influential families considered. Or that is to say, they did not even consider such a thing. For their families’ position and benefit, they sacrificed their children’s marriage. And it was the same for every family!

Under this environment where they took such a thing to be normal, one could imagine that for someone like Cao Shanshan, if she had lost her chastity before she got married, once she got married and was discovered that she had already lost her virginity before she got married, then she would have lost nearly all of her value within her family as well as in her husband’s family within a single night! So, she would lose all respect and value too!

And it was all these considerations that left Cao Shanshan hesitant about her relationship with Ling Yun, thinking left and right all day and all night, as well as making her lose the initiative as well!

But Cao Shanshan was someone who had a strong sense of goals. While considering the trade-offs in a relationship, she naturally had to consider various aspects about her own self.

But once she made a decision, she was the type to not waver from her decision and follow through it till the end until she achieved her goals!

On the evening of the previous Saturday, Cao Shanshan’s two slender, beautiful legs were stuck onto Ling Yun’s body. Ling Yun held onto her waist, grabbing onto her ankles flirtatiously. Even though she was embarrassed, but she began to feel her heart move for

Ling Yun, and could not stop herself from doing otherwise.

On Sunday, Cao Shanshan took a direct flight to return to the city. Back at home, she tested her family’s attitude and tone with regards to her newly-found relationship.

WIthout bringing up Ling Yun’s name, she only mentioned that she had fallen in love with a boy who had broken through his body’s limits. But once her parents and relatives heard about this, the first thing they asked about was Ling Yun’s identity. And Cao Shanshan received a response that was obvious; it was within her expectations.

Everyone in the family had the same reaction, telling her to quit dreaming. After her college examinations ended, she was to return to the city for her family to matchmake her, ensuring that she would marry someone with a matching reputation and appropriate family status.

For a person who had broken through their physical limits, in the eyes of the Cao Family, there were far too many who fulfilled such a condition. Simply by picking randomly, it would not even count as much.

Even if Cao Shanshan was very pampered by her family, there was no way she could refute all of her senior family members’ opinions on her own. Hence, she could only return empty-handed, and displayed such an ambiguous attitude towards the rumours in the school campus.

At that time, in Cao Shanshan’s eyes, Ling Yun was just a person who had broken through his physical limits. And she felt that he was someone who could make it big in the future. For Cao Shanshan to specially make a trip home for him, it was already considered to be rare and valuable for Cao Shanshan.

Furthermore, at the time, Ling Yun had a terrible attitude towards Cao Shanshan. And she didn’t know if Ling Yun liked her.

Cao Shanshan wanted to wait and see to understand her own heart. Towards Ling Yun, she wanted to know if she felt love towards or just infatuation that every young girl would feel.

And it was that delay and hesitation that made Cao Shanshan suddenly realise that there were many other stunning women who were fully qualified to be by his side. In every other way, their standards weren’t any lower than hers!

At the same time, Ling Yun had begun his individually alarming performance, pretentiously doing all sorts of things!

Just under Cao Shanshan’s eyes, he saved Li Jingchuan, fought Qing Long alone, tossed Tie Xiaohu around, took away the Tian Xian Jing Hua, determined the waterspout, lost weight dramatically and became the dreamiest guy around...

For this Ling Yun, it wasn’t just something that could be explained by him breaking through his physical limits! Even if one were to consider those supposedly outstanding descendants from influential families, there was no way they could be considered more pretentious than Ling Yun!

For such a man like this, if she, Cao Shanshan, didn’t hold onto him, then she couldn’t be considered the heiress of her family!

Without saying anything to Cao Shanshan or doing anything to her, he only used a single day to make Cao Shanshan regret her decision, to the extent that even her insides were in a turmoil from a strong sense of remorse! It was on that day on Monday.

For Cao Shanshan, all of her purity, all of her pride, hesitation and everything was completely shattered by Ling Yun, leaving only her infatuation and obsessive courtship against him!

Cao Shanshan was intelligent, and even more so than that, she was logical. She loved him, but did so in a logical and understandable manner. Once she made her choice, she threw aside everything, pushing forward fearlessly!

So, from the moment that Cao Shanshan had decided to take Ling Yun to be hers, she put down all of her pride. In front of Ling Yun, she was simply a bold and stubborn girl that presented all of her love to him!

And this was the main reason why Ling Yun gradually began to accept Cao Shanshan after he discovered her complete change in attitude towards him.

It was because between the both of their hearts, they were both connected.

After that dance, the both of them breached the gap between them, patching up the distance between them, becoming closer and more intimate than ever.

