Doctor Player Chapter 335

“Did you say dyspnea after acute trauma?”

“Your Highness.”

“i get it. Let Jim heal that goblin.”

“… … !”

Everyone in the hall looked at Jude in surprise.

‘No, it's only a D-class heal, but it's said to cure breathing difficulties that can only be cured with a top-notch heal?'

The students of the Medical School also looked worried.

Jude was a recent apprentice.

The depth of medicine had no choice but to be shallow.

but only one.

There was someone with a meaningful look.

It was Raymond.

‘As expected, the genius disciple King. You figured out the goblin's cure at the clue of trauma.'

There are many different treatments for shortness of breath, depending on the cause. The effects are all different. There are many cases that are difficult to treat even with medical treatment.

However, in the case of that goblin, it was said that it was shortness of breath caused by trauma.

If so, it was clear that one treatment of medicine could produce a dramatic effect, and Jude, like a genius, saw through it.

“… … .”

The hall became quiet.

Jude went in front of the goblins and checked their condition.

I checked the symptoms first and tapped my chest with my fingers. It was textbook-like percussion.

Then, after listening to lung sounds with a stethoscope, he nodded.

‘As expected, my prediction was correct.'

“Could I borrow your Sir Hanson first aid kit?”

Jude said to Hanson, who happened to be by his side.

“Your Highness. It is prepared here.”

Hanson also noticed the cause of the goblin's shortness of breath. Prepare the necessary items in advance.

For a moment, their gazes crossed in midair.

Hanson is Jude's spiritual mentor.

Jude still contacted Hanson from time to time to receive mental training, and thanks to that, he was able to greatly improve his skills.

Now was the time to show off your skills.

Simple disinfection and local anesthesia were performed first.

All eyes in the hall were focused on Jude's hand.

And Jude took out a scalpel.

‘Ka Carl?'

‘Difficulty breathing?'

Most of the healers were shocked and Jude's scalpel gently cut through the chest wall.


Blood poured profusely from the goblin's chest.

“Are you trying to kill the Goblin?”

“What is it? that one?”

Healers murmured, and Lyson, the tower master of the Tower of Light, smiled in contemplation.

‘Then it is. what is medicine No fool would join the medical school after seeing such a situation.'

But the moment everyone regards it as a treatment failure.

Jude did the next thing.

The cleaned tube was pushed through an incision in the chest.


Dark, dead blood flowed through the coffin!

“Krr. ha. ha.”

After that, the goblin's breathing started to calm down!

Everyone was puzzled, not knowing what had happened.

I had my blood drawn, but my shortness of breath got better. why?

Jude looked down at the healers with dignity.

“This goblin's diagnosis is hemothorax. Blood in the chest presses on the lungs, causing shortness of breath. So the blood was drained and breathing was fine.”

“… … !”

The healers made surprised faces.

Jude said this as if he was deliberately asking to see and listen to the Tower of Light.

“It is very inefficient to heal these types of patients with healing. However, anyone who learns medicine can do this logical treatment.”

It was a remark that lit a fire in the hearts of healers who were interested in medicine.

In particular, the fact that Jude hadn't studied medicine for a long time stimulated them greatly.

‘What if I learn medicine too? Can I do that?'

‘I can do it too. Let's follow the Master!'

‘Let's follow the Master!'

It was so impressive that some people are already chanting slogans according to Hanson's teachings.

In the atmosphere of such healers, the faces of the figures in the Tower of Light hardened.

I couldn't even find a match that touched Jude.

No, it wasn't at the level of break-even, but if it continued like this, countless healers would go over to the medical school.

‘no. I need to reverse the mood.'

Since he failed to crush the medical arts, he had to imprint Hill's greatness this time.

There was a patient prepared in advance.

Topju Lineson pointed out their own healer this time.

“The symptom of the next goblin is also shortness of breath. Yunt Healer will heal you this time.”

Yunt Healer.

He was a double A-class healer belonging to the Tower of Light.

The reason why I pointed out the double A class instead of the Saint was to show that enough effective treatment can be achieved without the use of a special heal.

In particular, this time, diseases that are effective for healing were selected.

‘I found a goblin with pneumonia and brought it to you.'


Compared to other breathing difficulties, the reaction to heel is good.

A double A-level heal would be able to fully restore it.

Yunt Healer came forward and healed immediately.

Although it did not reach S-class, it was bright enough and looked holy.

A powerful healer that can be treated as a top-notch healer in small countries.

But something unexpected happened.

Even though I was healed, there was no improvement.

[Kreuk! curl. Gagging!]

Rather, he only coughed out of breath with phlegm seeping through. There was even a mixture of green blood.

‘I don't think I should just use that heel?'

Raymond frowned.

