"Good morning," Jeanne said as she crawled on top of Mykel's body and sat on top of his chest. She wore Mykel's black shirt and nothing else. "I know you're awake, don't pretend like you're not," Jeanne smiled as she kissed Mykel's neck, jaw, cheek, and lastly his lips.

They shared a passionate kiss as Jeanne put her hand on her back and slowly slipped her hand into Mykel's shorts. She gently put her fingertips on the tip of his penis and started rubbing her thumb around it.

"Do you already have a plan for today?" Jeanne said quietly in between the passionate kiss they were doing.

"I have to go and meet Elena in Midgard. She wanted to see the serpent that protects Midgard," Mykel answered as he kissed Jeanne's neck. "We still have time before I can go, so let's do a few rounds," Mykel grabbed Jeanne's ass and lifted her up.

They ended up doing it until the sun was setting, and Mykel went to Midgard with Lyneth and Elena. Before he left, he asked Jeanne for a favor to protect the District 1 border since the demons would try to cross the bridge like last time. Jeanne understood and would be there tomorrow.

The next morning, the notification of a warning appeared in front of Asmond. He was astounded by the fact that the breakout was indeed happening as he and Roxanne expected. He then informed all the Awakeners from the Fraternity Association to go to District 3 because the military base was the heart of their power.

Asmond and his team stayed in District 2 because it was their headquarters. They all prepared everything near the Abaddon Tower and deployed all the soldiers and the heavy artillery. Everyone was nervous about what kind of demons they were going to face this time because last time, they almost lost District 2.

"We only have two hours! Go! move!" Rufus shouted as he watched Awakeners hurriedly walk into the train station. "All of you will be fine! Just keep moving!" Rufus could tell those people were nervous.

Asmond approached him as he looked at the Abaddon Tower in the distance. "We need to get on the position as well, come on," Asmond said as he tapped Rufus' shoulder.

The two of them ran the blocks and made sure there were no civilians that got left behind and went unnoticed. They didn't want innocent lives to get taken away under their protection.

In the past two weeks, all the Fraternity Association members had been leveling up their levels in Nucrea World. Their levels went up to 10 or even 20 levels by just hunting demons there. They had been preparing and trying their best so they could face the breakout.

"This time we won't struggle like last time. We should be able to send those demons back," Rufus said as he clenched his fists.

"We should because everyone gave their all in the past two weeks. We also got the most crucial information that a breakout will happen once a month now," Asmond said as he looked around the empty buildings.

Asmond and his team had gathered up in front of the Abaddon Tower except for Roxanne since she went to District 3 on her own. The problem between Roxanne and Rufus hadn't been resolved because they both hated each other to the core. It had become an impossible matter to handle even for Asmond.

"Ten minutes left! Be ready!" Rufus said to the soldiers behind him and hiding behind heavy artillery weapons.

All the soldiers were ready in position with their fingers ready on the trigger of the weapon they held. The moment it reached zero, the sky turned red and a solar eclipse happened just like before.

Asmond and the others kept their eyes on the gate, and when the gate slowly opened, they were a bit surprised. The demons that came out of the towers were the same demons from the previous breakout. It made Asmond and the others feel a lot more at ease because they knew how to deal with them.

"If it's like this, we can defeat them quickly!" Glen smiled with relief.

"Follow my lead!" Asmond said as he drew his sword.

Asmond led his team and was used as a distraction and bait so the soldiers could defeat the elder lich. He also got a piece of information from a soldier that the other districts were facing the same demons as well. With that being said, they used the same method as before to deal with the demons.

It only took Asmond and his team half a day to defeat all the demons in District 2 and they immediately went to District 5 to deal with the giants. District 4 was the second that got cleared because fighter jets eliminated the Insatiable Flies before they grew stronger.

District 3 where Roxanne and the rest of the Fraternity Association members were, they were still holding off the demons from entering the city. With air support that was always online made things easier for them, and this time they didn't need the help from the Guild Association.

Rozan and the others stopped the breakout in the first hour after knowing they were facing the same enemy. District 13 which was under Mykel's protection before, Aurea handled all the angels on her own and the soldiers were shocked at how faster she was to kill them compared to Elena.

Jeanne ended up doing nothing when she heard Asmond manage to hold off the demons. She was glad that she didn't have to see him, and so she decided to join in with Mykel and Elena in Midgard.

(In Midgard World)

Elena was standing in between Mykel and Jeanne, and then she suddenly jumped and reached the troposphere in a few seconds. They both looked up and it was the first time for Jeanne to see the whole sky moving. In fact, it wasn't a sky, it was the body of Jormungand that flew above the exosphere.

"You're telling me that snake thingy is Loki's child?" Jeanne asked Mykel as she kept her head up to see where the head of Jormungand was.

"Yes, and a horse with eight legs," Mykel answered.

"How is that make any sense?" Jeanne asked with her eyebrows furrowed and looked at Mykel with a confused look.

"Welcome to Godhood where nothing makes sense. You won't have a logical answer because everything they have and produce is something a mortal called a miracle," Mykel answered as he put a cigarette in his mouth. "A miracle is something that's supposed to be impossible to be possible," Mykel looked at Jeanne with a bit of a smirk.

Jeanne chuckled, but suddenly she heard a loud crackling noise from the sky as if the sky was being torn apart. She looked up and saw a wave coming down and dispersed all the clouds in the sky, and Mykel immediately covered the whole sky with a barrier before the blast reached the ground.

It was the last second before the disaster, and Mykel managed to prevent it from happening. Although he prevented Midgard from getting destroyed, the other two worlds, Svartalfheim and Jotunnheim felt the shockwave and were damaged by it. Niflheim, Alfheim, Vanaheim, Helheim, Muspelheim, and even Asgard could feel it.

The Norse Gods located where it came from and decided to go down to Midgard. They could feel Mykel's presence and immediately approached him to ask what had happened. Mykel didn't say anything because they already knew what was happening when they heard a loud grunting sound from the sky.

"Jormungand?" Skadi asked with her eyebrows raised. "Why is he coming down like that?!" Skadi started to panic when the giant body of Jormungand became more visible.

"He got knocked out," Mykel answered as he spread his wings and flew up into the sky.

"What?! If he got knocked out there's no way we can stop his fall!" Freyja said in disbelief.

Thor, Loki, and Freyja flew to try and catch up on Mykel, and then the other Gods followed him from behind including Jeanne. She thought that they were going to help Mykel stop Jormungand's fall, but it turned out they were curious about what Mykel was going to do.

Mykel suddenly stopped flying and looked at Jormungand who was only a mile away from him. The whole sky was covered by Jormungand's body and the whole of Midgard was under his shadow. He then raised his right hand and pointed it at Jormungand. Suddenly Jormungand stopped falling and froze in time. Mykel used [Chronokinesis] and stopped the time on the area around Jormungand's body.

Mykel opened his right palm and swiped it to the left.

They were dumbfounded with their eyes and mouths wide open when they saw Jormungand's body shrinking. They looked at Mykel doing his thing and turned Jormingand into the size of a big bus.

"What did you do?" Freyja asked.

"I reversed his growth and turn him into his younger self," Mykel answered so casually.

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