Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 408 Three Major Powers

Two days later.

At the southern end of the Tripartite Alliance Territory. Unlike the other three directions, there existed no territory gate in this direction.

There were only numerous mountains and hills, completely surrounded by desert, which has given off a threatening feeling of desolation and loneliness. This was also the reason why this region was named as the Desolate Plains.

The sky was shining blue but the atmosphere was so hot from the scorching sands that even smoke filled the surroundings. The resulting heat produced vapor as it evaporated above.

Suddenly, a figure appeared above in an instant. He stood there and gazed at the mountains in front of him before waiting for a while.

Time passed.

That ’while’ he waited lasted for another day before two other figures appeared beside him.

"You two took long enough..." Spoke the man who first arrived, his countenance slightly pale while the scorching hot land did nothing to him when it could make Seventh Stage Experts uncomfortable.

From the two other figures who appeared, a middle-aged man spoke, "We already know that the difference in each direction to this place is vastly different, so why are you trying to take a jab at us for no reason, Dian Alstreim?"

He looked strong, tall and rough on the edges but was still attractive enough to be looked twice by women, especially if they know about his status.

"Spare your smart words, Xanbas. Your Martial Overlord cultivation is as useless as ever." Dian Alstreim indifferently spoke, as if doing this was just a chore for him.

The last figure who was silent all this time was a middle-aged lady with a white veil. She spoke nothing but stepped forward and moved ahead towards the mountains.

Suddenly, her figure disappeared as a ripple spread out as if distorting the space before the waves vanished.

Dina Alstreim and Xanbas, both of their pupils shook as they had her figure etched on to their souls. She was so elegant and gorgeous as the snow that they would give almost 90 percent of their lives to earn her favor.

Xanbas snorted as he followed her trail while he too disappeared into the mountains.

Dina Alstreim had a calm expression on his face as if nothing could faze him. He had waited here for a whole day and during that time, he did absolutely nothing.

The level of calmness he achieved had already peaked for his current cultivation. In other words, his willpower was undoubtedly tempered to a great level.

Even so, he still couldn’t take his thoughts off that woman.

He took a step forward while showing no emotions and reached the place where they disappeared.

His mouth stretching in a sigh while his figure vanished into the mountains.


In a palace-like structure, an empty hall.

Seated below the middle of a chandelier that was above is a middle-aged man.

He sat crossed legged and seemed to be cultivating with a small object in his hands. It looked like an ingredient, kind of like fruit.

The small object glowed as it shrank at a faster rate, its efficacy coursing towards the man’s glabella. The middle-aged man’s eyes quivered while he let out a groan as if experiencing pleasure.

A few minutes passed like this and three figures appeared in the hall but stayed silent as the did nothing. They only patiently waited, not daring disturb the person who was cultivating.

Soon, the small object in the person’s palm turned into ashes while the remains fell over the surface, scattering all over the place.

The person opened his eyes as he lightly laughed, "For all of you three to be here at the same time in your soul bodies, it looks like you three are as cautious as ever."

The middle-aged woman replied first, "We expect to discuss our contract in a place of fairness, so it is not too much to ask your esteemed Soul Emperor to exit your grand abode."

His eyes glinted as his figure shook, "Very well."

The next moment, his body disappeared from the place as he appeared outside. The soul bodies conjured by the three also turned into three specks of light before returning to their fleshy bodies.

The man who was called Soul Emperor casually cast his glance over to the three of them before his gaze paused on the middle-aged lady, "How about our individual deal, Tirea Snow? Have you considered my proposal?"

"Let’s talk about that after we have discussed the main issue." Tirea Snow calmly spoke. Her white robes fluttered and snow glinted over the scorching mountains below. Her name, as well as her temperament, were one with snow.

The Soul Emperor laughed as he shook his head, "Thousand years ago, you all three managed to discover my presence in this Desolate Plains due to a single careless mistake of mine. Now, forgot about that, I have called you all three here for the matter of fulfilling our Blood Soul Contract."

"So, esteemed Soul Emperor, did you finally recover from your injuries?" Xanbas asked outright without even bothering to mince his words.

He was straightforward, aggressive but wise.

The man who was repeatedly called Soul Emperor shook his head, "Not quite..."

Tirea Snow and Xanbas were both startled. Their expressions changed.

"Then why have you called us three?" Dina Alstreim spoke with a casual tone but inwardly he was just as angry at the other two.

The Soul Emperor laughed again, "Why are you all so impatient? I did recover my cultivation but my injuries are still present..."

All three of them turned startled.

Recovered my cultivation?

Suddenly, their expressions changed as all three of them shuddered momentarily. They could feel the soul force and pressure the Soul Emperor emanated.

Their eyes narrowed while they shouted in their hearts, ’High-Level Emperor Soul Stage!!!’

Trepidation filled their hearts and suddenly, the Soul Emperor appeared a little closer to them before moving in the direction of Tirea Snow.

Tirea Snow tried to move but the invisible shackles that bound her mentality made her indecisive and unable to move in a split second.

The next moment, the Soul Emperor arrived in front of her and spoke with a lustful expression on his face, "Tirea Snow, you are a woman who is worthy to bear my descendants. I want you!"

His words echoed like honey but she knew that it was a poison.

’A Soul Technique!’ Tirea Snow harrumphed and revolved her cultivation to the extreme.

The technique broke as she came out of her reverie, only to see her being protected by the other two men from her neighboring territories.

Her heart didn’t seem to waver but instead, she knew they all three were in this together.

The three of them were none other than the unofficial leaders of the Alstreim Family, Towering Cloud Hall, and Falling Snow Sect.

Tirea Snow is none other than the ruling ancestor of the Falling Snow Sect. She had once been the Sect Leader but gave her position to her successor as she retired to watch over the Falling Snow Sect behind the scenes.

The same went for Dina Alstreim and Xanbas who were respectively the ancestors from the Alstreim Family and Towering Cloud Hall.

Thousand years ago, the three powers conquered the Tripartite Alliance Territory which was previously called the Desolate Territory.

At that time, these three ancestors managed to discover an anomaly coming from the southern end of the Desolate Territory.

Feeling confused, disturbed and curious, they decided to check out the anomaly which could threaten their rule and found that an injured Soul Emperor had been hiding in this place.

A battle instantly took place but the Soul Emperor seemed to be at the Mid-Level Emperor Soul Stage which greatly suppressed them even though the Soul Emperor was supposed to be injured.

Fighting to a deadlock, the two parties came to an agreement as they settled their fight with a Blood Soul Contract.

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