Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1734: Marrying The Fiery Woman

Chapter 1734: Marrying The Fiery Woman

"Sect Master Bing Luli, I'm glad you came to my marriage ceremony."

Sect Master Bing Luli instantly stood up, clasped hands, and slightly bowed towards Davis, who stood in front of her.

"It is my pleasure, your eminence."

She gazed at him with a complex expression, still not able to believe how he advanced to this level in thirty years that it reminded her of that person.

'Perhaps, this is why she told me to keep an eye on the Alstreim Family long ago. These two… what kind of terrifying characters are they in truth…?'

Sect Master Bing Luli couldn't help but feel Davis was also a reincarnator.

Davis also clasped his hands in respect but looked around.

He found Top Disciple Mu Bing, who avoided matching gazes with him and also saw other beauties, but he failed to find a white-haired beauty or anyone worthy of suspicious attention.

"I personally thank Sect Master Bing Luli for helping us that day."

Sect Master Bing Luli wryly shook her head.

"You eminence didn't need such help…"

"How can it be?" Davis chuckled, "I was incapacitated, so it was an enormous help for the Four Great Righteous Sect to have maintained the status quo. For this reason alone, I left them alone. Otherwise, if they had really made a move, they wouldn't exist like today but even faced a fate worse than what the Zlatan Family experienced. In any case, it was thanks to Sect Master Bing Luli for taking the decision to contact them. I'm thankful."

Sect Master Bing Luli's brows twitched. She didn't believe when he said that he was incapacitated. Perhaps, it was all faked to see who would offend him so that he could climb to the top and stand on their corpses with a justified reason.

It wasn't that she was overly cautious or creating conspiracy theories out of fear, but she didn't want to underestimate the intelligence of these reincarnators one bit. Both of these monsters displayed vast improvement in a decade that she felt humbled being near them even though the young man appeared genial in front of her.

"Top Disciple Mu Bing has also improved like my Natalya, I see. If there's a chance, please be her sparring partner."

Davis spoke towards Mu Bing, who then looked at him and nodded her head.

"I'm also intent on seeing how much she improved."

"Good! She's with my bride today, but you'll eventually see her." Davis nodded with satisfaction before his expression became hesitant, "But… I heard that there's someone stronger than you in your Mystic Ice Sect, and I think her name was…"

"Myria… right?"


Davis's voice suddenly became solemn, causing Mu Bing to become stiff.

Beside them, Sect Master Bing Luli's heart skipped a beat.

'Could these monsters perhaps know each other? Are they friendly or antagonistic?' She couldn't help but wonder because depending on her answer, she might live to see the next second.

"There exists a Top Disciple named Myria, and indeed, she's stronger than Top Disciple Mu Bing." She instantly shot a smile at Davis even though she was veiled and spoke, "However, she's a recluse and wouldn't bother to meet people and make acquaintances as she's extremely haughty. As you can recall, she didn't come with us on the day of Ancestor Dian Alstreim's marriage either."

"Aha! I see." Davis chuckled again, "I was merely wondering who this person could be as there was a rumor going around a few years ago that Myria made Mu Bing her maid, but now, I understand that it isn't the case."

"Yes, your eminence is right."

Sect Master Bing Luli hurriedly replied.

Davis kept his unnerving smile towards them.

A year ago, Sect Master Bing Luli was at Low-Level Law Rune Stage, but now, she was already at Mid-Level Law Rune Stage. He could also sense that her prowess had slightly grown, perhaps at least a level higher if he wasn't wrong.

Such strength isn't one the Mystic Ice Sect is capable of achieving to his knowledge, so it was clear who was responsible for this major increase in Sect Master Bing Luli and even Mu Bing's power.

"Then, I wonder if I can see her."


Sect Master Bing Luli seemed to finally run out of words that she began to tremble ever so slightly.

"Is your eminence going to court senior sister Myria like you courted Top Disciple Shirley?"

Suddenly, Mu Bing spoke as she raised her voice.

Davis's brows lifted.

"How can it be? I think you are more beautiful than some random Myria. Besides, I was wondering if Sect Master Bing Luli is unmarried."


Both Mu Bing and Sect Master Bing Luli appeared dumbfounded before Davis laughed.

"Haha. I was just kidding. Please don't take it to heart. Now, if you'll excuse me, I should go visit the other guests."

He forced a smile before he clasped his hands and left, leaving a still dumbfounded group of Mystic Ice Sect beauties who had no idea how to interpret this.

On the other hand, Davis walked towards some other people.

