"Because he declined the offer, their value plummeted and they were no longer of use to me. If you have obediently come to my side, then they might have gone to this young man who seems to have a kind yet narrow heart!"

"Hahaha!" The leader of the Blood Arc Mercenaries roared with a burst of ear-piercing laughter.

Davis didn’t respond to his twisting of words. He pointed at Evelynn with a solemn gaze and a transparent dark gaseous extended from his finger as his soul force shrouded her!

Abruptly, Evelynn disappeared from the place she stood!

The three men widened their eyes, thinking that the man had killed the woman like them but once the strange soul force disappeared, they knew that the woman has instead escaped.

Evelynn didn’t escape but she was pulled into the shadows by Nadia who acted in tandem with Davis.

Nadia acted upon Davis’s command fearlessly even though she was instinctively shuddering from the thought of being found out by the Eighth Stage Expert! Her eyes were trembling and her instincts of escaping from danger almost overcame her thought process.

The leader of the Blood Arc Mercenaries didn’t look panicked at all.

Clearly sensing the magical beast and identifying its stage, he chuckled and gave a command, not willing to take action by himself at all but instead looked like he was being amused like he was beginning to get ready for the hunt.

"Capture her and bring her to me..."

The bearded man nodded his head as he smiled lasciviously and flew into the air. As for this young handsome-looking man over here, there were two of his brothers to take care,

’Heh, since I would get the woman first, I can get to feel her up... Sigh, what a voluptuous figure... If I spotted her first and if she was alone, then even I might hesitate to give her to big brother...’

The young man’s tricks had momentarily fooled them but the magical beast’s vague existence couldn’t escape from their senses.

However, abruptly he stopped midflight. His body twitched once before he didn’t move anymore and just floated there with a taut posture.

A few seconds passed and seeing that the bearded man didn’t go, the leader furrowed his brows, "Second brother, what’s wrong? What are you waiting for...?"

However, no reply came, making him uncomfortable.

Then the man who was called as the second brother suddenly did a 180° turn and rushed towards a person as he shouted, "Third Brother!"

The other Peak-Level Law Dominion Stage Cultivator suddenly felt his scalp turn numb. He didn’t dare to delay and quickly responded to the threat and the anomaly he felt from his second brother!

He spontaneously shot towards the back, fleeing the scene two kilometers away in an instant with his Peak-Level Law Dominion Stage Cultivation and continued to escape at the speed of ten kilometers per second.

Without even bothering to stop, the bearded man flew through the skies and chased his third brother. His speed was so fast that he equally kept up with his third brother.

"You! What did you do to our second brother!?" The leader narrowed his eyes and screamed at the young man who instantly became unfathomable to him.

Davis extended his hand and raised his palm, "You’ll know in a few seconds..."

The leader became taken aback and his gaze fell over the direction where his two brothers rushed towards.

Fifteen kilometers away...

The Third Brother couldn’t help but shout as he turned to look back at his crying expression of his second brother, "Second brother, what’s wrong!?"

"Ah!! Third brother! Save me!!! My... My dantian is acting strange!"

Tears inadvertently fell out of his eyes as it cascaded down his cheeks before being absorbed by his beard.

"Dantian!??" The Third Brother slowed down a little bit when he felt that he should help but when he realized the meaning behind the words, his scalp turned numb.



A huge explosion resounded throughout the Sunset Tear Mountain as blinding light spread throughout the surrounding ten kilometers! A raging flame that spread in a spherical radius threatened to burn every life in its range!

Plantlife and even all the Magical Beasts all turned dead as they were caught up in the flaming blast.


Even the mountains shook and cracked at various edges, cliffs, and hills. A huge smoke of dust flew over to the surroundings, reaching a few kilometers before finally stopping. The wind rose from the huge explosion as it made their robes and hair flutter like they were experiencing breeze.

The leader of the Blood Arc Mercenaries watched it with wide eyes, not believing the sight that had occurred in front of him!

His two little brothers had undoubtedly died! But he didn’t know how!? What made his second brother commit suicide!? Even going as far as to take his third brother away to the afterlife with him!?

No matter how he thought, it didn’t make any sense!

"Youuuu~ Bastard!!!" He gritted his teeth and slowly moved his head to look at Davis, however, he abruptly realized that he couldn’t move his body anymore.

"You!! What did you do!?" His lips trembled as his eyes widened!

Davis held his head as he felt dizzy and a bit of pain.

It was just as he expected.

The party opposite to him possessed a Peak-Level Adult Soul Stage Soul Forging Cultivation, but due to the mysterious soul force he displayed in the beginning, the party undoubtedly became cautious of soul attacks and guarded his soul with Law Sea Stage Cultivation!

Its essence energy undoubtedly curbed attacks from bypassing it and this made Davis unable to kill this person by using Fallen Heaven!

It was just like he thought!

If higher stage cultivation is used to proactively guard the soul, then Fallen Heaven’s normal prowess can be thwarted!

Nevertheless... Realizing that he couldn’t take down the leader with Fallen Heaven’s normal prowess, he told Fallen Heaven to use his Soul Essence!

Surprisingly, Fallen Heaven only absorbed 2% of his Soul Essence to kill the leader of the Blood Arc Mercenaries. However, in this case, he didn’t tell Fallen Heaven to instantly kill him but take control without removing the Soul Imprint.

This made the leader be able to retain his will but unable to consciously control his own body!

The control of the Blood Arc Mercenary Leader’s body and soul laid within his grasp! Fallen Heaven’s grasp to be precise...

’I did it! I’ve taken control of an Eighth Stage Expert!’

Davis inwardly rejoiced as he saw the leader of the Blood Arc Mercenaries become unable to move but when he remembered that this person targeted Evelynn, killing intent overflowed in his eyes.

However, he didn’t let emotions take over him. He calmed down and weighed the pros and cons of keeping this newly controlled slave alive.

Davis mused.

’Having an Eighth Stage Expert behind my back is extremely useful... Not to mention that I can send him to my enemy and make him destruct as I did to his second brother...’

"Bastard!! Release me!"

’If I keep him in Ethren City Residence, he can also act as the mysterious protector of the Conferred Queen... further entrenching her status in the Ethren Empire...’

’Besides not only for Princess Isabella, but he can also act as a protector for everyone close to me... This will ultimately give me plenty of space to act freely...’

"I can’t move! My energy isn’t revolving and circulating! What did you do to me!!?"

Davis ignored and continued to think but at the same time, he relayed a Soul Transmission to Nadia and Evelynn, telling them to return.

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