Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3358 Three-Way Fight

"- and with that, choose which of you want to undergo this treatment."

Davis had just finished explaining what had happened when he went to visit Guardian Elysian Veritas.

Evelynn, Sophie, and Mingzhi were gathered before him as they sat on a couch in front of him like they were in some interview. Hearing they had to choose, their expressions turned contemplative.

"Darling, didn't you say that Mingzhi would benefit the most since she is already proficient in Darkness Laws and Light Laws?"


Davis nodded at Sophie, who asked the question.

"But this opportunity belongs to the three of you, and I do not wish to take that away from you. I'll sit back and watch, so decide among yourselves."

"How can that be…?" Sophie pouted, "You brought this opportunity to us… so you should be the one to decide…"

"There's no way out." Davis chuckled, "Risk offending each other to get the opportunity or come to a consensus. I want to see how united you three are as you are the ones who felt for me so much enough to destroy the world."


The three beauties had various emotions in their expressions, frustrated enough to kick him for letting them choose and risk offending each other but also heartened that he realized to what lengths they would go for him.

Their cheeks were red as they looked at each other when Evelynn lowered her head and opened her mouth.

"I would like to take this opportunity as it would be detrimental for me to host multiple sources of negative traits stemming from my Malevolent Darkness Soul and Three-Eyed Chromatic Hex Arachnid Blood, not to mention the hatred-half of the Emperor-Tier Soul I must absorb sooner or later but-"

Evelynn raised her head, her eyes appearing determined.

"My children are more important to me. I do not wish to subject them to unneeded risks at this moment."

lightsΝοvel "…" Mingzhi couldn't help but smile with care.

'An exemplary mother…' Even Sophie felt that Evelynn was more of a mother than she already was, with how she chose her children over opportunity while she had left Aurelia to go with Davis to the secret realm.

Although their situations were different, she also wanted to make decisions that would make her an exemplary mother.

Davis was also heartened.

"That's not a problem." However, Davis's lips curled, "The Guardians aren't going anywhere, and we have all the time in the world to get their help for the treatment."

"I do not wish to make anyone wait, so I leave this opportunity to Sophie and Mingzhi."

But Evelynn remained firm in her decision, causing Sophie and Mingzhi to look at each other.

The big sister let go of this opportunity that would've granted her greater prowess, making them hesitant to take it as they felt it was better to give it to the other. However, they also wanted this as they realized that the Malevolent Darkness Soul was a ticking time bomb that might influence their decisions when there came a time it mattered the most.

But most importantly, they knew their prowess would grow beyond what they could practice through their own efforts.

"Why not relegate it to Sophie? She's the forgemaster of our family, so naturally, she should be strong."

"Oh no." Sophie shook her head, "When dealing with the outside world to scour information as the head of the family's intelligence network, Mingzhi should have this opportunity to be able to defend herself. While I may need this power, it's still only a 'want' and not a 'need'."

Mingzhi had her lips parted at them, her expression taken aback as she didn't expect them to be so united against her.

"Very well. I won't forget this favor."

She stood up, puffing up her bosoms as though she held her breath from making a scene by crying.


Davis chuckled lightly, knowing that Mingzhi used Heart Intent to check if they really meant what they were saying. He also stood up, clapping his hand once to garner their attention.

"Now that it's decided, I will relay this matter to Guardian Elysian Veritas when he is available. As for you two-"

Davis turned to look at Evelynn and Sophie, "It is not easy to let go of an opportunity that comes knocking on your door like this, so I'm very proud of your sacrificial actions."

Evelynn and Sophie smiled with delight on hearing his praise. They weren't able to change their Malevolent Darkness Souls, but they felt like his praise was more than it.

"Hey, I also didn't want it that much…"

Mingzhi's heart shook as she pouted, causing Davis to look away from her.

"Yes, I know, but you used Heart Intent, so I expect more from you."

"Ah! You can use it, but I can't? So hateful~"

"Heh. You're playing on easy mode with Heart Intent, so naturally, I raised the difficulty."


Mingzhi complained, but hearing Davis's words, she jumped on him with a dagger in her hand, causing Davis to disappear.


Mingzhi raised a cry in frustration, but she suppressed it before it could emerge, causing Evelynn and Sophie to point and nod at her thrice.

"Yes, mutating the Malevolent Darkness Soul takes priority for her."

"Indeed. She's the one who needs her negative thoughts to be cleared soon."

"You two…"

Mingzhi's lips quivered as she looked like she was going to cry. Everyone was picking on her, but suddenly, two hands wrapped around her waist as they embraced her, causing her emotional state to be subdued as feelings of warmth entered her heart.

"Now you're using Heart Intent to console me, you unfair rogue…"

"Blame me all you want, my vixen." Davis held her gently, "If you three had fought for the opportunity in an unsightly manner, I would've scrapped it myself, so I'm extra proud of you for badly wanting the opportunity more than anyone else but also having the heart to leave it to Sophie."


Mingzhi's black eyes moistened, "Damn it… why do you have your way with words…? You cunning scoundrel…"

She looked back at him and shared a kiss with Davis, causing Evelynn and Sophie to grin as they felt Mingzhi was like a child, smarter than them, but easily controlled with a candy that was known as love.

However, they were none the wiser, also longing for his love whenever they had the chance.

Nonetheless, they knew why he used this method as their family was growing big, and he couldn't oversee everything, so there were already occasional talks of bringing household rules in place to set up the foundation for their growth and well-being.

Therefore, they also knew he was trying to strengthen their bond as sisters whenever he could, making them delighted that they got a caring man.

After all, he had all the excuses in the world not to see them when he had so many things to do, but now, when he was a bit free from the carnage that they were subjected to, he was only looking at them, filling their hearts with satisfaction.

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