Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 348 Where Is Evelynn!?

Davis waited for Evelynn to exit as time passed by, yet he was incredibly nervous because of his overcautiousness.

His overcautiousness was a trait he had caught when he had escaped from Twizer’s mansion; Mo Wuming’s mansion.

Without his overcautiousness, he couldn’t have survived out there even while relying on the Death Book on Earth. nor could he have survived in the Tripartite Alliance Territory.

Even in the previous years, his overcautiousness could be seen in how he always decided to mask and disguise himself, potentially making him hide from needless trouble.

As seconds dragged and delayed, his mind couldn’t stop imagining something bad happening to Evelynn.

Even though he didn’t want to imagine it, every time he thought about her battling figure in the trial, it would turn bloody in his mind, just like the time she had her arms cut off in the Ashton Royal Capital.

He walked to and fro around the hall, unable to calm himself down.

This scene looked like when Claire was about to give birth while Logan was absolutely nervous about the things happening inside the birth room, yet having no way to learn of it.

Except, in this case, Evelynn wasn’t giving birth but was putting her life on the line, fighting for resources and self-improvement.

Everyone more or less glanced at Davis from time to time, wondering why he was so worried about a woman who wasn’t still his genuine wife.

He hadn’t still married her but was so worried?

But after more time passed by, they realized that he had deep feelings for her because he still hadn’t calmed down but went around asking the youths who came out about the contents of the trial and how it differed for each people who took part in it in detail.

They sighed while looking at his desperate yet staunch silhouette, silently laughing in their minds because they thought he had been thoroughly seduced by her.

In their minds, they had already decided that the two slept with each other to have this kind of profound relationship.

Davis didn’t care about what they thought but was only bothered about what kind of information he could gain from gathering information as seconds passed by...

He gradually calmed down and wholeheartedly was able to believe in her survival.

He no longer held hope for her to clear the trial because from the information gathered, he knew that she will be more or less be facing opponents that are at a higher level than her in the final level.

With this, he was glad because he believed that Evelynn would give up once she knew the power difference between her and the opponents.

Hence, she would be unharmed.

Davis finally calmed down completely once he thought of it like this... At the same time...

Beside him, Emperor Ruth strode forwards and casually placed a hand on Davis’s shoulders, "I see you have stopped fretting over your woman’s wellbeing."

Davis glanced at Emperor Ruth and gave a slight nod.

Emperor Ruth slightly laughed, "Would I become the sinner if something were to happen to your woman?"

Davis stood startled, "It was my decision to make her participate in this trial and her determination that made her use this opportunity."

He shook his head, "If anything untoward happens to her, it is I who will become the sinner and not you, Mark Ruth."

Emperor Ruth slightly laughed again but a glint of relief flashed past his eyes.

"Are you testing me? Or making sure who the liability lies with?"

Emperor Ruth was startled but he quickly opened his mouth, "Both!"

His eyes glowed as he was time and time again impressed by this youth.

"After all, in a fit of anger, it is easier to shift the blame to the other party even if it weren’t their fault in a sense." Emperor Ruth sighed as if he was mentioning about his own past.

’Easier to shift the blame?’ Davis averted his gaze.

He had done something like this in the past too. Blaming Shirley just because she was the one who made him delay from returning sooner, even though it wasn’t her fault.

He did that in a fit of anger but kept on to it as that was the only way that he could convince himself that the reason behind Evelynn’s severed arm was not entirely his fault.

Her beautiful appearance flashed past his mind but her expression in his memory was sad, no longer cheerful.

Instantly, he inwardly laughed and shook his head while muttering that his brain was playing tricks.

In a few hours, light once again through the tunnel and Davis stiffened. He turned to look at the tunnel, waiting for a figure to appear in his view.

As he waited, a minute passed and three figures showed up in bloodied clothes while numerous injuries were visible on their body.

One of them even had a big gash on his chest. Many simultaneously detected no signs of life in that person, giving the people in the hall a fright.

"Wilmark!!!" An anguished cry came from beside Davis.

Davis looked at Emperor Ruth’s chilled figure which literally went stiff after seeing Wilmark’s dead body.

Wilmark died? Did he overestimate his capabilities? Davis was in disbelief as he glanced over the bloodied corpse. Not only him but everyone was in doubt.

The two battered youths who brought Wilmark collapsed down as their legs gave away. They had dejected expression on their faces as if this day was the worst they had ever experienced in their lives.

Emperor Mark Ruth slowly strode forward as his eyes emitted disbelief. How could this happen?

The strongest of his sons in the current generation had actually died?

But then, he came back to himself and his eyes gleamed with a tragic glint. He sighed and shook his head as reality washed over his soul.

Gone! His son was gone just like that! A worthy male successor who would eventually inherit the throne died just like that!

Such were the dangers of participating in a trial.

Davis waited for a few seconds as he sensed the atmosphere wallow in sadness but gradually his expression turned ugly!

Where is Evelynn!???

