Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 400 Reporting About Third Layer

Davis’s countenance rapidly changed as he smiled and shook his head, but then acted as if remembered something.

He waved his hand and stretched it over to Timi, "Here, this month’s bonus..."

Timi pouted as her brows narrowed and stared at the spirit stone in his hands. She hesitated but swiped her hands and held it towards her bosom.

She muttered with a wronged expression on her face, "I’m not greedy..."

"Hahaha..." Davis laughed and his hand that was in the air reached above as he patted his elder sister, Timi’s head. He knew that she was giving the spirit stones he gave to her mother which was why he gave her more in the first place.

Timi was a head shorter than Davis so it was easier for him to pat her head but the latter moved away after a touch while smiling teasingly.

With a slight of his hand, he unleashed Fallen Heavens’s Karma Laws and saw that the thread which connected them had blue and pink colors.

"Hehe, I heard about it, teacher. Seems like you should convince your wife about this matter!" Timi gave a thumbs up and ran away, her robes fabulously dancing with her gorgeous figure.

Davis stood there stunned as he forgot about the thread.

Convince? About what?

Did something happen in the Throne Hall while he was away for an hour?

’Hmm... I should go check...’

Davis quickly entered the Throne Hall as he pushed open the two grand doors wide.

Sitting on the Throne was his father, Logan. There was also a grand seat beside the throne which was the Empress’s seat, sat on by this mother, Claire.

Both Hendrickson and Randal stood side by side in front of the Emperor, while Clara stood beside them as she spoke but stopped as she turned back to notice him.

"Davis, you’re back."

Claire spoke with a smile but in that face, he could see an amused expression that filled him with concern.

What could be the matter which is being spoken here that he would have to convince Evelynn for it?

He nodded back to his mother.

Logan had an unusual expression on his face. Just when he was about to speak, he looked at the entrance.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps could be heard behind Davis.

He turned to look back and saw a woman hurriedly running towards him while having a worried expression on her face. She stopped and stood while holding her thighs as she gasped for breath.

The guards posted at the entrance tried to stop her but they stopped when they suddenly heard a Soul Transmission in their heads from the Emperor.

In the few seconds she gasped for breath, another man entered the Throne Hall and stood beside the woman as he looked at her worriedly but then shook his head.

"Pardon us for our rudeness, Emperor." The man spoke.

"Viktor, I told you not to call me the Emperor in an informal occasion." Logan spoke and sighed, "So... What does your woman want from us?"

"Crown Prince Davis, you haven’t harmed the people of Earth, have you?" Meng Ying spoke while exuding determination from her eyes.

Her slightly trembling yet courageous stand garnered respect from Davis.

He spoke without batting an eyelid, "Well, I did kill a single person. I think he belonged to the army."

Meng Ying, who had just relaxed from hearing the kill count suddenly had her heart shook. Her expression contorted as she shrieked, "Who?"

"I think his name was General..." Davis paused as saw Meng Ying shake her head in denial.

Meng Ying’s eyes trembled as she took a step back. Her legs went limp as she collapsed to her knees.

Viktor’s expression changed as he instantly asked, "General Yuan Kong!?"

Davis took a moment to remember the name but then noticed her strange reactions.

He shook his head and said, "General Wang Ke."

Meng Ying froze but then relaxed and Viktor heaved a sigh relief.

Viktor wryly spoke, "General Yuan Kong is Meng Ying’s godfather..."

Davis blinked on hearing Viktor’s words. He slightly became angry and spoke as if he was berating, "Uncle, you should’ve told this to me when I left. What if I had killed General Yuan Kong? There’s no use crying over spilled milk!"

Viktor froze.

"My bad... but it was you who forcefully went instead of having us a guide," Viktor replied as he felt guilty and turned embarrassed.

Davis wanted to refute but since the other party had a point, he stopped.

It was a good thing that he didn’t accidentally kill General Yuan Kong, otherwise, wouldn’t he have incurred Meng Ying’s wrath which in turn would cause the relationship between his father and the twins to be strained?

He looked at Meng Ying, "Well then, do you have anything else to ask?"

Meng Ying, in her white lab coat, stood up as her legs wobbled. She was still a mortal and didn’t seem to learn the basics of cultivation.

She shook her head while being supported by Viktor. The courage she had shown was nowhere to be seen, instead, she looked like a cat that had been stepped on its tail, wanting to escape as soon as possible.

"We’ll be taking our leave then..." Viktor spoke and left with Meng Ying, not bothering to stay.

Davis shrugged and turned to look at his Clara, "Did you already explain about our findings to them?"

Clara nodded her head.

Davis nodded back and looked at Claire, "Mother, other than those mysterious spaces and outer space, there is nothing of importance in the Third Layer."

"Outer Space?" Claire’s eyes brightened, and so did Logan’s, as well as the eyes of the others.

"You haven’t told them that part yet?" Davis turned to look at Clara.

"I was just getting to it..." She replied.

Indeed, she hadn’t immediately entered the Throne Hall to report upon arriving but was instead summoned later as there was a new rumor spreading.

Logan and Claire couldn’t get Davis since the room he was staying seemed to be sealed by the latter’s soul force.

Davis nodded and said, "You can travel to outer space with no problem but expect that you can find nothing of value because the heaven and earth energy is so low that it can be considered non-existent in the Third Layer."

Claire was in her own world as she instinctively nodded her head. Her eyes were dazed, imagining what outer space would be like, how it felt.

Logan had his face change like a child but then it turned disappointed when he heard Davis’s words.

"Although you can’t find any treasures, there are plenty of dangers in outer space as well as different types of astral bodies that host different types of areas which can help you comprehend many laws."

Logan widened his eyes as he was about to exclaim but Davis continued.

"However, I wouldn’t recommend traveling in outer space because we would have to travel immense distances that would completely expend our energy, and with no way to regather them without heaven and earth energy in the surroundings, we would eventually die from starvation in a short while."

Logan looked crestfallen. He pondered for a moment before asking, "Alright, we’ll listen to your words but is there truly no worth in going there?"

"Father, unless you want to sightsee and enjoy the scenery in outer space, I recommend you don’t waste time or wealth by spending spirit stones to use the spatial tunnel," Davis replied as he shook his head with a smile.

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