Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1749: Boon? Or A Bane?

Chapter 1749: Boon? Or A Bane?

Davis’s eyes were wide in shock while the Mandate Emperor appeared to be full of pride.

“Indeed, there are such individuals who are blessed by the heavens.”

“What do you mean by no heavenly tribulation?” Davis appeared extremely curious, “Is such a thing possible?”

“Of course not.” The Mandate Emperor shook his head, “Every living existence under the heavens would receive its trial. It’s not like the possessor of the Transcendent Truth Eyes would not go through their heavenly tribulation, but it’s so easy for them to cross that it could be plainly said that they don’t have one, but contrarily, their path is filled with even more thorns than an average character. After all, being treated as a child of the heavens tends to make other people as though they are inferior on a subconscious level, wanting to get rid of the favored child.”

Davis kept nodding his head as he absorbed the information like a sponge.

“That’s why we sealed the information on Transcendent Truth Eyes long ago and did not let it spread so that when a person with this unique physique appears, the Heaven Mandate Temple can find them and safely recruit them, letting them grow under our wings. The founding ancestor of my Heaven Mandate Temple is also such an individual who possessed the Transcendent Truth Eyes, a ruler among rulers, establishing the very essence of the righteous path that may or may not have deviated at present times.”

“I see.” Davis heavily nodded before his eyes narrowed.

“What if I said that I know a person who possesses Transcendent Truth Eyes?”


Unexpectedly, the poised Mandate Emperor began to laugh before he shook his head.

“Such a person… you are extremely lucky if you are able to find one. After all, after our founding ancestor ascended many century millenniums ago, only two individuals were known to possess that unique yet heavenly physique. They were also found and later on became Temple Masters, coming to possess vast prowess, far more powerful than mine, capable of crossing as much as two or three levels higher than their cultivation base. Even among our Honorable Elders, not many know the significance of this physique as it contains the origins of our Heaven Mandate Temple.’

The Mandate Emperor spoke a lot before he appeared to be full of dreams.

“Sigh, if I could only reach their heights, how grand would it be…”

“But certainly, Emperor of Death’s soul prowess has overtaken them all and could even be said to match our founding ancestor, not to mention that the time you have taken to reach this level after crossing through whatever trials and tribulations you may have faced makes me feel extremely respectful to you. The young are fated to supersede the old. I didn’t believe in such a statement, but it seems like I’m forced to accept it now. Haha…”

Looking at the Mandate Emperor wryly laugh, Davis could feel the yearning he had for this physique, or perhaps, the prowess that allowed the host to possess.

“I still want your cultivation manuals and techniques, though…”

However, Davis remained unmoved.

“Uh… why seek for something you can’t practice?”

The Mandate Emperor looked exasperated as much as not wanting to offend Davis.

“As I said, I know a person who possessed the Transcendent Truth Eyes, and it just so happens to be my lovely little sister, Clara Alstreim.”


Mandate Emperor’s pupils dilated while the Karmic Guardian Emperor’s eyes also seemed to have gone wide in shock.

“What? Do you two want to obtain her? You can try, but you may somehow die instead.”

Davis sneered as he contemptuously looked at them.

To obtain techniques and manuals from them without having to needlessly kill them, he felt that he had no choice but to reveal his little sister’s unique physique. In any case, he felt that it was just a matter of time before Clara left home in order to train, for he knew she always possessed an adventurous spirit.

News that she possessed Mandate Laws will naturally spread, and in turn, the Honorable Elders of the Heaven Mandate Temple will naturally be able to discern her Transcendent Truth Eyes. After all, if her path was a harsh one, why not he, as her big brother, destroy the obstacles in front of her?

“Emperor of Death, I don’t dare dream about your little sister if what you’re saying is the truth. However, I have one warning for you.”

The Mandate Emperor looked extremely solemn as he stood up and pointed at Davis.

“You should protect your little sister at all costs because those who obtain her primal yin will have the same privilege as her, becoming able to easily pass their heavenly tribulations.”

Davis’s eyes went wide in shock as the Mandate Emperor continued.

“People who know what the Transcendent Truth Eyes will crave her. Worse, if the divergents hear about her existence, they will crazily seek to obtain her no matter what, so you must be careful.”

‘Divergents… the one that Aurelius claimed that the heavens don’t have any control on as it fails to see their fate, and so, seeks to destroy them through heavenly tribulation?’

Davis thought as he came to know more about Divergents after reading the Soul Palace’s records.

“I’m not fear-mongering, for even I feel some temptation.” The Mandate Emperor seriously warned.

“I bet you do…”

Davis didn’t take offense, for he was busy thinking about how to silence them already as he stood up and looked at another person.

“Karmic Guardian Emperor. Aren’t you a divergent for possessing the Karmic Guardian Physique? Seems like I must silence you first.”

“What?” The Karmic Guardian sprang up straight like a spear as he raised both of his hands in surrender, “Wait…! No! I’m not a divergent!”

At the same time, Nadia stood in front of the Mandate Emperor, essentially blocking his way as she glared at him. However, since Davis didn’t make a move, they entered a stalemate as the atmosphere started to become extremely tense.

“Then why is your heavenly tribulation so destructive?” Davis suddenly asked with a cold voice.

“What? How did yo- wait! You misunderstood!”

The Karmic Guardian Emperor appeared confused before his eyes brightened, which caused Davis to smile with a frigid expression on his face.