He instantly couldn’t care less about the trio who came out and dashed towards the tunnel. Once he arrived below the tunnel, he saw no one other than a tunnel of light.

’Why is there no one?!’ Davis’s expression changed but then his mind flashed with Idric’s speech.

Idric Ruth was none other than one of the two youths who got placed in the Top Twenty of the Grand Sea Continent Meet.

Quite a while ago, Davis had asked him a lot of information about the contents of the trial and seeing that his father had no comment, Idric explained everything patiently.

One of those explanations from Idric Ruth is where he heard the words that let him calm down right now which ultimately didn’t send him in a panic attack.

"Elder Sister Isabella’s trial? Oh! At that time, our royal father almost went crazy because a long time passed but there was no sign of her, but then, a day later, she came out from the tunnel as if nothing happened and declared that she cleared the King Grade Trial!"

"Royal Father became stunned but turned jubilant that he prepared a feast by himself that day... And at that time, royal father lamented that it took only two hours for him to come out after he cleared the Sky Grade Trial because he had to absorb the diluted Blood Essence of the Earth Dragon."

"We all laughed and enjoyed but the next day, Elder Sister Isabella drove father out of being the Emperor and ascended the throne taking all the Empire’s resources for herself, although I doubt that because royal father’s acting seemed too fake at that time..."

Davis grinned jubilantly once he thought of Idric’s words.

Evelynn had cleared the trial!

Otherwise, only a corpse would’ve been left in this place!



"Ahhhh!~" Blood splashed and an anguished cry left Evelynn’s mouth as her shoulder had been pierced.


An head directly fell on the floor and above it was a headless armored figure that extended its hands, stabbing its sword into Evelynn’s shoulder.

The armored figure turned into a speck of light and disappeared, leaving the sword nailed on Evelynn’s shoulder.

Evelynn sank down on her knees as she slowly removed the sword and she threw it away.


The sword hit the surface and echoed while copious amounts of blood dripped down from her whole body that was full of short and lengthy cuts, not only from the stab hole that had been created now.

The battle she fought against these ten opponents who were one level higher than her was difficult to the extreme.

This time, she straight away went to those shield users and used their shields to her advantage, blocking the line of sight of many, even using the shield by herself to deflect their attacks.

Eventually, she slowly killed them all while taking numerous cuts and hits.

Evelynn felt her body turning cold. Her battle aura was entirely depleted. She felt her sight blurring from the loss of blood.

"Congratulations on clearing the Sky Grade Trial! You will be now taken to the treasury!"

Her surrounding changed once again and a wave of energy drove her consciousness awake!

She cleared the trial! Once the thought and sight of it established itself on her mind, she no longer suppressed her Essence Gathering Cultivation, fully unleashing it.

The energy that was running rampant around her meridians was unleashed, clogging the blood paths in her veins, temporarily stopping her from bleeding.

She took a pill that Davis gave to her for life-threatening crisis and hurriedly swallowed it, refining it as the pill’s energy traveled through her medians, rejuvenating her flesh anew.

The long gash that had been in her shoulder started to slowly close up, but at an inhuman speed.

All of her cuts, short or long, quickly closed up as if they were stitching themselves. This scene was surreal to the extreme.

A few minutes passed by and all of her injuries and even her hidden injuries; sequelae had been cleared away as her body gave off a bloody yet putrid smell of a person in recovery.

Evelynn opened her eyes and found herself in a dimly lit cave with only a narrow path in front of her.

She remembered the Earth Dragon’s words but put it in the back of her head.

Once she thought of how she used that precious pill that Davis gave her fearing for her life, her eyelids started to tremble.

He had advised her to use this pill when her life was in fatal danger but once she remembered her condition of not being in a danger to die, only powerless for a little while due to the loss of blood, she couldn’t help but feel that she wasted the pill.

The pill which Davis gave to her was none other than the High-Level Sky Grade Pill, Crimson Vitality Pill.

Not only was it capable of healing a severely injured Mid-Level Fifth Stage Expert, but it was also capable of healing the hidden injuries that one’s body might’ve accumulated throughout their cultivation path.

Its efficacy and energy are so gentle the even mortals could consume it to increase their lifespan and health.

Hearing its effects from his mouth, Evelynn felt quite ashamed to consume it now because she had been afraid of dying.

Her internal organs were not injured, nor were her dantian injured but because of her fear of death, she didn’t dare think much and hurriedly swallowed it.

The thought she would die had consumed her sanity, prompting her to swallow the pill without any hesitation.

Only after her body healed and felt rejuvenated did she realize that she was not in much danger and could use the other pills that were capable of healing her just well even though not as effective as the Crimson Vitality Pill.

Even so, Evelynn shook her head as she felt warm in her heart, "He will not scold me, right?"

A long time of being with Davis had already told the answer in her heart.

However, if she had known that the pill cost around 250,000 Low-Level Spirit Stones, she might’ve fainted from the sheer weight of the quantity of resources she had consumed in just a mere second.

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