'That was cringeworthy indeed… but I didn't think Mu Bing would be brave enough to take my questioning to an amorous route that the Mystic Ice Sect would obviously dismiss…'

Therefore, Davis felt that it was better to excuse himself.

His subconscious walk made him meet the Thousand Pill Palace's three Ancestors, including Ancestor Krane Parazen. The most reputed Ancestor of the Thousand Pill Palace was an old man but still looked quite handsome. However, he humbled himself in front of Davis and spoke with business in mind as if he was a person from the wealth path like the All-Seeing Emperor.

Dalila Leehan was also here, and those three Ancestors were vaguely hinting towards her, but he ran off after speaking a word or two with her because he could tell what she felt when seeing him from miles away.

He went around for some time but stopped using Heart Intent. He wanted to see how much integrity these people he invited had as he compared their emotions to what they spoke, but he ended up seeing how many beauties had a crush on him instead.

Lastly, he saw his bride's power.

"Ancestor Cornelia, don't you think that it's shameless to be here with your soul body on the day of my marriage?"

"Hehe. Davis, forgive me, for I have to protect my power. Perhaps, you can talk with the Sect Master instead who came properly instead of using a soul body like me."

Ancestor Cornelia brushed her old white hair that was laden with red strands as she looked at the grandly adorned Sect Master beside her.

"Sect Master Lea Weiss, it's been some time since we last met."

Davis met with almost everyone who is in the Purple Guest Palace, so he felt that specifically ignoring this woman would make it special instead.

Sect Master Lea Weiss glanced at him after being addressed.

"I see that this marriage is informally handled, not to mention that you're roaming around as though you're not the groom."

She coldly spoke without any form of trepidation in her words as though she was his senior before she narrowed her striking eyes at him.

"My perfect disciple suffers in your hands."

"Don't be so old-fashioned." Davis shrugged as he sat beside her on an empty chair, "It's pretty boring for me to stay below the altar. Besides, if I don't talk with these people, wouldn't they think this little brat is too arrogant, just like you think about me?"

Sect Master Lea Weiss stared at Davis with her expression calm without a ripple, but there was a kind of emotion that seemed to want to explode from her eyes, whether it may be rage or tenderness.

But at this moment, a commotion erupted behind them, causing them to look at the source only to see a bevy of beauties walking alongside an elegant imperial phoenix dressed in majestic red robes and wearing a crown as though she was the empress.

Davis's eyes widened as he saw the beauty that he robotically stood up before his body flashed away. Sect Master Lea Weiss lifted her hand slightly before she forcefully dropped it, her gaze moving from Davis to Shirley as she genuinely smiled.

Before the phoenix among women could even reach the altar, a dragon among men blocked the phoenix's path.

"Shirley… you're so lovely…"

Davis held her hands as he looked at her gorgeous attire and softened expression.

"Sweet talker~ You always make me smile like a fool~"

Shirley bit her lips as her eyes welled up with tears. Evelynn and the others behind Shirley had smiles on their faces while Esvele was here as well, wishing happiness to her senior sister along with Freya, the little Burning Phoenix.

The master of ceremonies announced their names and backgrounds as they walked up the altar together instead of meeting above. This made the people widen their eyes but still look at them in awe while also making them think.

It didn't seem like the Emperor of Death just courted Shirley? Could there be a past between them that they didn't know? In truth, they had misunderstood that Shirley was being sold off to the Emperor of Death for allowing the Burning Phoenix Ridge to enter the Forsaken Phoenix Realm as they weren't aware that Shirley already inherited the Fire Phoenix Immortal Inheritance and saved Davis.

But now, looking at them behave so lovey-dovey, they were forced to change their perspectives as they saw them be seated together in the throne wide enough for two people.

The master of ceremonies announced for the people to start gifting the bride and the groom, but due to the low count of invites, it ended soon, not to mention that the gifts weren't worth mentioning.

Amidst all the inner circle of guest palaces, Davis stood along with Shirley at the forefront of the altar while holding hands with her.

"I, Davis Alstreim…"

"I, Shirley Ashton…"

They declared their love for each other and promised to be together even in the next life and the lives to come as they raised their voice, their intents resounding the millions of people in the Grand Alstreim City.

Finally, Davis took her hand and raised it up, holding it over a dazzling ring that possessed the lustrous gem of a blazing phoenix as he put it on her ring finger, invoking Shirley's tears to finally fall in extreme happiness as she imperceptibly touched her stomach while lowering her hand from her bosoms, feeling her child move ever so lightly.

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