Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 721 Shocked To Death

"Isabella, enough, open the barrier..." Davis abruptly said and walked towards the Lightning Elemental.

Princess Isabella did as he said and didn’t bicker with his sudden call since she felt that its attacks were extremely weak. It can in no way harm him at this point or so she felt.

Davis flew towards the front, clad in soul force for his protection. He felt that its weakness could be an illusion, so he was rather cautious.

He neared it and at the same time, a black lightning bolt flew towards him and struck him right on his forehead; his glabella but it failed to make him even shudder.

"As I thought, it has completely weakened..." Davis’s lips twitched as he knew that he played right into the hands of fate.

Its energy was already at an all-time low, so when it desperately launched attacks against Princess Isabella, knowing that it was going to meet its end, it didn’t hold back.

Now, it was better to say the Low-Level King Grade Lightning Elemental was running on fumes...

Davis’s pupils flashed red as he saw that the lifespan thread still showed that it was less than an hour.

Less than an hour, that’s the lowest time limit he could see... So he couldn’t tell if it was just a second or a full sixty minutes that it was going to live.

However, considering that its lifespan thread displayed that it had just less than an hour around forty minutes ago, he felt that there should only be around a second to twenty minutes left for it to live.

Feeling that he could somehow change its fate and comprehend the relevant laws if it existed, he thought of communicating with it at least once.

Davis mused in all regard as he looked at the battered down and silently crackling black ball-shaped body in front of him. His soul force covered in the death-like energy moved eerily as it touched the black lightning body.

His gaseous death-like soul force penetrated its body, and at the same time, Davis was able to sense its hazy image but contrary to his expectations, it abruptly screamed!



It was as if a candle flame went off.

Davis’s expression froze as he witnessed the hazy image of the Derelict Extinction Lightning’s Will vanish into thin air.

’D-Did... Did it just die of shock!?’

Davis couldn’t believe what he just witnessed with his senses!

It was absolutely, unbelievable!

A Lightning Elemental that shocks other entities dies of shock!?

The sight that he just witnessed, even if he explained to Princess Isabella who was just behind him, watching them with every moment, she wouldn’t believe it!

"Hehem... Sounded like it knew I am superior in every way than it... I can understand why it would die of shock... Hehe..." Fallen Heaven’s mocking voice resounded in his Soul Sea, waking him out of his reverie.

Davis who possessed a blank face finally knew that he had rightly and completely played into fate’s grasp. He was thinking by taking these decisions he could make it live and change its fate but instead, it somehow ended up in its rightful death.

’Perhaps, if I decided to communicate with it right from the start, then I might have been able to change its fate... However, the moment I looked at its lifespan thread, it worked against me...’

’Fate included the fact that I would look at its lifespan thread?’

Then how could he change a person’s fate? It almost came off as impossible!

However, Davis vaguely felt that it was wrong because it meant that he could never change someone’s fate but in this life, he witnessed many fates already change.

The only answer he arrived at was even if he communicated with it right from the start, perhaps it would’ve submitted and had its fate changed or gone berserk from fear on sensing Fallen Heaven’s death-like energy and met the same end as per fate.

Once he thought of all these complicated concepts, Davis couldn’t help but sigh.

He couldn’t find which deviated paths from Fate he should take to reach the end of his goal; changing an entity’s fate.

In the past, Agis Stirlander’s fate changed. However, in his understanding, it was the result of many intersections indirectly affecting the person Agis Stirlander.

Natalya’s portraits, her decision to tell her grandpa of the assassins, making the latter call for help from Alchemist Yen, then learning about the discrepancy before being lectured by Davis.

If all this didn’t happen, perhaps Agis Stirlander’s fate would have never changed.

There was also the matter of Arianna Woller.

If he had decided to not have given Garvin Woller’s inheritance to Alexi Ethren due to personal reasons, then even she should’ve died according to her previously determined fate.

The one thing that was common and could be considered a major influence in these two matters were his decision to interfere in their lives.

’Perhaps, I need to reach a certain level to change a person’s fate directly...’ He could only think of this currently other than the complicated concepts.

Looking at the black ball of lightning that is now nothing but an empty shell filled with tremendous power, Davis sighed. He used his soul force to envelop it.

Instinctively feeling the death-like energy, the black ball of lightning shuddered and became tame.

Feeling that the Derelict Extinction Lightning displayed no resistance to him, he marveled at his death-like energy in awe and thought that he didn’t need Princess Isabella’s help to subdue it anymore.

Just because it’s Will was erased doesn’t mean that it’s not volatile.

A touch would cause an adverse reaction, a push might sting, and trying to absorb it will result in complete rejection.

Humans and Spirit Attribute Sources were intricately not compatible with each other, so they both had to come under a refine and absorb or dominant and submissive relationship.

The only known ways to absorb the Spirit Attribute Source were to forcefully drag it into the Soul Sea or dantian to refine it.

Davis pulled the Derelict Extinction Lightning with his soul force and tried to force it into his Soul Sea. Without meeting a single resistance, the irregular shaped black ball of lightning flew towards his glabella on the behest of his actions and intent.

Soul force was formless and carries intent. He had used soul waves as a technique to clearly convey his intent through soul force to other people in the past. Soul force could hold emotions in it better than the other two energies, hence, Davis tried to be welcoming towards it.

However, there was no need for that since his death-like energy absolutely tamed the Derelict Extinction Lightning into absolute submission. It didn’t even resist as it reached his glabella and made contact with him.

Davis felt a violent tingle on his forehead before the black ball of lightning compressed and entered his glabella.

In his Soul Sea, Davis felt the black haze arrive within as if it were invading him.

He promptly used the black tendrils of Fallen Heaven and conjured hazy chains made from death-like energy. Those dark hazy chains flew towards the black ball of chaotic lightning and started surrounding it.

As if sensing the death-like energy and feeling its threat again, the black ball of lightning became extraordinarily meek and stayed in one place as its remaining body completely entered his Soul Sea.

Without missing a beat, the dark hazy chains completely ensnared the Derelict Extinction Lightning, encasing it within its eerie and powerful might!


Witnessing that he had brought the Derelict Extinction Lightning to his Soul Sea and sealed it without encountering even single trouble, Davis knew that the process to assimilate it to his Essence Gathering Cultivation system was half done.

However, the next process is the most troublesome of all. To refine and assimilate it to his dantian was very difficult but considering that it hadn’t shown any aggression due to the death-like energy, Davis bet on the fact that it would not display aggression again.

Right now, he could see that it was just an empty shell whose instinct is currently overwhelmed by Fallen Heaven’s death-like energy!

As for Princess Isabella, noticing that he had absorbed the Lightning Elemental into his Soul Sea rather than his dantian, she became extremely worried.

Although she understood that he wanted to temper his soul with this method of refinement, this wasn’t the way to do it!

Refining it in the dantian and sending the refined energy to the Soul Sea to temper the soul is the best and safe way to do it!

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