Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3613 Surveying The Candidates

Tahundra became solemn as he turned to look into the distance, where he saw Isabella glare at him.

To him, it was a bit confusing how this woman could possibly overwhelm him in terms of aura. After all, by staying in the Heavenly Ice Stasis Valley, his prowess had increased by two levels. Yet, he could still feel that in terms of aura, she was above, which would usually mean a higher prowess. However, he didn't believe it was the case with his prowess aided by the boon obtained sleeping in the Heavenly Ice Stasis Valley, which meant the only way she could be above him was-

'No way… the purity of her Emperor-Tier Blood is more than ninety-five percent…?'

Tahundra was shocked.

The Lightning Dragon Clan had gone to great lengths to be able to procure the resources for one of the inheritors to enter Emperor Tier.

He was born to a human prostitute and a loser Lightning Dragon at that time, eventually chancing upon a Lightning Dragon Inheritance and becoming the third inheritor of the Lightning Dragon Clan. Despite being scorned, not to mention the weakest among the inheritors, he had qualified over the other two inheritors of the Lightning Dragon Clan and barely managed to digest the Emperor-Tier Blood and entered the realm of Emperors.


Nonetheless, his Lightning Dragon bloodline purity as of this moment dropped from ninety-two percent to seventy-seven. However, he didn't feel the slightest bit regretful but felt overly joyful. After all, the tier of bloodline had gone from Normal-Tier to Emperor Tier in one fell swoop. Who wouldn't want that?

He had always been silent, and that had garnered him scorn, but when he attacked, he would do so like lightning, swift and raging, causing rivers of blood to flow, so when he finally confessed to the woman of his dreams from time immemorial, only to be rejected and worse, laughed at by a damned bird, blood swelled inside his head but the single word of the Earth Dragon Clan's fourth inheritor, Isabella Davis rocked his soul.

He arrived at the conclusion her bloodline purity as an Emperor-Tier entity was extremely high. But how!?

His gaze fell on the purple-robed man beside her, the falling star of this era signifying calamity, the Divine Emperor of Death.

Even in seclusion, news about this man roared every now and then, so he could tell he wasn't someone to be messed with easily. Only, he couldn't understand why an Anarchic Divergent was allowed here.

"Emperor Tahundra, don't be hasty."

"I know."

The Lightning Dragon Clan's Patriarch, who accompanied him, warned him, causing him to harrumph and walk away to some other place where he could forget about this matter.


Davis and the others watched him leave without putting up a fight, turning surprised.

"He's not an easy opponent," Isabella commented, causing Davis to nod.

"He's as strong as an Empyreal Monarch, alright, but most importantly, someone who can think instead of being enraged…"

"As expected. The Candidacy won't be easy, especially with her here…"

Shirley shot a glance at Fairy Thunderblaze who also seemed to have made her way to the Blazing Thunderlight Kirin Clan.

Davis also shot a look at her with the others.

They could all sense a suspenseful might from her. She hid it well, suppressing herself, but they had fought each other a lot of times and had a master of suppression among them to know what kind of prowess they had hidden.

"Don't worry." Evelynn still held Davis's arm like an overly attached girlfriend, not minding the gazes of others, "No matter how strong she had become because of you, we will defeat her."

"That's reassuring…"

Davis smiled lightly. He returned his gaze to Fairy Thunderblaze again and felt like she had cheated him. If he had known she was going to participate here, he would've delayed giving her the annihilative heavenly flames.

Now, who knew what kind of change her Anarchic Divergent Physique underwent?

For all he knew, she might prove to be the arch nemesis to his wives in this undertaking.

"Well, don't hesitate to kill her if she's going for the kill when battling you three."

He sent a soul transmission to his three wives, causing them to nod.

After some time, the crowd quieted down while there were still Candidates gathering.

The number had reached seven hundred by now.

Davis tried to spot a few suspicious individuals who had their uniqueness hidden to the best of his ability, but even then, only a few managed to reach Tuhundra's level.

Some of them were unique humans, regal feys, heaven-tier spirits, or even variant magical beasts.

A lot of them caught his eyes, even the twin peaks of many. Supposedly, there were even Celestial Fairies of their eras but it turned out they were either married or cheated on by opposing factions, causing them to lose their status as Celestial Fairies and enmity to brew between them.

Davis felt like he had missed out on some huge drama as he was born millions of years later.

However, he was willing to watch the drama unfold here in the Candidacy. Only, he was unwilling to see his beautiful trio get caught first in the toxic web of justice just because they were his wives.

He was moments away from announcing that whoever ganged upon his wives would have their powers decimated, but he kept himself suppressed, trusting them to be able to defend themselves.

As Shirley said, he shouldn't be interfering when they're trying to spread their wings.

'Well, I'll still destroy their powers if my lovely flowers get teamed up against…'

Davis inwardly nodded, telling Mingzhi with his avatar to get location information on every Candidacy power present.

Although he shouldn't be interfering with their flight, it didn't mean that he couldn't help them gather information on their opponents so it could transform into the slightest bit of advantage for them or not put them at a disadvantage.

He continued to survey and pick the suspiciously strong people out of the group, sending soul transmissions to Evelynn, Isabella, and Shirley as he named a few of them.

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