Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 662 The Alstreim Familys Visi

’Perhaps now that the Alstreim Family has joined the fray, the Conferred Queen’s background would be revealed and I no longer need to keep that idiotic third brother’s subordinate alive, no?’

Keith Ethren’s expression turned into a sneer before his expression became lustful, ’I shouldn’t forget about that subordinate’s wonderful second granddaughter...’

’That’s right... Despite numerous attempts to kidnap her by the orders of some other noble families, she is still mysteriously safe...’

’I thought I could kidnap from them and blame the noble families but Third brother’s subordinates sure are defensive... yet brainless...’

’Ah... To be protected this much, her beauty in my eyes became even more blinding... What was her name again?’

A lewd smile appeared over his lips as a whisper escaped from his mouth.



Looking at the three experts in front of him, Davis became stunned.

’This... What are these people doing here? Could Edgar Alstreim have leaked about our unusual existence?’

Last time, after Emperor Ethren’s birthday banquet, he, along with his parents met Edgar Alstreim who was none other than his mother’s father. So when he left, he left his maternal grandfather with the warning that leaking information about them would be detrimental to himself.

Looking at the three from the Alstreim Family, he instantly assumed that Edgar Alstreim had leaked their existence.

But then, he saw that further behind them there were two figures he had seen before.

The First Prince and a Royal Protector of the Ethren Empire!

He narrowed his eyes before his gaze focused back to the three in front of him as he wasn’t sure of why these people visited his residence anymore.

"Letting us know by strutting one’s prowess instead of knocking on the door... Has the Alstreim Family forgot about etiquette and fell to such a low standard!?"


Peak-Level Mature Soul Stage undulations that were enormously domineering spread from Davis’s soul sea, showcasing his might! The undulations were dense; extremely thick since his Peak-Level Mature Soul Stage Cultivation could cross levels, stepping into the range of the Seventh Stage!

Havle Alstreim pupils dilated as his body subconsciously stiffened. The two beside him had even worse reactions considering that they visibly flinched!

The First Prince and the Royal Protectors inadvertently took a step back, not wanting to involve themselves in this conflict. To them, both the Alstreim Family and the Conferred Queen’s mysterious background were something they could not interfere with; they were untouchables.

They can’t afford to offend two such powerful entities.

Besides, the only person that they have seen in their entire lives possess a Peak-Level Mature Soul Stage Soul Forging Cultivation was none other than the Grand Elder of the Thousand Pill Association!

Even then, that Grand Elder still had his Essence Gathering Cultivation at the Mid-Level Law Sea Stage! Someone equal to their own Emperor in strength! So it could be said that the Grand Elder of the Thousand Pill Palace Branch was only a bit stronger than Emperor Kaiser Ethren,

This was in accordance with the placing of characters by an external power in another Territory. An external power should not cross the local region’s highest power, at least, the Alstreim Family used this policy on its own Territory when allowing external powers to tread on its Territory.

Edgar Alstreim narrowed his eyes as he felt the need to be polite in front of such an expert. He knew that he breached etiquette when he let out alarming undulations of his High-Level Law Sea Stage Essence Gathering Cultivation!

That was almost like displaying hostility and plainly came off as rude.

Besides, this person in front of him who revealed himself to be an expert, who had a Soul Forging Cultivation at the peak of the Sixth Stage, also meant that this person should be at the Eighth Stage in Essence Gathering Cultivation in accordance with the common pattern.

The common pattern in most renowned Emperor Grade Powers went like this...

If a Cultivator has an Eighth Stage Essence Gathering Cultivation, then it is assumable that the same cultivator should also possess a Seventh Stage or Sixth Stage Cultivation in Body Tempering Cultivation and Sixth Stage or Fifth Stage Cultivation in Soul Forging Cultivation!

This was like common sense to them!

Because of this, showcasing one’s Mature Soul Stage Cultivation could also be said to be equal to showcasing one’s Law Sea Stage Cultivation in a sense! In some cases, displaying a Mature Soul Stage Cultivation has more effect than displaying a Law Sea Stage Cultivation like now!

He couldn’t find any other undulations from the other party as he felt that he was deeply concealed! That meant, that the other party could be also powerful than him!

Hence, he instantly clasped his hands in respect.

"I deeply apologize for my senseless actions. My name is Havle Alstreim and my actions just now aren’t the intent of the Alstreim Family. We have come to see the Conferred Queen with gifts bearing in mind."

Havle Alstreim snapped his fingers and a small container appeared.

Without even urging, one of his subordinates took the small container and moved towards Davis. He subconsciously lowered his head and finally neared him.

He extended his hand and echoed, "Please..."

Davis didn’t look at the small container but kept looking at Havle Alstreim.

’They’re after Princess Isabella? Then that means Edgar Alstreim, my maternal grandfather didn’t reveal anything about us to them?’

Thinking like this, Davis decided to probe.

"I remember that seven of you attended the grand banquet conducted by the Ethren Empire recently... Why are you only showing up now? I remember that there were three subordinates? Where is the other one?"

He languidly inquired with a deep voice.

Havle Ethren became taken aback as he realized, ’They knew we were going arrive?’

He couldn’t help but look back at the First Prince and the Royal Protector in anger, blaming them again for not informing them before he looked back at the expert again.

"We failed to hear about the grand presence of the Conferred Queen in this lowly Empire... As for my other subordinate, he couldn’t make it because I let him stay in the Alstreim Family to take care of my family, the other three you should have seen before..."

Davis didn’t nod but finally understood, ’So they are really here for the Conferred Queen... Makes sense...’

If they were here for him, they would’ve had business with him; Alchemist Davis instead.

He took the small container and opened it with his soul force.

Five palm-sized colorless triangular-shaped crystal fragments appeared in his view as it let it rich undulations!

’Five High-Level Spirit Stone Vein Fragments!?’ Davis inwardly became astonished before he understood.

’Meeting a woman such as Princess Isabella’s does indeed warrant this amount of gifts... Compared to the Alstreim Family who knows to weigh diplomacy, the members of the Ethren Family are no different than that of children playing Empire...’

He subconsciously cast a mocking glance at the First Prince and the Royal Protector but due to the mask he wore, none detected anything.

He then closed the small container and let it float in midair.

Clasping his hands, Davis spoke in a deep voice again, "My name is of no concern. During this time, I am simply my Young Mistress’s, the one you all may infer as the Conferred Queen’s Protector, nothing more, nothing less."

Havle Alstreim inwardly experienced a shock!

He felt that the masked person exuded the immense vibes of an expert!

But such an expert claimed to be the protector of the Conferred Queen instead!?

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