Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3597 The Burden Of A Maiden

In a golden palace, a golden-robed beauty stood on the balcony, watching over the city as her gaze swept through with a regal grace.

The palace she was in was located at the heart of the city of the majestic golden bird of nirvana. Its skyline was a breathtaking sight to behold, adorned with majestic structures crafted from shimmering gold and rich born hues, each one resembling the outstretching wings of a phoenix taking flight.

Throughout the golden city, phoenix symbols adorn every corner, from intricately carved statues that watch over bustling spaces to delicate mosaics that shimmer in the sunlight. Even the flora occasionally gave off a projection, similar to a golden lotus blossoming to fly away like a golden phoenix.

When dusk falls, this city would be bathed in a warm golden hue, casting everything with the majestic presence of a Golden Phoenix and when night falls, the stars above would twinkle gold like a thousand jewels sparking upon them, giving the city an eternal glow of pride.

However, the golden-robed beauty gazed towards the distance. Her sights weren't on the city but the land beyond, her expression hidden behind her veil, although her eyes were slightly narrowed.

Abruptly, a black-golden-robed woman appeared behind the golden-robed beauty before she fell on one of her knees.

"Reporting to Your Highness, it seems the news that the Divine Emperor of Death kidnapped Celestial Fairy Aila Cherryweave was false. According to her parents, she was exiled and happened to regroup with the Divine Emperor of Death. In other words, she eloped."

"I knew it…"

The golden-robed beauty turned to look at the informant.

She seemed to be none other than Fairy Mei Novara, "He wouldn't do such a thing. If he did, then I wouldn't be a Celestial Fairy to this day, much less her."

"Tell the security outside to disperse and stop wasting their resources on me."

Her expression relaxed before she waved her hand and spoke in a commanding tone.


The black-golden-robed woman responded but appeared hesitant.

"But if he really did come-"

"No, he wouldn't." Fairy Mei Novara shook her head sternly, "I haven't done anything that would warrant such an invitation. On the other hand, Fairy Aila didn't stop to consider her position- no, she didn't care for her reputation and sincerely chased after him, sending all those letters which made her a laughing stock, yet she remained faithful to her wants and finally obtained his attention. Do you think he would come for me when I didn't do anything?"

"But, your Highness, you went to his marriage once and-"


Fairy Mei Novara cut her off, her eyes narrowing, "Are you trying to spread rumors?"

"I don't dare!"

The black-golden-robed woman hurriedly lowered her head, trembling while kneeling.

"If that's all, then leave."


Fairy Mei Novara watched the black-golden-robed woman leave coldly.

After the other party left, her gaze turned complicated.

Her hand slowly raised as she touched her bosom, feeling a whirlwind of emotions make her heart feel uncomfortable.

'What is this…? Is this jealousy…?'

Fairy Mei Novara bit her lips.

She couldn't help but remember the scene that happened in reality, even in her dreams.

He held her cheeks gently, healing the fleshly wounds that made her ugly. She let herself be taken care of by him, practically letting herself become vulnerable to him- no, that was her most vulnerable moment, and he held her with care and healed her, bringing her sanity back.

She thought something happened between them. However, nothing came out of it.

However, it was just the opposite for Fairy Aila Cherryweave. She managed to-

Fairy Mei Novara clenched her fists. She couldn't endure these feelings that was weighing on her. She took a step forward but it quickly came to a stop as she saw her chamber's door open.

"Ah, my good daughter."

"Imperial father."


The Golden Phoenix Clan's Patriarch stepped into her chamber, his face full of smiles, but that changed upon seeing his daughter kneeling. He quickly stopped her from kneeling, his face blossoming into a bright smile, "As expected, my daughter is still my daughter."

"…" Fairy Mei Novara nodded, prompting the Patriarch to speak.

"I presume you heard about the silly case of the Cherryweave Family's daughter eloping? Their family's honor is in shatters right now, their reputation torn. They have become the laughingstock of the First Haven World. Everyone is pointing fingers at them, saying- ah, forget it. You have befriended Fairy Aila, so I won't say anything."

The Golden Phoenix Clan's Patriarch shook his head, "Fortunately, I have a prim and proper daughter like you. You will always be the clan's jewel as long as I'm alive, untainted by evil. Moreover, I don't need to worry as you have always been levelheaded."

"Yes, father."

Fairy Mei Novara quivered ever so lightly, but she smiled.

"Good. You have never failed to make me proud."

"However, the Divine Emperor of Death did save you, so I won't disallow you to talk to him like the elders do, but please keep it brief. I know you can take care of yourself. You are smart but, most importantly, our prized jewel, after all."

"I'm glad I could make father and mother proud."

Fairy Mei Novara nodded with a proud expression.

Her father also repeatedly nodded before he said a few things of encouragement before he left her chamber.

Fairy Mei Novara turned around and walked to the balcony as she overlooked the grand history of the Golden Phoenix Clan, untainted by evil and unbound by the wicked, always maintaining a just heart and serving the righteous while upholding grace and dignity.

"In this life… it seems the dawn of love in my heart had been shot down even before it could rise..."

Her prideful expression sank as she muttered under her breath, overcome with sadness, as she closed her eyes.

For the first time in her life, she felt that this thing called dignity was a burden instead of a source of pride. She envied Fairy Aila Cherryweave for being able to forgo it while she was still bound in it, making her inwardly mock her self.

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