Cao Shanshan was extremely overjoyed. She celebrated the fact that she had made the best decision of her life for her future. She already had plans to become Ling Yun’s woman!

Even though the future route was tough and filled with obstacles, but Cao Shanshan believed that with her intelligence and Ling Yun’s excellence, they could definitely overcome all obstacles to step into her dream of walking down the wedding halls together with Ling Yun.

Actually, when Cao Shanshan gave Ling Yun a handjob, she already decided everything.

Otherwise, as the heiress of the Cao Family of the 7 Influential Families, if another man had changed positions with Ling Yun, what would happen?

Cao Shanshan would ensure that that she would immediately lash her leg out into a kick, making that person into an eunuch!

At the deepest ends of a relationship, under such starry night skies, on such a romantic night, Cao Shanshan enveloped herself in Ling Yun’s warm arms, losing herself completely and was absolutely infatuated in the moment.

Cao Shanshan thought about what was about to happen between her and Ling Yun. She was both nervous and on tenterhooks. Her gaze was intoxicated and dazed, her cheeks blushing red as fire, but her heart was anticipating excitedly for that moment to come.

Passion was the hottest flame!

Ling Yun hugged Cao Shanshan, jumping up lightly as he made his way into the walls of villa no.1. As he landed, it was without a single sound. Even the two black guard dogs inside at the porch did not notice a single thing.

Ling Yun looked up and scanned around. He couldn’t help but smile in a satisfied manner as he nodded, thinking that Yao Rou had really done a good job.

At the corner of the porch of the villa, seven to eight chicken cages were aligned in a straight line, with each of the cages holding three or four large roosters.

Beside a large, wide swimming pool with running water, two large black dogs were held to some trees with metal chains as they lay on the floor, sleeping soundly.

For something he had just mentioned in the afternoon, Yao Rou had finished the job on the day itself. She really took Ling Yun’s matters to be her priority, even for such a matter like buying the roosters and the dogs.

For such a girl that knew how to handle matters, how could Ling Yun not like her?

Yao Rou’s obedient and pretty look suddenly flashed past Ling Yun’s eyes. The edges of his mouth curved into a dreamy smile. Then, carrying Cao Shanshan, he walked to the entrance of the villa.

“D*mn! Don’t have the keys!”

Just as Ling Yun wanted to open the doors, he suddenly remembered he had given the villa’s keys to Yao Rou in the afternoon.

“What’s up?” Cao Shanshan saw Ling Yun standing in front of the villa’s entrance awkwardly, and she couldn’t help but ask quietly.

Ling Yun said in a low voice, “I don’t have my keys...”

In an instant, Cao Shanshan panicked. Pouting her sexy, red lips, she complained in a sweet voice, “You, really...”

Ling Yun chuckled and placed his warm breath next to Cao Shanshan’s ear and said, “How about, we go to your house?”

Hearing Ling Yun’s bold suggestion, she first froze up. Then, she suddenly buried her head into Ling Yun’s arms as she said, “There’s Nanny Wu at home, it’s... it’s not convenient...”

“Who’s Nanny Wu?”

“She’s the housekeeper in my house. She does the laundry, makes food, sends me to school, and was even instructed by my parents to monitor my private life...”

“Then what about your parents?”

“My parents aren’t usually at Qingshui City, they’re both really busy. Even in a span of a month, they rarely even come to Qingshui City a single time.”

Ling Yun furrowed his brows. Stretching out his stance, he quickly left villa no.1. When they reached a dark, secluded corner, he used his large hand and pat Cao Shanshan’s shoulder blade roughly, “Why didn’t you tell me such a great thing earlier?!”

By Ling Yun’s slap on her shoulder blade, it throbbed lightly, but she enjoyed the feeling wholeheartedly. Celebrating quietly in her heart, she bit her lower lip and answered, “You don’t understand, that Nanny Wu is really traditional. No matter what happens to me, she’ll report it all to my parents. If she found out...”

“Relax, I’ll make sure she won’t find out. Hurry up and lead the way...”

Cao Shanshan’s spirited heart swayed and gave directions with her heart filled with shyness.

Quickly, Ling Yun made it to Qingxi Villa District 3, outside Cao Shanshan’s villa.

“How do we get in?” Cao Shanshan used her slender fingers to draw circles on Ling Yun’s chest as she said in a quiet, shy voice.

“Is the window in your room open?”

“It’s open...”

“We’ll fly in!”

Laughing heartily, he flew straight into Cao Shanshan’s home!

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