Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 639 Returning to the Ethren City

Davis didn’t have much hope since he already got rejected once but he wasn’t aversed to giving a second chance either since they had become close in these four months.

The way he saw it, Nadia was the one on the losing end since she denied to become his magical beast mount. It was not arrogance but facts backing up his thoughts.

"If you’re just looking to become my mount to gain access to the human territories, then forget it. I’m looking for a Magical Beast Mount who is more familiar and willing to listen to me... If you’re not interested, then just pretend if I didn’t say anything..." Davis laughed and shook his head as he made his intentions clear.

"I am interested..." Nadia replied with bright eyes which garnered both Davis and Evelynn to be astonished.

Didn’t Nadia say that she wasn’t interested? But that was over three months ago... or so they both thought.

"... But I still have something to do! To search for a method to further increase my bloodline!" Nadia continued.

Davis and Evelynn nodded their heads.

This is actually the life purpose of every Magical Beast. To increase their bloodline so that they could break into higher stages that limit their growth! Their bloodline ranking is also a form of status within clans after all.

Davis rubbed his chin, "Are you going to the Moonlight Mountain?"

"Yes!" Nadia deeply replied.

"I see..." Davis narrowed his eyes and mused.

’Indeed, with her concealment, she could basically bypass perhaps almost all the King Grade Magical Beast Clans she comes across... With this, she would reach the place soon...’

At the Seventh Stage, the distance between kilometers became short since existences at the Seventh Stage at least travel by a kilometer per second. The only obstruction was the territories claimed by other Magical Beasts which effectively made Magical Beasts stay in one place.

If they left and intruded upon other magical beast territories, they would be attacked en masse just like how they were attacked.

Nadia could bypass this with her concealment, hence, she could quickly travel to the Moonlight Mountain which is 50,000 kilometers away within a few days or just even a day.

Davis pondered for a second before replying, "Then I wish you luck."

"Mhm~ I think I’m near to breaking through to the High-Level Lord Beast Stage. That slave of yours, the Eighth Stage Expert has been highly helpful to my growth. I ought to have displayed my gratitude earlier for this, hence, after I have some kind of results in my endeavor, I’ll wait for you in this place."

’Is that why she is now willing to become my magical beast mount?’

Davis smiled, "Perhaps the longer you delay, the less I’ll favor you becoming my Magical Beast Mount..."

Nadia didn’t look angry but looked as if she understood. The human in front of her had mysterious ways to become stronger faster... She deeply understood that after being together all this time.

Perhaps that was why she decided to become this person’s Magical Beast Mount.

Becoming a Magical Beast Mount is a disgrace because Magical Beasts will be abused but the person in front of her didn’t give her any indication of that sort other than being high-handed and domineering.

Although he could be kind sometimes, she also knew he could just be the opposite if the situation required it to be so...

Davis took out the Mid-Level Sky Grade Construct, the flying boat from his spatial ring. It flew out and instantly occupied the empty air. It did not enlarge after coming out as it was just spontaneous.

The moment it came out it occupied the empty space!

Davis and Evelynn boarded the flying boat and left the area under Nadia’s complex gaze.


Nadia howled to the skies, depicting her emotions to them and the moonlit sky. It was an incredible sight for them as the flying boat descended continuously, making Nadia look one with the moon as she howled!

It put a smile on their faces as they left the Sunset Tear Mountain.

"Evelynn, do you realize that this is one of the most immeasurable elements of adventures?"

"Parting?" Evelynn wryly smiled, "I don’t like this... I would’ve preferred Nadia to come with us... Even though she’s ferocious, she’s a good girl who still stuck to your words in the face of an Eighth Stage Expert..."

Davis chuckled, "What if she bears her fangs on us? A grown and a wild Magical Beast is unpredictable... That’s why people prefer making Magical Beasts their mounts by feeding and being close to them from a young age..."

Evelynn bit her lips, unable to say anything as they traveled to Ethren City.

At the checkpoint, they were unimpeded as they displayed the exemption token which he bought for a minute amount of 10,000 Low-Level Spirit Stones!

Davis had a shrewd smile on his face because their harvests in this four-month training session were rather good!


Davis and Evelynn traveled for over 20,000 kilometers to reach the Ethren Empire’s Capital which took them about twelve hours to eventually arrive at Ethren City.

He used Dark Concealing Shroud Art to enter the city, hence no one found them while they entered unchecked. It was such a smooth transition from the exit to the entrance that Evelynn felt that her husband could be a terrifying assassin if he wanted to become one.

However, she didn’t know that he actually was once an assassin going by the name Dead End in the Grand Sea Continent.

The first thing Davis did was return to the residence and dropped Evelynn. Then he exited the residence, put on a black concealment robe and a mask inscribed with the ’blur’ symbol, and openly walked outside kilometers away from his home.

Then he roamed the streets, doing some research on which store to visit to sell the harvest and by research, he was basically asking around people who seemed to be knowledgeable.

Of course, many recommended a single place but it was owned by the Ethren Family, so he didn’t opt to head for it but headed to a store owned by a Low-Level Emperor Grade Power, situated in the third level.

Their business is in the second level, eastern region, so Davis quickly headed that way.

He reached there at noon and negotiated with the manager of the store.

Davis made sure to let out his undulations that were at the High-Level Martial Ascendance Stage, causing the manager to be wary of him.

Davis’s Martial Ascendance Stage Cultivation made the manager misinterpret Davis to be a perhaps a Peak-Level Seventh Stage Expert who is not willing to display his identity for up certain constraints.

However, business negotiations were conducted for benefits, hence, the manager didn’t mind the concealed appearance of Davis and even actively involved in helping tally the variety of ’harvest’ that Davis brought to them.

A mini mountain of Magical Beasts carcasses was evaluated!

One Peak-Level Lord Beast Stage Carcass!

Ten Low-Level Lord Beast Stage Carcasses!

And hundreds of Saint Beast Stage and Grand Beast Stage Magical Beast Carcasses!

The manager became shocked at Davis and became sure that this person must be an extreme Peak-Level Seventh Stage Expert who must be near to breaking through to the Eighth Stage.

Hence, without much time taken or delayed, the transaction was settled successfully before the night could fall.

Davis returned to the residence by midnight. Of course, halfway through, he used Dark Concealing Shroud Art to return to the residence. There was also a skilled person who was tailing but he managed to leave him in the dust likewise, proving that the skilled person was not a match for him in terms of playing hide and seek.

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