“Oh? Tell me what exactly I misunderstood, Karmic Guardian Emperor. You have a single sentence to explain yourself.”

“Divergents are people whose fates could be not predicted by the heavens, for they have strayed from its benevolence. I’m not-“

“Okay, now you’re dead…”

Davis took a step forward, causing the Karmic Guardian Emperor’s scalp to turn numb.

“I- It depends! For the person with the Karmic Guardian Physique, whether they would be destroyed by the heavens or not depends on their karmic nature!”

“Karmic nature?”

Davis narrowed his eyes as he heard the Karmic Guardian Emperor’s scream.

However, he didn’t think his little aunt had karmic sin on her to inviting a Destructive Heavenly Tribulation.

‘Could it be because of me?’

While he momentarily descended into contemplation, the Karmic Guardian Emperor suppressed a sigh as he relaxed a bit and continued.

“If I have karmic sin or no karmic virtue as I remain without gathering both, then I will invite a Destructive Heavenly Tribulation of varying degrees of prowess. However, if I do good and earn karmic virtue, increasing it by a lot, then my heavenly tribulation will lessen its prowess by a lot, becoming a normal heavenly tribulation, perhaps even a nurturing one like for the Transcendent Truth Eyes.”

“I see…”

Davis’s expression was still cold, but he was taken back by the new information.

‘Apparently, my little sister is blessed by the heavens like she’s a favorite… But, is this a boon or a bane for me?’

Davis appeared a bit confused inside, although he felt joy for his little sister and little aunt. Now, they could easily pass their heavenly tribulations while the latter only has to earn karmic virtue, which is easily providable by him with his Karmicseizer even if she could not go around and help many people.

“I swear I won’t touch your little sister.” The Karmic Guardian Emperor gulped, “As the Sect Leader of the Heaven Gazing Sect, I swear on the heavens and upon my name, Gaius Karma, that you have my word on it.”

Davis narrowed his eyes.

To a person who peers through the heavens, swearing on the heavens means real danger as their heart demon wouldn’t be any easy to clear.

“Emperor of Death,” The Mandate Emperor spoke at this moment, “For a person with an awakened Karmic Guardian Physique, failing to meet their oath means receiving a Heart Demon Tribulation on the spot and heavenly lightning to kill them. If they could not break free from the Heart Demon Tribulation, that means that they would die without a doubt.”

Davis still had his eyes narrowed. He went silent for a while that made the Karmic Guardian Emperor start to perspire before the former’s voice finally echoed.

“Then swear the same on the heavens along with a Blood Soul Contract that additionally says that you won’t spread this information.”


“Do it or die!”

Davis didn’t leave any space for negotiations as his eyes flashed with a red light, causing the Karmic Guardian Emperor’s heart to sink in despair as he suddenly felt that death was upon him.

Davis knew that he couldn’t make a mistake anymore. These old farts were all capable of ascending any time they wanted. If they spread this news in the ascended world, then he knew that Clara would be targeted from all sides.

How could he allow that to occur?

He didn’t have a well-constructed plan to trade with the Heaven Mandate Temple nor the Heaven Gazing Sect because how was it possible that these two powers would willingly let go of their cultivation methods and techniques? It was absurd for him to even think that they might cave in with just some show of force or resource as it was more possible that they would fight to the end instead. That’s why he also didn’t bring Clara, but now that the Karmic Guardian Emperor was coincidentally here, he also remembered Tia and her unique constitution, which should be strengthened in his opinion if it can foretell dangers.

He could only try to slowly whittle down their walls and take him to his side as if tempting them. This was also a type of bartering skill that he felt that he should use to get their techniques and manuals, so he revealed Clara’s existence to make the Mandate Emperor feel tempted enough to revere her.

How could they ever harm her when she was under his, the Emperor of Death’s wing?

But now, how could he have possibly expected that Clara’s primal yin would be so tempting to dangerous people? Although he hadn’t met a divergent, he knew that they could be too powerful or capable of being hunted down by the heavens. Therefore, he could not let this information spread or experience needless trouble in the future.

“You too, Mandate Emperor. I know you were the one who warned me, but you have to make me assured that you won’t spread this information. I’m going to be selfish on this one, no matter what. Otherwise-“

“I agree to perform an oath and sign a Blood Soul Contract.”

The Mandate Emperor unhesitatingly replied, causing Davis to blink.

“It is unthinkable for me to harm a person with the same physique as the founding ancestor who left this place for me and other disciples who practice Mandate Laws to grow safely. Furthermore, with your consent, I’ll make your little sister the top disciple of my Heaven Mandate Temple and award her the Young Temple Mistress status, making her capable of moving heaven and earth in the righteous path. What do you say?”

Davis’s blinking eyes only kept growing in intensity as he heard the Mandate Emperor’s words.

“Are you not afraid that I will control your Heaven Mandate Temple?”

He asked, causing the Mandate Emperor to smile deeply.

“You have the smoldering flames of a star within you. How can you settle for mediocrity and stay in this barren place? I do not believe even for a second that you’re willing to stay here. Furthermore, when she ascends with you preferably, I will personally lead her to our power that I believe our ancestors would have made in the immortal world, making her more grow more dazzling in the future.”


Davis narrowed his eyes as he appeared hesitant.

Although the Mandate Emperor appeared honorable enough and spoke of a glorious future for Clara, what assurance did this Mandate Emperor have to say that his ancestors wouldn’t target Clara?

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