It seemed that it would get better with long-term treatment with oxygen administration and various supportive therapies.

But he soon shook his head.

‘I don't think there's any reason to do that to monsters.'

It's not about taking a docile animal and experimenting with it.

Those goblins are monsters that have killed countless humans.

So there was no need to go to such trouble.

Meanwhile, Lyson made a troubled face.

Something was going differently than I had hoped.

‘What is that guy doing? Can't you just treat a simple pneumonia?'

Ryson glanced over at the conference chair.

All the healers were watching the spectacle now.

There was no disgrace if you couldn't cure this goblin. Compared to Jude, who showed a surprising appearance earlier, the stock price of the medical school will rise further.

It was not something I would be comfortable with thinking like that.

It had to be treated.

‘A saint who can use angel's breath to improve breathing difficulties.'

Ryson looked at the president and frowned.

There were a total of 4 Saints who could use Angel's Breath in the Tower of Light.

However, among them, there are two people at the president of the society. It was Blesser Mars and the tower owner, Lyson himself.

As he was about to send Mars away, Lyson shook his head.

After the recent failed treatment of Rodin's wife, Mars has not been completely in a state of humiliation.

It was a situation that should never fail, so the owner of the tower decided to treat it himself.

“Such a Yunt Healer. You seem to be in a bad mood today.”

“I’m sorry, Tower Lord.”

“I’m sorry. Aren’t you simply out of shape?”

Ryson put emphasis on the word poor condition and stood directly in front of the goblin.

“Then I will have no choice but to treat this goblin. Even though it's a monster, it's hard to see it die like this.”


The air shuddered.

It is to express the breath of a special heal angel.

Soon, a bluish light began to radiate from Lyson's body.

People burst into great exclamations at the majestic sight, as if the wings of an angel were stretching out.

A bluish light fell on the goblin's body, and soon the goblin's breath sank.

“Oh, that's great!”

“This is the breath of an angel!”

Ryson shook his head and trembled with false modesty.

“I am ashamed. It was just that heaven gave a blessing because he wanted to help the patient. I think other healers can do it well enough.”

“Huh. It is a powerful word.”

“I respect you, Tower Lord.”

It was a time when the top healers of Gwangmyeong were painting each other's faces.

Raymond felt unsure.

‘… … I don't think that's improved?'

There was reason to think so.

‘It's just that the rough breathing has subsided, but tachypnea still persists. It's not that it's getting better, it's that breathing failure is coming!'

breathing failure.

When there is a problem with the lungs, the body exhales to replenish the lack of oxygen.

However, if you continue to breathe, fatigue will eventually build up in your respiratory muscles and your ability to breathe will come to a limit.

The state of the goblins was exactly that.


“Even those of the medical school should not overlook healing, the heaven-sent treatment, with a heart for the sake of patients... … .”

It was time for Lyson to talk, looking triumphantly at Raymond.

The goblin had a sudden seizure.

[Gagging! Kruck! Curuck! Gagging!]

He coughed up blood.

Towards Lyson, who was standing right in front of him!

“Tower Lord!”

“Are you okay?”

Lyson, who was covered in blood, burst into anger.

“this! damn! How dare a goblin or something like that get on my body... … ! neck right now... … !”

cut your throat!

I was about to shout, but something unexpected happened.

“That other tower lord.”


“He is dead.”

“… … what?”

Lyson's eyes widened.

It really was.

The goblin was hanging his head helplessly. It is dead.

“… … .”

The hall fell silent.

Even the head of the tower, who is a saint of Lee Hwi-gyeok, went out and died?

Lyson stood tall at a loss for words, but soon recovered.

“It seems that he was a goblin who received a divine punishment. So Hilo couldn't cure it. Then we will move on to the next turn.”

People agreed.

I even used a special heal, but it died.

If so, it was more correct to say that the goblin was in a bad state rather than a lack of Lyson.

only one.

Only Raymond was questioned.

‘What kind of pneumonia was it? Are you coughing up blood that badly? Wasn't it simple pneumonia?'

Raymond watched the dead goblin from a distance.

It was difficult to see if there was anything else unusual because of the distance. Soon the hosts removed the goblin's corpse and the incident was erased from everyone's mind.

Raymond also shook his head and just shook his job. It was just a goblin, so there was no reason to worry too much.

Moreover, this academic competition was very important not only to the Tower of Light but also to Raymond.

It was not the time to worry about trivial matters, as he had to demonstrate his excellence in medicine.

“Then we will begin the next case. This case was due to abdominal distension... … If there is a healer who will volunteer first... … .”

“I will treat you this time.”

Christine got up from her seat.

“This is Christine, the disciple of the medical school.”

Her eyes were burning strongly, perhaps because she was stimulated by Jude's performance just now.

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